Friday, March 13, 2009

The safety of anonymity

Those of you who read this blog know who I am.

I don't hide behind anonymity when I make my comments particularly about my concerns about the world. I am concerned about and for all people. I don't know who anonymous is, I have some ideas, but I'm not sure. If you are confused, read the "anonymous" comment to my Tuesday musings dated March 10/09.

I am so concerned about the state of the world. I don't care if it is because of "Lyme disease" or some graduated student in Germany or some "wanna be" police office that "murders" innocent people in is still wrong. Please challenge me on that one!

As a Christ follower, I am concerned for the sufferer of Lyme disease and any other disease. And to be really honest, I really struggle with the "concept" of "blaming" a disease for ones behaviour. Heaven knows that here in Elmira we have had our fill of disaster. If the defence of "disease" is used I will have significant difficulty in accepting it.

When are we going to accept that wrong is wrong? Or maybe that it what this is all about, situational ethics. It's ok for "anonymous" but not ok for me. If that is your position I am so sorely sad that I cannot appropriately describe the depth of my angst.  

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