Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The unknown commenters

Back in the '70's there was the "unknown comic". There was a group of us who loved the "gong show" and we tried to emulate many of the things about that show even including the "worm dance". We also loved the "unknown comic" with his "chuckie, chuckie, chuckie" rant.

But this post has nothing to do with the unknown comic, it has everything to do with the "unknown commenter's". Who are you? Why would you comment on an english blog in chinese? This author cannot read your comments and neither can most if not all of my other regular readers. Seems much like the anonymous commenter who refused to give his/her real name until they were called out by this writer.

If you cannot respond in English, then why hide behind something that the others who read this post cannot read? If you cannot respond and identify yourselves, then I may have to resort to removing the ability to comment and that's not fair to others.

So, it's up to you. Choose today how you will respond and comment.

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