Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 49

Happy Tuesday everyone

I had an early morning appointment today and as often as I can, I listen to the satellite radio in the car particularly to hear a preacher/speaker by the name of Chuck Swindoll. Since I was in and out of the car I was only able to listen to some of hat he said.

One quote, regarding maturity, went something like this: "we need to move from thin skinned and hard hearts to thick skinned and soft hearts". The path to maturity is more than just the passage of years. It is more than just an external experience, it includes the changes that are required in the heart of every person, including me and you.

I was raised to respect my elders for they have had more life experiences than I have and when I was a youngster. Those elders remembered the first and second world wars as well as the Irish civil war and the English occupation. They had many shared memories but were they mature?

I recall the vitriolic hatred of anything British or related to the crown because of the behaviour of the members of the occupying forces which included the death of my grandfather and other atrocities. I still see no forgiveness and that too is a lack of maturity.

The wonderful thing about "Tuesday musing" is that I never plan where I will go , I hear or think something and I "allow" the keys to take me where my thoughts are to go. Maturity is eternally linked with forgiveness. If we cannot forgive, then no matter how much we posture about our so called intelligence, we are not mature and if the definition above is correct then our existence remains of thin skins and hard hearts. Now where is the love in all that?

Happy Tuesday everyone

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