Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Musings (#28)

It's Tuesday morning, outside my window the sun is beginning to break free of the darkness and barely perceptible beams of light are beginning to stream across the sky.

I love this time of the morning. I have never been a morning person. For most of my life I have had great difficulty getting up in the morning. Over the last two years I have chosen to make early rising a habit. I have begun to appreciate that the early morning hours are a great blessing.

So why the change? I decided some time ago that I would read through the bible in a year. There are lots of different versions and this year I am reading through the bible in a chronological order. There is also a sense of invigorating energy for me when I rise and get my day started. I am excited to see what events await me and what the demands of my way will be.

Making changes in ones life(my life) are not always easy. Choosing to take a different tack can be a challenge all in itself. getting out of a rut is a great thing. I have chosen by now being an early riser to see the sunrise, the start my day the way I want. I fight less traffic(there is barely any at the time I leave my house). I accomplish more in the day that I have in the past and while I am tired by the end of the day, I feel like I have done more than just go to work.

For me, this choice has empowered me to accomplish many things and I feel good about it.

Happy Tuesday everyone..................now get out of bed!

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