Friday, July 10, 2009

The big reveal for the week of July 6/09

Yeah it's Friday! Welcome to the weekend. For me, the end of today is the start of two weeks of vacation. I have been waiting for this since January. The last time I had more than three days off was in January, so this break is going to be so sweet. I have very little planned which for me is the best kind of vacation.

Alright now (hmm Argent I think) let's get back to the summer songs. A few of you have identified that you are still reading the blog and the following two people were the first to e-mail with the correct answers: Chris W. (way to go, second week in a row) and Lori S. The rest of you must be on vacation.

Here are this week's answers:

The song: Summer Breeze
The writer (s): Jim Seals and Dash Crofts
The "brothers" who covered the song: The Isley Brothers (not the Jacksons).

As I am on vacation for the next two weeks, I will do my best to get the songs out next Monday and will advise you via my personal e-mail, feel free to reply to that address if you know the answer. The following week I will be away from all computers (yeah) and will just program (speaking of computers) the lyric and answer before I go.
Below you will see a pretty rough video of the song. I prefer to remember the days when this was playing so clearly on my am/fm radio and every time I heard it I would rush to turn it up, especially when we were sitting at the beach in Port.

Have a great weekend. Mine will last more than the usual 2 days, it's gonna be 16 days long. And Oh what a feeling that's gonna be! As Covey says, it's time to "sharpen the saw". Let me just say that this saw needs some sharpening. Over the next two weeks there will be lots of reading and relaxing and then my beloved and I will get 5 days alone just to listen, talk, listen some more and enjoy the quiet and rest of the cottage.

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.

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