Monday, October 13, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Oct.13/08

I wrote this post on Saturday evening, before the Leafs got destroyed by Montreal. I was reading an article earlier in the day about something entirely unrelated to the Obscure Musical Lyric trivia and came across the quote that I will use for the song for this week. I will probably post the blog on Monday and most of you will see it on Tuesday after the Thanksgiving celebrations have been concluded.

As I think about Thanksgiving, I have to look in the mirror and see if I am thankful at all times. Obviously there are times when I am either unhappy, sad or cannot find a reason to be thankful and if I am honest, those times are few and far between. If I look at my life in the perspective of thankfulness, then I have very little to complain about. If I look at the news, read the papers or see those around me that have little compared to my riches, then I have every reason to be thankful at all times and in all things. A writer by the name of Paul said it like this:
"For I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need."

Here is the quote from the song, it may not be obscure to some of you (I have at least two people in mind as I type this), however, it struck me as being somewhat related to the other quote above, it's funny how these things seem to collide within my consciousness, I really do not believe in coincidences, these things happen for a reason, and you were supposed to be reading this right now, let me know what you think.

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need is in your soul
And you can do this if you try
All that I want for you my son,
is to be satisfied.

I suppose we now need to define what satisfied means, I would propose that being content should mean satisfied. I went directly to "" and the first response to the word satisfied was, "content", that's awesome.
I would like to know the following:
The name of the song:
The name of the band:
The album it is from:
The writers of the song:
Some hints: The song has been covered my numerous bands and solo artists. It has been used in a beer commercial. If you used to like NASCAR, then this might be a help. It was featured in "Almost Famous" and has been used in "The Sopranos" and "My Name is Earl".

I trust you had an awesome Thanksgiving weekend, I anticipate that the experience of thankfulness will continue in you and me for days, weeks, months and years to come. Have a great week.

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