Saturday, March 7, 2009

28 days to our 28th anniversary

In 28 days my beloved and I will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary. When we reach twenty eight years it will be 336 months, 1455 weeks, 10, 184 days, 244,420 hours, 14665191 minutes and 879911424 seconds that we have been married.   

I have determined to take captive each second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year so that I can demonstrate to my beloved that I love her more and more as each second passes. I believe that the bible  tells me that I have the responsibility to "love" my wife and that means that I am to be patient, kind,  not envious, not boastful, not conceited, not rude, not selfish and not quick to take offense.

I strive to demonstrate that to my beloved. As we begin to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary, I will take every day for 28 days before our anniversary and do something to show that I love her. Today, it's just a card, tomorrow a gift and for the remaining days I will present her with a small token of my love as a reminder that I love her.

"I am Yours Always in Love"  

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