Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I'm singing a song this week in church called "Cinderella". It's not only Thanksgiving Sunday, it's also family day. Our Pastor(Dan) is doing a series of messages on the family, marriage, singleness, children etc. You get the idea, right? We will also be having some baptisms, should be an awesome day.

Anyway, Andrew, our Pastor of Worship Arts(or whatever he calls himself) asked me to sing this song. It's really pretty and it's my kind of song, it's more like a ballad and I just love singing slow songs, like ballads. The song tells the story of the Dad being too busy to"dance" with his "Cinderella" but then relents when he realizes that "soon she'll be gone". I can be very emotional when it comes to my children and songs related to children, so look for the tears to flow. I practiced with the band tonight and they are awesome, we have piano, keys, drums, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass and sax, and I get to sing with them!

Little did Chapman know that his youngest child Maria (for whom he wrote this song) would die in a family tragedy. And so the reminder is there for all of us to cherish the time we have with our children (if we are blessed to have them) or with other loved ones as "soon they'll be gone".

In addition, the reminder is there that it is never too late to rebuild bridges that have been broken. It is possible to begin again in a relationship that has been strained or broken, especially with parents and children. I am so thankful that I have a great relationship with my wife and with my kids. I know that when we struggle, that there will always be an opportunity to forgive, restore and move forward again.

My daughter(Alex) advised me that when she marries, we will be dancing with me to this song at her wedding. I am also singing "Butterfly Kisses" at her wedding, I'll be a wreck,  I may even be one on Sunday, so if you are there, enjoy the song and be encouraged.

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