Sunday, July 18, 2010

The boy has become a Man, part deux.

This morning, I had the memorable opportunity to hear my son preach. he is not training to be a preacher, but he was asked to do so at the church where he is serving this summer. I have had the privilege to sit and be lead in worship by him on several occasions, but this was a new opportunity.

He preached well, he spoke well and he presented a clear and challenging message. To say I am proud would be an understatement. The thing I am most proud of from this morning is his openness and vulnerability. He openly spoke of the challenges he has experienced over the last few years and how they have been used to prune his life.

He clearly has developed into a fine young man (if I do say so myself) and is open to being lead by God as he travels the path before him. Taking time to stand back and view both of my children as young adults is both hard and beneficial. I see my mistakes and I see their choices to become better people than I could have imagined and I am thankful.

1 comment:

wannabeergo said...

Awesome, simply awesome to see that development, something i have to look forward to.