Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday (but not in the park)

Good morning, it's looking crummy already out there. Is this going to be one of those years where it is sunny all week and rainy all weekend? I truly hope not! Today is garage sale day in Elmira and we have lots of treasure for sale. My beloved loves these things, I, on the other hand would rather go to the dentist. I feel the same way on this day as when I used to be in sales, not sure why, that's just the way it is. We try to support each other in our individual endeavours and this is my turn to support her.

I listened to a radio program where Chuck Swindoll was speaking yesterday. I really like his speaking, writing and preaching. He was speaking on marriage and since our small group is working our way through a book about marriage, I was instantly drawn to his words. Once again, I was challenged by his speaking and God's word to love my wife. Those are empty words without the actions and behaviours that are needed to show love. And so, I am here helping with the garage sale, that's just one way to show my wife that I love her. It's all about placing her interests before mine.

That is not a popular thought and hasn't been for some time. I remember the 70's and reading "Looking out for #1" before we were married and my beloved having some concerns about the "theology" of the book. I now see that it is completely contrary to what I believe and try to strive towards when I say I love her. Looking out for her first is more important than what I want(unless of course it's looking out for her that I want).

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