Wednesday, September 30, 2009

40 years is over

Forty years ago, about this time, we got out of a plane from Ireland, met some Canadian relatives and drove from Toronto to St. Catharines in what was the final leg of a lengthy journey to Canada. I have vivid memories from that day. I recall crying like there would be no more joy. I was an 11 year old realizing that I was leaving all that I knew and for what? I never really got an answer to that question then, and since both my parents are no longer with us, I can only surmise. But we don't talk about those things, because appropriate shame is bashed around by inappropriate pride.

I recall the plane ride, my first. I remember, for some strange reason, the smoke in the plane. I remember arriving in Toronto, and that long drive to St. Catharines. I remember the roundabout at the Niagara end of the Burlington skyway and all the street lights along the highway. I remember arriving and going to bed. I remember the many nights of nightmares, so vivid I can "see" them today. I was small and insignificant and all of this was being foisted upon me, like so many other things.

I remember going to school in Canada and being picked on because I spoke differently. That is also where I met Reg, now a life long friend. I remember walking to Meadowvale school, positively alone, I had no friends. We lived with my aunt, uncle, their three kids and I think my grannie lee lived there too. I used to think the
house was so big, and now when I drive by I realize it isn't so big after all. I remember my first birthday in Canada. My parents had so little, I
remember getting my first hockey stick with a straight blade, a puck and some hockey tape. I remember moving on Dec.23/69 to our first house and I remember our first Christmas.

And all of a sudden, it's 2009 and forty years have passed. I so wanted this day to be special, but life took over, in between work, responsibilities a
nd a very late day, it seems that the day much like the memories have faded and its' importance is fictitious. I so wanted to celebrate this day with my siblings, but, the "ideals" family just doesn't exist. In the years that have passed, strife has eliminated most of what each of us have lied to keep, "the family". Each has retreated to
ones own little silo to use whatever substance or behaviour is the latest to shield them from reality. Which crutch works this time, I wonder?

And now what? Will I be here in another forty, I doubt it. How many more of these false remembrances will I see? More likely the sad reality will be when is the next funeral. Then the talk will begin again, Mom and Dad would have wanted this or wanted that, and once again, I will remind them that what they want is immat
erial, for they are no longer here and what they want does not matter, it is just more guilt. The guilt will fly, o precious guilt, I was raised by a Jewish mother who converted to Catholicism, there was always guilt to spare. It's almost a cause for a charge of treason to defy and decline a request for the next "look at me in my drunken state" festival.

It's been forty years. Would I go back? Heck n
o, I think I have finally started to live again. I am no longer under the eyes and lies of the clan. I live for my God, my little family and for new opportunities to release myself of the guilt, inappropriate shame and immense sadness that pervades all that I am. I am haunted by memories of pain and mistrust that seem to lurk in the shadows waiting to pounce at my weakest moment.

And so, with Tenebras Expellit et Hostes as my motto, I will open myself to the light. For the light will show that which is in darkness and identify it for what it really is. Much like the light streaming in this photo, I want the light to brighten the darkened corners and crevices of my mind and soul, so that the exposure will bring beauty from ashes.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Musing #54

Happy Tuesday everyone

In my through the bible reading I have finally reached the new testament. While I don't understand all that I have read, I have read everything from Genesis to where I am now, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I have been reading the bible from a chronological perspective as opposed to the standard book after book process.

As I finished the old testament last week, I realized again that the message of all those book was for the people of Israel to be obedient. I've been thinking about obedience a lot based on my reading. David, the shepherd boy, giant slayer, murderer, King, writer, adulterer and man after God's own heart wrote, "to obey is better than sacrifice".

Why does the word obey have such a negative connotation these days. It used to be part of a marriage covenant, but due to the homogenization of our language and behaviour and the political correct movement it is no longer acceptable for people to honour and obey each other.

I have also be reading a lot about marriage as I am facilitating a large group Sunday school in a study entitled: "Love and Respect". I can hear a few people seeing the word respect and having some difficulty with the notion. The premise for the study is found in the new testament letter from Paul to the people of Ephesus (the Ephesians). Paul writes (and I paraphrase) "submit one another to Christ, husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her, and wives respect your husbands".

The portion of the letter here calls for mutual submission to God and each other and then with that approach to life, love and respect and expected. Apparently, the Greek language used here refers to the "agape" love, or unconditional love and respect is not based on performance ie. the husband does not have to earn the respect.

Why is this so important to me on this rainy cold Tuesday morning? I have learned much as I have prepared to lead this study again (I previously lead it with a small group of 10-12 people). I have learned that I need to love my beloved more. That doesn't mean that love is to do more things:

"it means to to love is to be patient, kind, not jealous, boastful, proud or rude, love does not demand it's own way, it is not irritable and does not keep a record of being wronged, it does not rejoice about an injustice, but rejoices when the truth wins out, love never gives up, never loses faith, love is always hopeful and endures though every circumstance". 1 Cor:13, 4-7

Is it possible to love as is described above? I have serious doubts about my ability to achieve that standard, but it is a standard that I am called to. I am told to obey and if my obedience to the standard causes my beloved to be loved, then what's wrong with obedience? Nothing of course, except one thing, me! To accomplish this, I must put her first, not me. I must make my wishes second and hers first, so that I demonstrate my love for her unconditionally (agape).

I never know where this Tuesday post is going to go, kinda makes you want to go hmmmmmm, doesn't it?

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, September 28, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of Sept.28/09

Good morning music fans. Welcome to a new week. Just over a week ago, the world of music lost another wonderful soul. Mary Travers, of Peter, Paul and Mary (PPM) fame, succumbed to leukaemia. Actually, she died as a result of the treatment for the dreaded disease. With regards to that great loss, I have chosen a song sung by them.

I remember hearing them when I was a little one. The familiar sounds of their voices was very much like a comforting blanket or the kind words of a grandfather. Can anyone who hears the familiar strains of "Puff" not smile at the wonderful lyrics and simple story? I don't care what people think it is about, I think of it as a simple story written for children and I'm sticking with that.

Here are some lyrics:

Tell me why you're smiling my son
is there a secret you can tell everyone?
Do you know more than men that are wise?
Can you see what we all must disguise
through your loving eyes?

Well you already know that the song was sung by PPM, can you answer any of these questions?

The name of this song:
Who wrote it:
Who wrote Puff the Magic Dragon:
What was Puff based on:

Have a great week. This week is one of significant celebration for my family of origin. Forty years ago on September 30, 1969, my parents along with their 7 children left Ireland to come to Canada to start over and give their kids a chance at gaining greater opportunities. Looking back, I recall the angst of leaving my homeland and all that I knew and can now look back and be ever so thankful for the courage that my parents had to move all of us here. Thanks Mom and Dad, both of you have passed from this existence but not from my memory.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Sept.21/09

Good morning music fans and welcome to the weekend, almost.Right off the bat, props go to Gary D. (most of you know who that is) for a timely, detailed and extremely correct answer to this weeks quiz. Wow, if I ever want to know anything about these guys, I am asking Gary. And more props for giving the source of his research and answers, he's good and honest.

The name of the song: Smugglers Blues
The writer: Glenn Frey
Tubbs Real name: Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas
The name of the episode: Smugglers Blues (trick question)
The name of the character played by Frey: Jimmy Cole
How does the episode end: Frey (Jimmy Cole) is killed

If you require more info, just call Gary D. You should see the details he dragged up (or is it drugged up? Nah that would be cheesy seeing we're talking about the smugglers blues). Have a peek at these and remember Crockett, Tubbs great cars, planes and boats. And oh those pastels, what a fashion insurrection they started.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy all that comes as it comes and have some fun. I will be relaxing, resting, reading and sipping. In my ever challenging search for quotes to leave with you on Fridays I recently came across this one, attributed to Mary Pickford, a Canadian and an early file star and now legend. This is the first time I have identified the person to whom the quote is attributed to, I will do so from now on to give due homage to the authors.

"If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always a chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Afternoon off, going to see leafs vs. Pens

I have the afternoon off. A rarity in my life. I am heading to the big city to see the Leafs play against the Penguins. I am taking my daughter to see her first pro hockey game. We are both very excited and looking forward to seeing some great hockey, up close. I will post some pics after we return home, but not tonight cause I don't expect to get home until midnight or later.

I have been a fan of hockey for almost 40 years. In 8 days we will celebrate our family's 40th anniversary of coming to Canada. When we arrived I remember seeing hockey for the first time and watching the Boston Bruins and some 21 year old kid who could dance on the ice. And then there was "the goal" scored on May 10, 1970.

I remember that year, I was a a new kid in this country, watching hockey, completely ignorant of the game and somehow loving it despite my ignorance. For some strange reason I switched from the big bad bruins to the Maple Leafs. Maybe it's because they have struggled since before I arrived (no relationship there at all). Maybe it's because one of my best friends liked them, maybe it's because they are the "local" team. I don't know why, but I love the Leafs.

I remember my first game at Maple Leaf Gardens. It was Derek Sanderson's first game after returning from a battle with substance abuse. I was with Reg, one of my closest friends then and even now. Tonight, I introduce my daughter to the great game live and in colour (Blue and White). She has played for 4 years, but is so pumped to see them oh yeah and Sidney Crosby too.

Go Leafs Go

Tuesday Musing #53

Happy Tuesday everyone

Today is Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. If you don't know who they are, then feel free to wait for another post. I have been a huge fan of Tolkien and some of his works since the mid 70's when I was introduced to The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. I was subsequently introduced to other works and now have gather three copies of the Silmarillion, and I have no idea why.

What strikes me about these two fine hobbits is their love for home and simple things. By the way, I do know that they are not real and that the stories were not written as allegorical. However, the great JRRT wrote these stories for a reason and I am trying to determine what reason they are there for me.

There is much to take from these stories that would benefit all of us. It's just like everything else, I have to decide what I will take from them, as in the words of Gandalf when he says, "so do many at these times, all we have to do is decide what to do with the time we've been given".

I have morte to say, but work beckons, I will wish you a happy Tuesday and a greater Happy Birthday to Bilbo and Frodo.

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obscure Lyric for the week of Sept.21/09

Good morning music fans . I have chosen something that I think you might know this week. Looks like crazy weather this week, all because I washed my car yesterday, sorry. You know it's called the day of rest for a reason. I find washing my car and listening to tunes very restful.

I remember when I heard this song for the first time. It was on a Friday night. Before we had kids, my beloved worked until 9:00 on Fridays and I would pick her up and rush home so I could watch "Miami Vice". There was so much amazing music on that show, and who couldn't like Crockett and Tubbs? And that car, what was it? Some kind of Ferrari?

So there I was today watching a movie and an ad for the origonal Miami Vice comes on and I remember this song.

Here are some lyrics:

The sailors and the pilots, the soldiers and the law
The pay offs and the rip offs and the things nobody saw
No matter if it's heroin, cocaine or hash
you've got to carry weapons, cause you always carry cash

Here is what I would like to know:

The name of the song:
The writer of the song:
Tubbs real name:
The name of the episode the song was used:
The name of the character played by the writer:
How does the episode end:

That's all for now, have a great week. Enjoy the rain, sun, heat and whatever else comes. After all it is Canada and it's still summer, right? I think fall starts this week. Tomorrow, a very special day in the world of Hobbits, just happens to be the first day of fall/autumn of 2009.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Sept.14/09

Wow, it's late. I usually have this completed either on Thursday night or at least before I start on Friday mornings. Looks like things have been a tad too busy for me this week. No guessers this week again. Where are y'all? Maybe boredom has set in, maybe apathy or maybe just maybe I am choosing songs that are too hard. I will try to remedy that this coming week.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Foggy Mental Breakdown
The writer(s): John Kay, Larry Byrom
The name of the band: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Who played bass on this album: George Biondo

There are no live versions of the song available on YouTube, so I hope you enjoy this persons work.

Have a great weekend. We are travelling to see family to visit, catch up and just chill. On Sunday I begin a new journey when I commence teaching a class on marriage. I am so pumped for this as the marriage relationship is so very important and the lack of a good relationship within the marriage has done irreparable damage to many.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter is misled by all the President's Men

Jimmy Carter finally said what I was waiting to hear. he stated that the opposition to President Obama is because he is an African American. I knew someone would finally say this, they had to, it's their final card, pun completely intended, in this game. So sad, Mr Carter is just another pawn of this administration who so radically want to change that nation, without the will of the people.

I clearly believe that there very well may be people who do not agree with the current US President because of his skin colour, but this grass roots opposition has nothing to do with skin colour. What a small minded notion to call the opposition racism. The opposition is due to the lies, the continuing growth of government and their increased intrusions into the lives of Americans. These folks are offended by the Health Care Bill (with Planned Parenthood in every school as the nurses, giving direction for abortions to be paid for by tax money) as well as end of life panels. The Fairness Doctrine, although it will be named something else with its' attacks on freedom of speech is also offensive to many. Another issue is the continuous lies, yes I said "lies" from the person on top.

No, Mr Carter, it is not the skin colour of the President that people are opposing. It is his ever changing position and his lies. He lied to faith leaders in the conference call when he said that there would be no abortion in the "health care bill". The current "federal conscience laws" will no longer remain in place. The inclusion of abortion and the removal of the conscience laws are examples of direct lying or policy changes that affect his citizens. He hides behind semantics, but so did Mr Clinton, he of the "I did not have sexual relations with her" lie.

What an aberration of the truth, it is clearly a move by the Presidents men and women to distract the American people from their concerns. The people of this great nation are not stupid. They will continue to fight for what they believe in, after all, they are citizens (so clearly called by the President) of a republic who have fought before against another tyrant. This tyrant is home brewed and clearly is hell bent on the destruction of the constitution on which that great country was formed.

I am proud to have lived in this country for almost 40 years. There are times that I wish my family had moved 30 minutes south, then I would have the privilege to speak out against this man and his minions. I will do so from this side of the border as long as I am able.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 52

Happy Tuesday Everyone

I have been doing this portion of the blog thing for 52 weeks, a year of musing. What drives me to do this weekly? I really don't know, I think that my obsessive nature (yeah I've noticed) has caused me to press on particularly on days when I thought I had nothing much to say. I guess that is the point, there is almost always something rattling around the cobweb recesses of my thought palace that want/need/have to come out and something causes them to erupt each Tuesday morning.

The insanity of the shortness of life boggles and amuses me. Teens think they are impervious to death and pain, and then they suffer their first broken heart. The 20 somethings think they have it all together and then they get married, mortgaged, loans up the wazoo and struggle to keep up with everyone else (including the Jones'). As this journey progresses, the 30's hit(I hated my 30's) and then the slide begins, before I realized it I (and the rest of us) was more than half way there. I don't expect to live to 100. Now that the threshold of fifty has been crossed I find myself dabbling with thoughts of death more often than before. I don't think it's morbid, you may though. It is going to happen, the reaper (love that song and I don't fear him) is waiting with his bony finger poised to point at all of us at some time. Why is the grim reaper considered a male figure anyway, what phylogynist or misandrist started that lie? Oops I'm going off course here.

It's what death brings that I think most of us might be afraid of. The cause is probably the biggest fear. I want to go like my friends father, in bed "playing cards" with my wife. But, I don't get to choose. I have been close before, I remember getting closer and fading further and then feeling tubes being drawn out of my throat and being told to breathe on my own. That's definitely fodder for another post when I have the strength to tell all, no there were no lights, I wasn't abducted by aliens and I didn't hear music, but I did see.........some things.

Then again, as a Christ follower, I am supposed to not fear death. Because I go down into the "valley of the shadow of death" I tread that path "not" like those who have no hope. We're not talking about hoping for the, Leafs are going to win a cup, kind of hope. This hope speaks more to a confident knowledge without a shadow of a doubt that I know where I am going when I pass towards the Grey Havens and off to heaven. And I do and I am not afraid. Some days I have even looked forward to it. But, short cuts make long delays, so I'm not about to hurry the dustification process for any reason.

One year had passed and what have I done to make things better for the human race (I can't say person race and I'm not apologizing). For some reason, my thoughts regularly come to that point. What have I done to help someone else grow, become better at what they do, or who they are? I hope(like the Leafs are going to win a cup) that a word, maybe two will cause you to stop. Then when you have pulled yourself together, either because of the laughter or even the tears, that you will say yes I can do something to make the life of someone else better and that regular challenge from Rob was the catalyst that started me on that road.

Happy Tuesday Everyone and Happy Anniversary too

Monday, September 14, 2009

I've been reading this lately a great way to live

1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

3I'm speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.

4-6In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't.

6-8If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.

9-10Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

11-13Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

14-16Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.

17-19Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."

20-21Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. (Romans 12, The Message)

Obscure Lyric for the week of Sept.14/09

Good morning music fans and welcome to a new week. It's looking rather gray or is that grey out there this morning? No matter which way it is spelled, it looks a little gloomy today. I'm sure it's not going to last.

This weeks song was performed by a Canadian band. The band had a huge hit in the late 60's along with several other "hits". The album it comes from is numbered, but is not the correct order of completion chronologically. The album did not contain any "hits" and reached 19 on the charts.

Here are some lyrics:

Hear me holler down the mountain side
I'm near the sky blinking at the evil eye
Hear me holler at the city's grind
It stole my soul just about lost my mind

I would like to know the following:
The name of the song:
The writers:
The name of the band:
Who played bass on this album:

Have a great week. Yes, I know this is a tough one. I think there are a few of you out there who will know this one though. Looks like the sun will reappear and be with us for the rest of the week, so that's something to look forward to.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Sept.7/09

Good morning and for all of us in North America it is time to remember as today is the anniversary of 911. A sad day. The soldiers in the photo above did what they could to remind us all to remember. I still recall the dancing in some places as the towers fell and can still not understand the glee at another person's loss. Schadenfreude is sadly alive and well. I hope that you can take some time today to remember and do something for the cause of peace.

Today is also the time for the big reveal. There were no guessers this week. I really didn't think that this was so tough, but then again I knew the answers before I sent out the questions.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Into the West
The writer(s): Fran Walsh, Howard Shore and Annie Lennox
The singer: Annie Lennox
The destination: Valinor by way of The Grey Havens
The name of the movie: The Lord of the Rings, specifically The Return of The King

The sting of loss is softened by memories and the belief that those departed will be reunited in future. As in the song where it states that "The ships have come to carry you home". The anticipation is there that we will join those who have gone on before us in a new home. Home is after all the best place, no matter where it is. Enjoy the song, there is no video to it, too many copyright problems, so you'll just have to listen to Annie and feast your eyes on the King.

Have a great weekend, take time to remember the good, the amazing and even the difficult times in your life. It is by remembering that we eliminate the power that those events try to have on us. By remembering, we say to the events "you do not define me". Just like 911 does not define the US, muslims or NY City, our experiences do not define who we are. We are defined by who we are: our actions, lives and service to fellow travellers in this journey.

If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"You Lie"

Wow, never have two little words created such a stir.

While the words may have been out of place, maybe a lack of decorum and even inappropriate these two words expressed the truth. A brief review of the things this person has said have shown significant lack of integrity in his ability to maintain the truth. And in the land of the free and the home of the brave where freedom of speech is so firmly ensconced in the national fibre, the attacks on the individual who spoke them is tremendous.

I am not a fan or supporter of either the Republican or Democrat party in the good ole U. S. of A, fortunately. I am also not a citizen of the US, I am Canadian. According to the leader of the US, that country is not a Christian nation, but one made up of citizens.................. duh aren't we all citizens, well maybe all of us except illegal immigrants, but that's another post.

Anyway, with regards to the sacred notion of free speech, I guess it is when you speak things that are approved, or are aligned with the correct group (or the politically correct). Fpr a comparison, what happened when the previous president Bush was booed during the "state of the nation address"? Did the world go into such a a tizzy as this? of course not, this is going to be used as a smoke screen so that Obama care and the fairness doctrine will be passed by the bleating sheep in the house and congress.

One day, there will be a reckoning.

You lie, no kidding, he does, I do and so do all of you. Now as to the lack of decorum, some of the things I have read from those who wish to make Mr. Wilson a saint and those who think he is a demon lack more than decorum, they lack what they themselves have, forgiveness and the freedom of speech.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9 9 9

Today is the ninth day of the ninth month in 2009. September 9, 2009 has arrived. I am not much into numerology or most other kinds of "ologies" (except theology) but the three nines has a bit of a ring to it.

Will it change anything about my day? I doubt it! As I watch the early morning sun begin to stream across the sky I am encouraged by the red sky in the morning. I know there are lots of rhymes about red skies in the morning, in fact in the book of Matthew, Jesus is quoted as saying, "red sky in the morning means foul weather all day". I also prefer to hearken to the following: "do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has enough trouble of it's own". This was also spoke by Jesus after teaching the disciples how to pray.

So, today is 9 9 9. What does it mean? Take today, this hour, minute and even every second captive and be blessed by everything: the breath that you take as you read, the labour that you do to feed yourself and others, the beauty of sunshine and rain, the frustrations of life because they compare with the wonderful positive moments, the car requiring repairs because you have a car, the giving of pleasure, for is it not better to give than to receive?

I know that when the next 9 9 9 arrives, I will no longer reside on this planet, so today is a day that I will revel in the many blessings that I have been given, what about you?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 51

Happy Tuesday everyone

Much of my thought life this week has already been shadowed by Sept.11, 2001. I have no idea why, but I have been haunted by the images that I saw 8 years ago. I knew no one, I know no one and I have never met anyone who was related to anyone in those attacks. I have been afraid much of my life, I think I have to unwrap that little sentence sometime, but the attacks that day made me more afraid. Afraid of what? That is the question (sorry Bill).

That day is etched in my mind (and we're not talking etch a sketch. I remember where I was when I first heard the initial news, I remember what customers I was visiting, I remember the day and I remember vividly the discussions on the radio as I travelled back to the office. I recall the tv in the office and Bob trying to attach "rabbit ears" so we could see. My primary thought that day was I need to be at home with my family and I wanted to hug my wife and kids. Josh was 14 and Alex was 10.

Why do some zealots determine it "right" to kill innocent people? Are we not all innocent, with the exception of the Manson's of the world and others who we know are guilty of murder? Does anyone deserve death via suicide bomber? Before you take umbrage with my "one sided" rant yes, I am aware of atrocities committed by so called christians in the past. Did people deserve death by "inquisition" and the crusades? No, of course not. And what about the feuding parties in Northern Ireland that I was a child of that hatred does not escape me, ever.

When does it stop? When do we stop? When do I stop? It is up to me, to love my neighbour even though I may not like him or her (or them).

And who is my neighbour?

Jesus, in response to a question from a religion scholar about getting eternal life said:

"what is written in God's law"

and the scholar said

"That you love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and muscle and intelligence-and that you love your neighbour as yourself"

the scholar trying to trick Jesus said:

"and just how would you define neighbour"

and Jesus proceeded to tell the parable about the Good Samaritan:

"There was once a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him up, and went off leaving him half-dead. Luckily, a priest was on his way down the same road, but when he saw him he angled across to the other side. Then a Levite religious man showed up; he also avoided the injured man.

"A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. When he saw the man's condition, his heart went out to him. He gave him first aid, disinfecting and bandaging his wounds. Then he lifted him onto his donkey, led him to an inn, and made him comfortable. In the morning he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Take good care of him. If it costs any more, put it on my bill—I'll pay you on my way back.' "

"What do you think?" Jesus said, "Which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?"

"The one who treated him kindly," the religion scholar responded.

Jesus said, "Go and do the same."

The message is for all of us. The Samaritans were hated by the Jewish people and yet this man treated those who hated him with kindness. The question of eternal life is not to be answered by the number of virgins that await us at Martyrdom, all people particularly women should be offended by that. Beyond anything it is selfish. Rather the question is what and how will we treat those we do not like now.

I am not a fan of war (have never been) or war movies (anymore). I have tired of any real life depiction of violence in the last few years and significantly more since April 2008. I recall listening to this piece of music at the end of Platoon in 1986 and being transfixed by it. The sadness expressed by the writer and the platform from which it is being played leaves me with tears at the horror and beauty of the world that we live in. Until we all see each other as neighbours, the dissonant notes of terrorism will remain.

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, September 7, 2009

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Sept.7/09

Good morning and welcome to the new week and the first week of September. Can you believe that we are already in September? I have spent the last two weeks on vacation and have enjoyed the time even though we had several trips to Toronto (3) for appointments last week. We will be there again today for the final appointment (hopefully).

I wanted to choose something special for this weeks song. This is the week that we remember 911. On September 11, 2001 the world changed. I felt that the world grew smaller and darker. This song has nothing to do with 911, it is a culmination of a work that I love. I have never used this singer in the blog, I am not really a fan of any of the work this person did, alone or as a member of a duet, except for this song. The song is sad as it deals with loss, some have even sung it at funerals. However, the loss is tempered with the belief that a new life awaits as we cross to that distant shore. The song is not part of the original work, but was added to the last portion when the work was transferred to film in 2003.

Across the sea, a pale moon rises

The ships have come to carry you home

And all will turn, to silver glass

A light on the water

Here's what I would like to know:

The name of the song:

The writer (s) of the song:

The singer:

The destination (what is the distant shore called):

The name of the movie:

Have a great week. Today is a holiday. School starts tomorrow for all the kiddies and I return to work after a lengthy break. Fall will be here soon so enjoy the last vestiges of summer as she passes. In the midst of the revelry that is the first week of school and as your sons and daughters leave to go to school, be thankful that your children do so in relative peace and are not harassed for going to school. There are so many children world wide who do not, cannot and are not allowed to go to school. The children may not appreciate this, but we must appreciate this and the freedoms we enjoy in this country.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Aug.31/09

Welcome to Friday and the big reveal. What an awesome week it has been, weather wise. The rest of the experiences this week were similarly beautiful. I hope you have enjoyed the sparkling sunshine and the lovely cool nights as much as I have. It's time for the fall spreading and while I have begun to get used to the odour, the first sprays of the fall are still pretty strong.

I had one guess this week and "Dan the man" aka Dan GG was correct with his guess. Due to copyright concerns there are no english versions of the song from the movie available on YouTube, so you'll have to rent the movie and just enjoy it in the privacy of your own homes.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Shout (and by the way, I hate the Buffalo Bills)
The brothers who wrote it: The Isley Brothers
The name of the movie: Animal House (Toga party anyone)
The name of the band from the movie: Otis Day and The Knights
Who produced Dewaynes album: George Clinton of "Funkadelic" and "Parliament" fame

Here is one of my favourite scenes and from the movie, do you know who the guitarist is? And by the way the guitar is/was real.

It's Stephen Bishop of "On and On" fame.

And here after hours of searching is the video that you've all be waiting for even if it's partly in Spanish (I think):

Have an awesome long weekend. I hope the sunshine, the anticipation of all that next week brings and the enjoyment of life bring you a peaceful rest over the next three days. The "school" version of the Obscure musical lyric is now over!

Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour? Hell, no!"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

3 days, 3 trips to Toronto, a review!

We had the great opportunity to visit Toronto three days consecutively and also visited the hammer on the middle day this week. We have just returned home after day three and besides being extremely tired, having put almost 1000 kms on the car and increased our support of Tim Horton's the trips were more than enlightening, in fact, we were/are pleased with the courtesy of the folks in the "big smoke" with the exception of the drivers(I can't imagine what Montreal is like).

Over three days we visited two hospitals, numerous wholesale stores that normally open only to retailers , a wine distributor, a few eating establishments and even made it to St. Lawrence market.

We found the many people both professional and folks on the street to be pleasant, friendly and they even greeted us with smiles (except for one guy in Harvey's in Mississauga). Toronto the good lives, the people were enjoying their work, the staff at the hospitals were kind, happy to deliver good news(who isn't) and eager to assist in many ways.

I live in a small town, enjoy the stars at night and can tolerate the farm smells all year round. I spend as little time in Toronto(or any big city) as I have to, mainly because I do not like the size. Our experiences over the past three days have been great and even though we are tired of travelling and visiting medical establishments, our lasting memory from the end of this summer is one of sunshine and smiles in Toronto, thanks!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 50

Happy Tuesday everyone

We've been on the road today since early a.m. My beloved had an appointment at Sunnybrook and with the lovely Toronto traffic, it took us almost 2.5 hrs to get from our home to the hospital, a distance of 124 kms. Talk about bad drivers. Don't get me started. I was so happy to get closer to home, however, when I flashed (my lights) at a driver to tell him he could pull in front of me from a two lane to a one lane and he proceeded to flip me the bird. I guess they're not all in Toronto, what a joke. I am going to rant today, why, because there is so much to rant about and there are so many issues that frustrate me right now.

I am so tired of listening to people not be happy for someone else when they (the someone else) has something to be happy for (a sudden windfall, a win of some kind, a blessing). I'm tired of selfishness and childish behaviour that comes from a lack of maturity. I am tired of egotistical people who focus on their own issues and have no place for the concerns of others. I'm tired of listening to Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives and even Independents and NDP'ers slam each other and then go and perform the same "sins".

I would guess that most of these so called "leaders" of our society are primarily made of of rich people. They have no idea what it means to be in want. They have never likely been down to their last few dollars and had to decide between roof or food. They deem to determine what is best for us, because we were foolish enough to vote for them. Where is the integrity? Yesterday it was "e-health", today it is OLG (Ontario's Lottery ?) and now the government is going to investigate it's own. That's like having the mice guard the cheese.

We raise our kids and teach them the 10 Commandments, although they too are no longer politically correct, however that's a post for another Tuesday and we expect them to not steal. Yet on a daily basis we see members of our esteemed "upper class" pilfering the pockets of the public and what do they get, life time pensions at an annual rate that is more than most people make in several years.

Dr. John (the physician not the musician) often said at our coffee breaks, someday there will be a reckoning. There will be and maybe not in the near future, but someday all of us will have to account for all of our behaviours. Saying us makes me think about how I should be acting. It always comes to that, self responsibility and the willingness to look in the mirror, assess and then change what needs to be changed, hmm!

Happy Tuesday everyone