Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I've retreated from the Retreat

A group of guys (Kevin P. Willard B. Steve W. Ken B. Bob B. Ron M. Doug M. and myself) at our church who organize men's events have spent months planning a retreat that appears to either be the first ever or the first in a long time for the men at our church. I have been so excited to see what awesome things might occur at the retreat and now I am not going. I am adding this to my ever growing list of frustrations that have sprung out of my return to work.

Don't misunderstand me, I love my job, I have a great boss (Gary D.) and I appreciate my employer and respect the awesome responsibility that I have. It's just this return to work stuff that I'm going through. Who would have thought that 12 weeks after major spinal reconstruction surgery, I'd be having difficulty with my return to work program. I have spent the last 22.5 years helping others do return to work and now I'm struggling. Of course the previous two sentences are tongue in cheek, I really need to give myself a break and not place too many expectations on myself while I'm still trying to recover.

I'm going to miss the retreat, the fun, fellowship and the opportunity to worship with just men. I guess I need to heed the medical people and my wife and make sure I get enough rest to get through this rough time of trying to work full hours.

I'll be there in spirit with you guys and I'll be praying for you.

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