Monday, August 11, 2008

Update on Rob, Aug.11/08

Hi there, my faithful readers of the somewhat daily entries in the days of my life.

So there I was just a walking down the street (and no I wasn't singing do wa diddy diddy dum diddy do) and going to see my Dr. whom I trust explicitly with my wellness when all I could hear was whammo. That which I thought was real, was not and the unreal was/is more real than anything else you could think of. I was sitting there enjoying the understanding that there were no infection racing through my body when another whammo (just like in the old Batman shows with Adam Burt). Here I was thinking I was doing ok, then my doctor(who I love) tells me about about some elevated white blood cells and a couple other things that showed up on the hospital report.

All that to say, I still have an infection. I am now on my second regimen of anti-biotics and praying that they will work. It appears that the prednisone helped, but really only masked the problem, which isn't a whole lot of help, don't ya know. I'm now off the prednisone and co-incidentally my feelings of wellness should be returning any day now, I hope.

Thanks for being there for me, please don't go anywhere. I believe that this recovery will appear and will enlist the aid of others to get me over this proverbial hump "as time goes by" (can't you just hear Humphrey Bogart say: "you played it for her, you can play it for me"). He never did say, "play it again Sam" particularly since he was speaking to someone named Rick.

Your prayers, calls, gifts of presence, e-mails and visits have done and will continue to do wonders for my recovery.

Goodnight Mrs Calabash, wherever you are,


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