Friday, October 10, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Oct. 6, 2008

Hello music fans, it's Friday and that means it's time for "The big reveal". I really stumped you this week didn't I? Oops, sorry about that, I thought than many of you would get this one. Most of the regular responders didn't even try. One of you did finally get it with "a little help from your friend" Wikipedia.

We did have a winner this week, Gary D. e-mailed me at 3:06 p.m. on October 8/08 with the following answers, and by the way the clues worked this week, how about that. 

The artist: Taylor Swift. 
The name of the song: Love Story.
The name of the album: Fearless.
The writer of the song: Taylor Swift (this was a trick question).

Unfortunately, I was unable to find a youtube version of the song that would allow me to embed it in the blog, you'll have to go there yourself to watch the video (trust me, I won't be, I'm not a fan, my daughter is though).

The weekend is almost upon us and it's a long weekend. Do you know how I know that? The gas prices have gone up from yesterday, what a rip off. I'm going to have a long blog about gas prices "one of these days". Enjoy the long weekend with family and friends, I'm sure that many Turkeys and other forms of fowl will be sacrificed for our pleasure this weekend, oh well, ya gotta have Turkey on Turkey Day.

"Music ever spoke to me of a mysterious world beyond, which moved my heart deeply and eloquently intimated its transcendental nature"

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