Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tuesday's with Morrie (no spoilers)

Just finished reading this little book by Mitch Albom. A good story of Mitch going back to meet with his former college(it's American) professor as the professor teaches him life lessons as he(the professor) is dying of ALS.

Mitch learns lots of life lessons and so does Morrie. It's well writer and has sold lots of copies. It was pretty light and yet deep, one particular quote that stands out for me is stated while the professor, a life long agnostic says in response to a question about the after life: "I have not settled on one yet, however, this is too harmonious, grand, and overwhelming a universe to believe that it's all an accident".

Sad that a death bed is where the realization that all of this is not an accident, better late than never. Thankfully, more and more so called educated people have begun to accept that coming from monkeys, primordial slime or some accidental cosmic experience is not the genesis of our universe

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