Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are you Ready?

"Are you Ready?"

Three of the most used words at this time of the year. For those who celebrate Christmas this has a multitude of meanings. It often means "have you finished your shopping yet?" it may also mean "are you ready for the onslaught of family as they trickle or avalanche in?" It may also mean "do you have enough booze"? as for some this is is a season of excess, and not just drink, food too. I wonder how many third world families I could feed with the food I am preparing for my family over the 48 hours of Christmas eve and day? That's another post at another time.

As a Christ follower, I have to ask myself "am I ready to participate in the celebration of His birth"? How do you prepare for such an event? The obligatory Christmas carols are playing (with a little Charlie Brown slipped in for good measure, thanks goodness for Vince Guaraldi). The family (four of us) is home, just like the song says. The stockings will be hung by the chimney (with care). We will go to church Christmas eve to hear nice music and a short message (thanks Dan) and then retire for some traditional (for us) fare. But what does all this have to do being ready? Glad I asked. It has nothing to do with "being ready" as far as I am concerned.

Being ready for Emmanuel (God with us) has nothing physical required in it's prescription, it requires actions of the heart and that is the challenge. It requires me to look into myself and complete a mental and spiritual checklist (not unlike seeing if I've been naughty or nice) to assess my readiness for the celebration of His birth. Looking into the word of God is a great part of this assessment and personally at this time, once again the Peanuts gang makes this easier for me, see the video below:

That's it!

Fear not!
Tidings of great joy for all people.
Saviour who is Christ the Lord
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth Peace and goodwill towards men

That's the assessment: I am not to fear, because there is great Joy because of the Saviour and this is not about me, but about God who will bring Peace and goodwill to all people (including me).

All I have to do is make a choice to be ready.

I'm ready, are you?

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Well I'm back -------- again

It's been a while and yes I have used that name for a post before. And yes, it's still the last three(or four if you want to be grammatically correct) words from The Lord of The Rings, as spoken by Samwise Gamgee.

I have taken a self imposed rest from the blog. I'm not sure why, but I did and I feel fine about that. Funny enough, twice this week, people mentioned that they missed the blog and wondered what I am doing.

I have so much to write about, I am feeling better, birthdays have passed, Christmas is coming, I am on Christmas holidays, Josh is coming home soon, you know all that stuff and of course there's "tiger".

He has been the fodder for many since his indiscretions became public. Let's start with him. I do not condone his behaviour. What he did was/is wrong and he disrespected his wife, family and the people he spent time doing things with too. Here is what I think, but first:

I am reminded of a story in the bible where Jesus encounters a woman, surrounded by some "godly men" apparently caught in adultery is about to be stoned (what punishment was prescribed to the man is unknown and leaves me wondering, but I digress, as usual). Jesus asks a few questions of her, and then kneels in the dirt and begins to write. The "godly" men who were about to stone her are seen leaving until no one is left (I have always wondered what Jesus wrote, I believe it is an account of their transgressions, but really have no idea). Jesus then asks her where her accusers are, and she tells Him the obvious, there is no one left to accuse her, and He then says, "neither do I, go and sin no more".

If each of us would be willing to measure ourselves by the same measuring stick that we measure tiger and others would we be left wanting? Of course, not many of us would be found guilty of adultery, but what about gossip, character assassination, theft, lying and so many more? Who measures sin? Oops that's what it all is. In God's eyes, "all have fallen short" each of these behaviours are unacceptable, yet in our self righteous manner we gossip (a sin that is mentioned as the tongue is dangerous thing) about tiger, cluck our tongues about his indiscretions and then hide our own from the rest of the world.

What hypocrites we are!

Until we get to the point in our lives that we recognize and are honest our own moral failings we have no place casting aspersions on anyone, no matter what they have done. We are not the judge and jury, that job has been taken by one who will not be usurped by a sin filled human.

Then there is Emmanuel, "God with us". Perfect in every way who came to set us free from the very things that we accuse others of. Please take a few moments and let the words of this song flow over you.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Josh and Caleigh singing

I listened tonight to Josh and Caleigh (another member of the team he sings with at school) sing together for the first time on Skype. They have a great opportunity to participate in a worship experience tomorrow (I guess it's tonight now). She regularly sings with a travelling team from the school and they are now placed together to sing.

They sound great together. They were having fun, laughing, singing just hanging out and we had the opportunity to hear them practice and sing together. It was fun.

Be still and know that I am God

I am tired. I have had the opportunity to be sick in the past, but this one takes the cake. I have never felt this way and am struggling with the amount of time that I have been sick. I am very thankful that I have an employer who has been more than accommodating for the last 12 working days, and since it is now Wednesday, it will be 13 today. I don't know if it's h1n1, no one has tested me for it. I had all the right symptoms at the beginning and now am struggling with the remaining ones, fatigue and exhaustion and sometimes they feel like the same thing. Are they the same thing?

I am plodding along filling my system with steroids (21 days in total) knowing clearly what that is doing to my bones and who knows what else as well as two courses of antibiotics that will last approximately 24 days. But here's the rub, I awake and feel great. I mean like a beautiful sunny morning great and looking to enjoy the day. By the time I have completed my morning ablutions and gotten dressed, I am so tired that my entire upper body feels like it is shaking inside, what's with that?

So, like I said, I am tired. Frustrated doesn't even express how I feel being stuck here all day. My only escape is to take my daughter to work, get my timmies (which usually takes me several hours to drink) and then go and pick her up at the end of her shift.

I am preparing for my small group lessons, and my Sunday school lessons so I have something to do and they are completed, almost. Interestingly, this weeks small group lesson talks about having tribulations (that would be difficulties) and how important our attitude is to be when we experience and endure them.

I needed this lesson. It says, "count it all joy". Four words starting with count, probably meaning to "add" the benefit or learning opportunity of the circumstance to my experience. It refers to the experience itself. All, well that means every portion of this experience. Joy, meaning contentment not necessarily happiness.

And there it is, I am to be content in my experience no matter what. So, yes I am tired of this, I will be content to learn from the down time. I am ill, I will learn once again what it means to get better and to allow others the privilege to serve me. I will trust them as they treat me with kindnesses as I recover. I will seek out the benefit of just stopping and being.

"Be still and know that I am God" rings quietly in my mind. I do know, but I have not been still in a long time. I have been busy consuming time and fitting people in. I make appointments and fill my time so that there is no time for listening. I listened today.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 60

Happy Tuesday everyone

I'm usually a patient person. I am not a patient patient. I get frustrated with the lack of progress if I am in a medical situation. I want to get better now, if not sooner. I have known this for some time and yet the key to changing is the issue itself.

I have spent 8 or 9 days on this sick train. Certainly no party. It seems that whatever this "thing" is , it rips the energy out of you after very little activity. I discovered it again yesterday. I planned a day off with my daughter to celebrate her birthday. Thinking I was off on a day like any normal day off, we did the following: we got the car washed (by someone else), we went for a coffee (I still prefer timmies) and bought a book and a video. By the end of this two hour tour, I was done in.

Today and any day if you get this thing, take the time to rest, get better, rest again and then maybe recovery will come. If not, abandon hope all ye who enter here. No rest, no recovery.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby

My baby girl (she won't be impressed) turns 19 today.

A momentous occasion that has already been busy with breakfast in bed (a Smyth tradition) and an early wake up phone call from from her brother. She and her Daddy will spend the morning going for coffee and maybe a few more surprises.

Looking back and looking forward is interesting. I remember so much. I am anticipating so much for her. She was born on a Friday, and decided to join us in the early evening. She has not been a morning person, from the start.

The future looks interesting, as much as we can envision for her. We don't know what will happen tomorrow, never mind the next day or month or.............. well you get it right?

When she was born, she asked God to take he and bless her and then we gave her back to Him. She belongs to Him first as does all that we own. What He chooses to do is up to Him. If we suffer the recent difficulty that some we know have, then he will carry us. If we suffer little and life for our daughter has everything and the picket fence, then we will accept that too.

Somehow, I think she will be all over the place serving and helping people less fortunate than she is and wanting to help them in some way. The years show what she has been called to.

Happy Birthday Baby.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Hug

I received a hug this morning. A simple gesture from a new friend, a man who went beyond his normal experience to bring me the warmth of human love. I needed the hug, the warmth and the understanding from someone besides my beloved. She would give anything to bring me joy.

This hug was different. It came from a man who understands me. Those are few are far between. There are friends who hug and one knows the comfort is not there, there are those who hug because it is the right thing to do in the circumstance and then there are those who use this gentle embrace as a means to transcend all and just love.

Funny, we barely know each other having spent some time together over the last few years and not "opening up" but we really know each other and listen and even hear. This gift is priceless and rare and I have just had the privilege of being showered with the enveloping of warmth and love by him.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday almost silent

It's Saturday, it's sunny and almost silent.

I love Saturdays. I like the rest before the "day of rest" which is never a day of rest anymore. Saturdays have lately been reserved for my beloved and I to do the shopping, maybe a sandwich from Vincenzos and a coffee (hot chocolate for me) from the 'bucks. Today, it's just rest. No cooking, cleaning or anything. Sit and read, listen. Of course, by pressing play I realize that the silent nature of this idyll will soon be gone, but what will the sounds bring.

Currently it is Matt Redman, a prophet of sorts I guess. I consider some musicians to have special abilities to communicate important messages well and timely. It's been quite a week. You know there are people out there whose picture shows up in the dictionary depending on what you are looking for. I'll explain. I was in great need of a specialized service yesterday. I have actually needed this service for some time and in my need I called the one person who I depend on for this amazing service. There was Mrs. C. tools in hand, smiling face, jocular as always, amazing listening ears, kitchen bereft of cookies, but there was flour waiting to be made into something special, and there she was just waiting to help me in my time of need.

A servant, definitely. Honest as the day is long having within her the integrity required for all and serving in so many ways. Mary or Martha who has the greater responsibility? Who has the greater benefit?

So, as the music changes to "once upon a time...storybook love" by Knopfler, gentle melodies stream around me as the simple strains of a guitar fill the room. Memories of the movie and all the players stream past as I think of the many times we have enjoyed this together. Simple memories are the best. there are big bold memories trying to stomp into view, but I prefer the memory of the three of us sitting on that old yellow couch watching, listening, protecting and smiling then laughing then celebrating as good always wins over evil. My beloved has never been a fan of the movie but probably has more joy of the memory of the rest of us watching anyway.

"Horizons" is playing now. Most will not recognize unless prog rock is a favourite or you are learning to play it for your fathers enjoyment. There are more sounds now, the noon horn has sounded. Cars travel up and down the busy road, a sort of "short cut" from the north to the south of town. Country music is spilling from the kitchen, my baby girl (soon to be 19) is entertaining and cooking.

Time for this moment of silence to end with some rest.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

First snow

I saw my first snow flakes of this season today.

They didn't live long, they were merely floating menacingly across the window as I looked out. A portent of what's to come, of course. I don't like winter, I don't like the cold, grey, drab days that seem to last forever. I miss the light of spring and summer and even the last vestiges of fall. It seems that the leaves have hurried away quickly this year. Maybe they know something we don't know, if leaves actually "know" anything. They don't of course, to impute the ability to know on a leaf is somewhat heretical and idiotic.

Thanks to a modern tool I have not injured anything doing the leaves this year. We bought a vacuum/blower thingy that helped and was kinda fun. I can't get rid of the snow with that, though.

As each day passes, the brevity of life weighs heavier on me. I am more than half way through this journey (there's no way this body even with the extra metal and plastic parts is gonna last 'til 104) and I wonder what have I done to benefit someone else? Have I done all that I can to make this world a better place for the people I love and for my neighbour?

Hmm, who would have thought that a few snow flakes would make me think like that? I guess being sick and having to rest is a good thing. Every once in a while I need to stop and get off this crazy wheel called work and listen. As I type (poorly), I hear the rustling of the pages in the book my beloved is reading, I hear the buzz from the ignored phone/communication tool as it silently screams at me to check the latest demands. I hear the wind in the trees whining as it moves along the way. I hear the buzzing in my ears from the silence.

This time of year is birthday time for some in my family. My baby will be nineteen(by the way, why do we say we "turn" 19, or 52) in a few days. My sister's birthday follows hers and then it is my turn to celebrate another years passing and look towards the future of another year approaching.

I also hear God..................saying.......peace......stop still..........I am..............

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

51 days to Christmas

51 days to Christmas. Yup, that's what the little app on my ipod says.

51 days to go. I just booked my son's flight to come home and looked at the app and there it was in all of it's Dick Butkus glory, 51.

As much as I have begun to dread (or even hate) winter, snow, ice, slush, and all the wet stuff, I love Christmas. And in my world, it is not "the holidays" I am so sick of the homogenization of so many things, especially those that in some way reflect on the Christian experience. call it Kwanzaa for all persons of African origins sake and the rest of us. Call it Hanukkah for all my Jewish friends and family and for Christians sake call it Christmas. that's what we celebrate and if you celebrate something else, then I wish you the best in whatever it is that makes your heart and the rest of you glow.

Don't try to take away my enjoyment by wishing me a happy holidays so as not to insult someone else, what a load of crap. Most normal people really don't care if you celebrate or not, and if you do, they don't care what it is that you celebrate. It is some close minded persons who think they can think for everyone else by saying Christmas is not acceptable because it excludes. If anything Christmas includes and welcomes all to worship the new born King. the next time He comes it's gonna be different and just as Dr. John says there;'s gonna be a reckoning.

One last thing, if you don't like Christmas, let's see you go to work on the afternoon of the 24 and all day on the 25th. Never mind easter weekend, oh no I am entitled to those stats. Give me a break. Hmm why do they take those days off anyway?

Hope for Bastion #5

Good morning, the weather here is chilly, except from where I sit bundles in sweatshirts and sweatpants. In Guayaquil it is 23 but feels like 29 and will reach 35 which will probably feel like 35 yikes.

he work in Ecuador to reach the underprivileged continues. The last time we heard from Nikki she was doing well and just getting to see some old friends again as she had just arrived. She had not yet seen all the children that she knows. She will be excited to know that two more children will be attending school and more money will come in to care for their needs.

Just like the proverbial inchworm who moves through his paces ever so slowly, it appears that the care for these children only moves so slowly. I can't understand why? Why aren't people lining up instead of lining up in shopping lines for things they don't need or may throw out. Why do we sit on stuff that if sold would feed so many children. Why do some have more cars in their driveways than they have drivers. What are they doing to help these children or any children?

I am frustrated, probably a cast off from the flu, but there has to be more that can be done. If you want a good feed and a great movie, come to Woodside church on Nov.14/09 where some young people have arranged a dinner and a movie night with all the proceeds going to Bastion, now that's cool. These 18-25 year olds see that they have a responsibility in this world and are not just riding along talking from any and all. What about you? Please read this website and make contact to make a difference.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I've been asked to preach

Now this one's a first.

I have been accused by my children of preaching, but now church has asked me to come and "preach". Somehow they know that the love and the state of the family has become a heavy burden for my beloved and I and based on that have asked me to come and speak on Valentines day 2010.

I already know what I want to say and I know what I want to communicate, but, I have no idea as to how to formulate my thoughts. I know that there are sermons that have points and that some speakers will speak to the points but I just want to share my passion for love, the family and how that passion and love can change the world.

One key point will be that it is ok for my spouse to have a need that I don't have and that I have a responsibility to try to meet that need as directed by scripture. I want to make sure that based on scripture we (male and female) are created differently, but not wrong. Hmm, looks like the start of a message. Most of the material I will use will be from "Love and Respect" by Eggerichs.

Should be fun. Will keep this blog apprised of my progress.

The absence of pleasure is not necessarily pain

Sounds rather maudlin doesn't it? Maybe even edging towards self pity? Nah! I am just having a darn time trying to get pleasure out of anything right now. his has to be the worst flu I have ever experienced. So, I am trying to rest, read, listen and drink lots of fluids.

Interesting though, today I read in my chronological bible reading about how Pilate had Jesus flogged because the "leading priests had arrested Jesus out of envy" (see Mark 15:10). Being flogged 39 times with a lead tipped whip would have caused more than pain and yet His captors are shown as expressing pleasure in the way they treated Him before, during and after the flogging that would have killed me.

And I sit in comparative peace awaiting recovery I read as He awaited a known death of suffocation and more than that He knew that at some point in the next hours the Father would place the weight of the sins of all upon Him as payment in full. And yet the Father who lives outside of time allowed this to happen in time so that "once and for all" the penalty would be paid.

It doesn't mean that we live a perfect life without sickness and pain, in fact the very knowledge of my failure causes me emotional and spiritual pain. In the sickest way by forsaking His only Son, God the father accepted me and you into the friendship of His family. In fact He calls us joint heirs even though I have failed and will continue to fail miserably because I do not know or understand the depth of His love for me. He knows that I will fail and he knows that I will rise again, seek forgiveness and be restored(Proverbs 24:16). It is the one who refuses to accept restoration that will be counted with the wicked.

Tuesday Musings # 59

Happy Tuesday everyone

I have remained cloistered from between my bathroom, bedroom and office for the past few days. You see, I have the flu, don't know which one, but I have all the symptoms and am now taking the requisite medications(and a few more) to try to quell this storm that is brewing in my lungs. I have all the things I need, my bible, paper to write on, lots of fluids, rest, computer, TV and even more time than I usually get with my beloved during the day, but besides being sick I am missing something.

I guess that's what I am musing about. I miss my freedom. My ability to get up and go. o set my schedule and accomplish it. When on a sick bed, I feel like something else has control of my agenda and more so my life. And you know what? I don't like it. I hate being sick and having already weakened lungs makes the spectre of this thing even more scary. I also miss just being out there doing what I do well and what I love, my job.

Makes me think about those who are infirm on a regular basis. Those confined to world of constant cloister of illness and those who are behind bars. What is it like to lose all freedoms, to have no choice as to when to rise or when to rest, what about those who are so ill that they're concerns remain at the beck and call of someone else? On another plane, there are the days of silence that I choose to take usually on a quarterly basis. But they too are different because I have a choice to attend and be silent, these days are not by choice ever.

What does this all mean in the big picture? Did this happen to teach me something? If so, what shall I learn from these two days (or more if I am not well)? I have taken time to rest, to drink, to study and prepare for lessons to be given, but not much time has been invested into what I can learn from this shelving. I wonder what there is? Oh well, time for more rest.

Happy Tuesday everyone

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hope for Bastion # 4

Hello on a rainy dark Wednesday. It was 8 degrees when I left home this today and it is already 22 in Bastion, with the temp going up to 33 today.

Nikki has arrived in Bastion. She wrote to say that she arrived and was greeted by many friends at the airport, which was a great joy and surprise. She also said that it was hot. There is much to do there and she will be quite busy again.

She mentioned two people who have debilitating illnesses that suffer from the lack of medical care there. These illnesses would so easily be treated in Canada, but she is not in Canada, and they of course are not.

It's a stark reminder that people are in need of basic health care and while it may be a human right, it is not always provided. And then there is "hope" for Bastion. Nikki and others have committed to providing as much care as they can with the resources that they have and that others give and it makes a difference. For less that the cost of a large timmies a day a child can have an education, breakfast, school clothes, some health care and emergency food aid, if needed for their family.

So, what can you do about it. please read the attached website and make contact to help the children.

Have a great week, enjoy the sun, rain and all that you have been blessed to enjoy. I will have more updates next week.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Musing #58

Happy Tuesday everyone

I read the scriptures every morning. I have been reading through the bible this year again and this time it is chronological. It's a very interesting was to read through the bible because it reads more like a story than anything else. It certainly has made the completion of the task easier this year. It's more than just a task to check off at the end of a day though. I believe that the words are alive and God breathed. They then provide me with a life infusion so that I can go about my daily living.

One short verse stood out for me today. Jesus is quoted by Matthew, Mark and Luke as saying "don't let anyone mislead you". The quote is referencing His return and the rise of false messiahs prior to that event. I wonder if those 5 little words mean anything else besides the reference to the second coming.

Are there are people in your life who use you and mislead you? What happens when manipulation occurs? The more I study people and particularly the marriage relationship, I see that spouses can be selfish and will do things for their spouse only to to gain something for themselves. It's more than manipulation, it's self absorbed behaviour. At what point do we hearken back to the days when we were courting, what a great word. Those were the days when we did everything to catch the eye of the person we were smitten with. What will it take to restore the love? Don't be mislead, it doesn't come from self serving behaviour, it comes from self sacrificing behaviour.

I challenge you to go and serve your spouse as if you were dating again. Treat them as they should be treated, love, forgive and accept apologies. Don't be mislead by this selfish and vile generation. Love for the sake of loving and giving, not for the sake of getting.
Happy Tuesday everyone

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Having a bad day?!

I've been having a tough time lately. Self imposed difficulties, extremely busy schedule (I guess that's self imposed too), Seasonal Affective Disorder (not my fault), way too much pain, frustrated with people, limited in my abilities, away from family and friends, man the list just keeps growing. Even when something good happens like getting involved with Hope for Bastion, I feel defeated because I can only do so much.

Guilt screams its' lies to me about my past and my frailties. Those (except my family) that I depend on leave with no excuse, The lies rattle around my head making more noise than a Dash 8 and more confusion than a 51 year old with Andropause. I got screamed at by a punk 23 year old because in his ignorance, I don't do enough from a social justice perspective. One of my last resorts, my small group, almost all come down with some illness, leaving my prepared lesson unopened.

And then my pity part ended. My beloved calls and says watch this. I dare you to watch this and feel sorry for yourself ever again. I dare you to watch this and say "I can't". I dare you to go and help someone else. Get a life and do something for someone else, I dare you!

Here's another one which allows you to hear where his joy comes from. I am amazed at the phrase, "I love living life I am happy"

I guess it's not such a bad day, week, month or life after all, is it?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hope for Bastion #3

As I get more involved in things like Hope For Bastion, I realize the need for real "social justice" is greater than I even thought. What I did not know was what amounts of money the current "War" is costing. Check out the cost of war link:

I don't know if it is true, but the numbers are astounding. What would happen if all that money went to feeding the poor? Jesus said to the rich young ruler "Go and sell all your possessions give the money to the poor, then follow me". But that's not going to happen because rich people who own businesses that support the machinery of war need have their own needs. But what can we do?

Just last weekend a large group of people met for a fundraiser for Nikki. Nikki lives in a pretty rough area of town. The streets are dirt roads filled with things nice people don't talk about and she travels these roads to visit her friends, the children and their families of Bastion. On two occasions recently, one while taking public transportation and the other in a taxi, Nikki has had her life threatened and has in fact had all her possessions stolen. In the taxi cab event she was held hostage (she had another girl with her) by two armed men who robbed them and roughed them up. Thankfully, that is the worst of the story.

We need to get Nikki a car. A fundraiser was held last Sunday night and I have no idea how much was raised, but it will go towards a safe care for Nikki, safe so she can travel alone or with a friend and it will also be a vehicle to transport people and things throughout the city as needed. Will you help? There is a clearing house called MSC Canada for donations for Nikki. Please contact them for more information at You may review more information about the children and their school at

Sponsor hope! The Cambridge dictionary defines the verb sponsor as: "to support a person, organization or activity by giving money, encouragement or other help".

What do you have that you can use to support, give, encourage or otherwise help the children in Bastion?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday Musing #57

Happy Tuesday everyone

I listened to someone talk about social justice a few days ago. It was an interesting talk and I know that much guilt was attempted in his speech to move the people in the audience. I'm not sure where we were being moved to, but I know the intent was to move us.

Why does an angry generation exist? This person is clearly part of an angry generation that sees the injustices of our world and then deigns to know all and subsequently spews their venom on the next unlucky audience?

I believe that one of the most important things to know when speaking, is your audience. Now, having said that, I don't know my audience in this blog. I know there are some who read this, but I don't know how many and I rarely know who is reading. Back to my point, a speaker should "know their audience" certainly not intimately, but at least have some working knowledge of the people being spoken to. Unfortunately, this speaker did not know the audience, and if he did, then his angry, ignorant outbursts were intentional.

To contrast this, I also heard a person working for social justice in the same time frame (last weekend) speak about the cause that she is most familiar with. The difference was the tenor of the communication. One was anger, incorrect and directional. The other was gentle, expressive and graceful. Guess which one I got more from? I did learn from the angry presentation, but not what was intended.

I wonder why we need to display the angry side of things to get the attention of people? I do know this, there are too many wealthy people out there who could do something to assist a child or even a whole village, but they are not and in the words of Dr. John (the physician not the musician), someday there will be a reckoning. I can't make a difference with regards to all the ills in our society. I can however do something about it, one child at a time. I can provide for education, clothing, health care and love for children as they struggle for an existence so much different from mine.

I am not wealthy, I can do something. I can speak out against the things that are unacceptable. I can work for peace and support children. I won't go about my attempts to change society with an angry approach, I may be angry, but I will do this in love, which is defines as: patience, kindness, not envious, not boastful, not proud, not rude, not self seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves.

So, on this Tuesday, what moves you?

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Obscure Lyric is taking a break

Well, I finally made a decision and it did not include adding anything to my considerably full plate of responsibilities. I know it's just a little reduction in my busy schedule, but it is a reduction after all. To be honest, the post (The Obscure Lyric) was becoming a chore and I don't need another chore. I don't know when it will return, I have many other things to do and say and while music remains a major source of inspiration and method of worship for me, the time spent researching often frustrated me. It is not goodbye, but see ya (and hear ya) later.

As the wonderful James Taylor sang:

well the sun is surely sinking down
but the moon is surely rising
so this old world must still be spinning round
and I still love you

It won't be long before another day
We gonna have a good time
And no ones gonna take that time away
You can stay as long as you like

There will be many other posts, I have many other interests that will require blogging some posts. One of the main ones closest to my heart is regarding Ecuador. Please do what you can to help others by contacting and click on the child sponsorship tab and give.

Look for the obscure lyric in your mailbox and on the blog in the future. Cya, Rob!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Oct.12/09

Good morning music fans. It's been a bit cold this week. A week ago, I was anticipating our trip to Virginia and the warm weather there. Now, we are home and freezing. We enjoyed the sun and heat for a while last weekend.

Clearly, the interest in the "obscure lyric" is waning. I can't remember the last time someone actually wrote to guess. Either that or we are just too busy to stop and enjoy the moments anymore. Whatever the reasons, I need to make a decision as to whether or not the "obscure lyric" continues or if changes are required. Maybe it has run its' course and y'all are no longer interested. No worries, it is one less thing for me to do each week. If I remember to send an e-mail on Monday, then it's still on. If no e-mail, then the "lyric" has either gone into hibernation for a while, gone completely, or once again, I forgot.

Here are this weeks answers:

the name of the song: Lover's Cross
The name of the singer: Jim Croce
The album: Photographs and Memories
The album side and track number: I have no idea, although it looks like side two
from everything I have read.

Here is a lovely version with Jim and Maurie just doing what they did, making beautiful music, telling great stories and communicating what seems like effortlessly.

Have a great weekend. I am leaving normalcy to spend the weekend with between 60 and 75 men on a retreat at a camp in the near north. As most oif you know, I am not a camper of any sort, our family approach to going away is to "go somewhere better than where we live, not worse". However, I know this I have heard the speaker and he is dynamic, the music will be fantastic, I have no clue what the food is going to be like, but I do know that it will be good.

As I was searching for this weeks song on video, I discovered this gem, enjoy:

Ahh, the simplicity of the Muppets and the music of Jim Croce. What else in this world has such joy and sadness and yet no anger, no pointing and squawking about not getting ones way.

Have an awesome weekend. I hope that whatever you do will find you inspired, challenged and encouraged. I expect that I will encounter much of this in my weekend. None of us can "put time in a bottle" we must live for the now. Go ahead , laugh, live, love because we don't know what tomorrow holds. However, life needs to be more than just laughing, living and loving, it needs perspective which is terribly clear from this very sad quote from the incomparable Freddie Mercury:

"What will I be doing in twenty years time? I'll be dead darling! Are you crazy"

Stone cold crazy, I guess!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hope for Bastion #2

Life as always, has ups and downs. Just over a week ago I felt like I could nothing more to serve my God and people. I was at a spiritual pinnacle and having just given advise to my son about this place, i should have known what was coming. Reality crept or more correctly crashed my little happy dance and I felt like my world was totally squished like the fly on the windshield (for you music fans that's from the band Genesis, The Lamb lies down on Broadway).

Circumstances came into my life that have left me questioning much. I am not at liberty to discuss the details, but suffice it to say, I felt like my very core was being questioned. Before you go calling the crisis line, my family and I are fine. In fact we spent a magnificent weekend together eating, enjoying, worshipping, playing, laughing, shopping and did I say eating? Oh yeah and travelling on two dash 8's (and two real planes too), yikes those "8's" were the loudest plane I have ever been on.

Then life happened. Life in it's funny, cyclical and providential way gave me a shot in the arm today. As discussed before (and the purpose for this recurring post) we have found a new way to serve. Our new love and way to serve has been our involvement in the ministry to people who serve significantly underprivileged children and their families in Ecuador. Today of all days, I received a letter from someone who wants info on sponsoring a child. I prayed and had hoped that my blog and these posts would draw some attention to Ecuador and it did. Man, I am so excited about the possibilities.

I told Nikki that the blog will be a way to reach a different group of people that may never have a chance to sponsor or even hear about Bastion. One of the readers wrote and wants to review the information about sponsoring. My highs and lows are nothing compared with the awful experiences that these children have to go through.

I complain about a cold house when I return from a mini vacation that cost enough to support a child for 29 months, I complain about a simple nail being pushed back when these folks have no medical care and a broken nail means nothing. These people have nothing without the generous support of donors, like this person.

The person who wrote about becoming a donor will remain anonymous, I am sure that this is how they would prefer it to be. They are regular readers, I consider them a friend, I know they are trustworthy, and they are a parent who intends to teach their children they are blessed with about the awful realities of poverty and the amazing thankfulness we need to cultivate, in ourselves and in them.

Did the letter change my circumstances? Of course not! It changed my attitude. It took me from self focus (I did not say self pity) to a reminder that my items of concern are so very real, but, they are not as bad as those that some others have the reality to deal with. In other portions of my world, people are preparing for a trial after the passing of a loved one. While I am immersed in that situation, my beloved and children are alive and well. Did I celebrate when I realized that the shooting in Virginia last year was not at my son's school, of course and I also grieved for the families of the dead. I grieve and pray for the family of the deranged person who decided to take away life from so many others.
In this existence I must choose to bring all of the events that I participate in and those that are foisted upon me into the light of perspective that reminds me that all is seen, all is known and the furniture in heaven has not been rearranged. Do I struggle with my difficulties? , of course I do! Am I concerned about the children in Bastion, in Gaza, In Eritrea, and in every place where the streets are latrines, receptacles of used needles and the other accoutrement of the impoverished life. Of course, but I can do something and not be paralyzed by my own inaction. Just like the person who wrote to ask about sponsorship, I can choose to do "something". A choice is made, a child is fed, is clothed, is educated and is provided with some health care.

So, what are you doing to feed, clothe, educate and provide health care to those who have none?
and once again we are reminded that:

"if you have done it to the very least of these you have done it unto me"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday Musing # 56

Happy Tuesday Everyone

"This is my beloved son, listen to him." In the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke after what is referred to as "The Transfiguration" Peter, James and John were given this command. How appropriate that they were told to listen to him. But, what does listening really entail?

I look at people when I speak with them and often know whether or not they are listening. But not always. All of us, with the exception of the hearing impaired, hear us, but really not everyone listens. There are people that I regularly interact with who clearly do not listen. They are so quick to respond that I can almost see that they are formulating their answers as I speak. So, who cares, right? We all have so much to do and so little time to get it done, that we refuse to respect the other person and "listen" to them.

In my world, it always returns to respect. You see, having experienced the complete lack of respect in some situations, I realize very quickly when someone begins to walk down that road. I know it and I hate it. It takes many forms: faces, attitudes, patronization, words, absence, abuse and sometimes even presence.

What's the relationship between listening and respect. People demonstrate disrespect by hearing, but not listening. On the contrary people demonstrate respect by hearing and then listening. Too many times I have been disrespected and unfortunately, I remember the times. I try to be forgiving, that's part of the listening to His son, but I remember and then forgive. I try not to hold grudges, sometimes though, action beyond cheek turning is required.

Where is the musing going today? If we listen to Him, then we will respect His direction. In a non faith environment, if we listen to, hear, respect and put value into others, our lives will be filled with deeper relationships that will grant us opportunities to walk this life with respect and being respect. Does this post make sense? I'm not so sure it does. I do know that without listening, without hearing and without respecting, life will be/is shallow, self serving and ego centric. If you read this and know it's for you, congratulations, maybe this will be the genesis of a new you.
If you read this and know it is not for/about you, continue to live your life, serve with great abandon. Mark Twain that American writer said: "Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on earth." I'm not sure why that is important here, but I know this I am tired of the masks, there are so many, so when I think you are listening, I will call you on it(respectfully of course).

When I feel disrespected, I will call you on it, if that's my way of dancing, sing, loving and living, then get ready for a new me and a new life, full of listening first to Him, then being honest with you, or at the very least calling you on the things that need to be called. You too may call me out if I am not listening, hearing, respecting or loving you: I expect it and I need it to grow as a lover, father, person and man.

Happy Tuesday Everyone

Monday, October 12, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of Oct.12/09

Good morning music fans and welcome to Thanksgiving Monday. I am in the big old U. S. of A visiting our son and enjoying the heat and sunshine, it's 70 degrees American and sunny, it is beautiful. We will be home tomorrow and have lots of cool things in the memory bank as well as some nice photos to add to the computer, some of which may end up in the blog some day.

This weeks song was written by a favourite of mine back in high school days. I have already used him in the blog and a friend knew some of the real people who were part of his songs/stories, cause they really were stories. no, it's not Harry Chapin, but if you know me well, and if you have been reading this for a while, you will know that I like musicians that are storytellers, hence the name Seanchai. I mentioned the title of the song in my first paragraph last sentence. This song is a sad one about breakup, I have no real reason to use it except I love the singer, his writing and his music, 'nuff said.

here are some lyrics:

Still I hope that you can find another
who can take what I could not
he'll have to be a super guy
or at least a super god

Pretty rough starting the week off on a sad note. I know that this is not a portent of the events of the week. The writer is no longer with us, but his music and sentiments are. The world of music fills all emotions and sometimes dealing with the difficult helps me to move along and recover and restore.

I would like to know:

The name of the song:
The name of the singer:
The name of the album it is from
Which side and which track(that's for the Chief):

Have an awesome week. I trust that the Thanksgiving feast has already been (or will be) wonderful and the reasons for the thankfulness are remaining as the week continues. I am cooking ham, potatoes, tons of veggies and lots of other stuff, so we will be well fed. We often play a game as we sit around the Thanksgiving dinner table, maybe some of you do this too, we ask: "what are you thankful for"? I am thankful for my God who loves me, my beloved who loves me, my children who love me, my friends who love me and for all who respect me because you put the disrespectful ones in their place...............out of my mind. I am thankful for those who create some difficulty in my life, it gives me more reasons to work harder at loving and respecting them too, cause that's the only way to win that war, I attempt to follow the direction in this command: "do not return evil for evil".

Friday, October 9, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Oct.5/09

Good morning music fans. Friday is here as is the Thanksgiving weekend. For most if not all that means a long weekend and for me it means an extra long weekend. I have added Tuesday to my Thanksgiving celebration. I intend to place next week's song on the blog on Monday and will e-mail you on Tuesday or Wednesday.

No guesses this week, that may be because I forgot to send an email advising you that the obscure lyric was posted. I'm thinking of taking a hiatus from the obscure lyric, I may either drop it to a month by month appearance, or I may just stop for a while, keep reading to see what happens. The blog will remain, though, I have way too much to say about other things.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Fly like and Eagle
The writer: Steve Miller
The writer's godfather: Les Paul (yes that Les Paul)
The name of the band: The Steve Miller Band

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the time with family and friends. Take time to be thankful for who you know and for what you have. Canada is an amazing country, I would not want to live anywhere else.

"The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hope for Bastion #1

Good morning and welcome to Wednesday and a new series on the blog. This is the first post of a series that I intend to write each Wednesday to bring attention to the plight of those who live in abject poverty in a part of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Actually, the area is know as Bastion, but no one willingly says that they are from Bastion.

Tonight, one of the people who has been led to assist the people of Bastion is coming to our house for dinner to introduce us to the wonderful and terrible things she has seen as she serves those people. I wrote about Nikki in my Monday and Tuesday posts and now she will have her own post until the work is done. With permission, I will post photos, stories, crime stats, births, deaths and all the information required to measure some of the things that go on there. There is also a spiritual side to the work, you see Nikki and the others she works with are Christ followers and they do this to show their devotion to Him. That gives them power, peace and hope.

They are not misled people who are only on the mission field because they can't find jobs or husbands(or wives as the case may be), no, they are there because they believe in the people they serve and want to to their best for them, no matter what.

Tonight, my beloved and I have the privilege to sit and share a meal with Nikki and to hear her story. I hope (with her permission) to share a little of her story each week as the "Hope for Bastion" post comes alive (somehow I hear Peter Frampton in the background, you knew there had to be a music reference, right) every Wednesday morning.

As soon as I have photos or videos I will post them. While I will not solicit from the blog, I will educate with regards to child/family sponsorship. I will provide links to websites that can be accessed and will also provide contact information should you wish to learn more about sponsorship.

Why the title, Hope for Bastion? Well, to be honest, the website for the mission group is called "Mission Hope for Bastion" and I want to make sure that what I say, do and write are aligned with the mission, so that's a pretty good start, eh?
Enjoy your Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Musing #55

Happy Tuesday everyone

In Monday's music post I talked a little about a friend named Nikki. I don't have permission to use her name yet, so we will call her N for now. She is a missionary in Ecuador and she works in an area that no one goes to visit (except other missionaries and people who are called to help) and no one is willing to say they are from that part of the country. They live on the edge on society, so many are penniless and given the two tier medical system in that country, those who have little or no money find themselves in the lower (in most usages of the word) tier of the medical system. Today's post is not about the loss, depravity, gangs, kidnappings, theft and all the other things that might and have already happened to her, today's post is about the hope that she and others bring to the people and children of Bastion Popular Guyaquil.

Nikki told us about the very difficult results of illness, poorly funded medical care and the subsequent losses that come because of those issues and others. But she also spoke of the hope. The hope that she and the others do make a difference in the lives of children and adults. When permitted, I will post some pictures from Bastion. The hope is also in the name of Jesus. Not all of you who read this agree with my personal position with regards to faith and that's ok. I know this, the hope that people of faith have, is real. These good people: Nikki, her family and others bring that hope to those living and dying.

People do things to support them. There is an opportunity for supporting a child or family where for little money(in our accounting) would pay for school, clothes, medical care and some food for a child. That being spread around can make a huge difference in the lives of family members. When one has hope, then there is hope for others. I know that there are many of you who read this who can afford $50.00 a month to support a child and their family. That is about 60% of a timmies if you have one every work day in a twenty day month. I mean no guilt here, I mean to present you with an opportunity.

Maybe it's one less itunes card a month that pays for the remainder of the fee to support a child's in need. If you want more information about this opportunity to serve someone, many people in fact, in great need then please contact me and I will hook you up with Nikki or some of the others who can explain the benefits of child sponsorship.

And yes, these are not just empty words, our family sponsors a child. We just received a letter from her and she refers to us as the "god parents". When our daughter spent 11 days helping at a camp for some of the kids in February, they had a chance to meet, I think it blessed my daughter more to meet, see and spend time with someone who has so much less from a possession perspective, but who also has much from a happiness perspective.

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, October 5, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of Oct.5/09

Good morning music fans. The first full week of October is here and we are inching towards Thanksgiving weekend. I will be travelling on that weekend, but will have the obscure trivia prepped and ready to go for next Monday. It has been a little strange weather wise lately. I guess that's fall for you. You just never know what is gonna happen, we had rain, sun, hail, wind and thankfully no snow all in this one weekend.

I heard some stories recently from a missionary friend who lives in Ecuador about the difficulty the poor has with the lack of medical coverage (now don't get me started on the "freedom of choice/health care lie" from the states). She told about holding the hand of an 11 year old boy just as he was about to die and another about a mother of 7 children with ovarian cancer who had limited options. Both of these families faced their difficulties with faith, bravery and perseverance. Thinking of those circumstances lead me to the chorus from this song, quite appropriate as we move towards Thanksgiving.

Here are some lyrics:
Feed the babies
who don't have enough to eat
shoe the children
with no shoes on their feet
house the people
livin in the street

I would like to know:
The name of the song:
The writer:
Who was his godfather:
The name of the band:

I'm not sure what this song is about. Some suggest that the writer is trying to get away from something. If there's not enough food, clothes and safe housing I suppose I would want to get away too. The message is timely as we look forward to family reunions and gatherings in comparative luxury and a bounty of food on our Thanksgiving table. Please take time to do more than be thankful this weekend, do something for the poor, hungry, naked and those without a roof. A very wise man once said:

"when you have done it to the very least of these, you have done it to me"

Friday, October 2, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Sept.28/09

Wow, it's Friday. This week dragged, usually my weeks go by pretty fast, but this one dragged, something to do with unattained expectations and many other things taking time that they should not. I said things not people.

I received no guesses this week. I though this might tickle the fancy of some of you, but my thoughts about your guesses are clearly not in sync. With that in mind, you will find the answer below along with two videos, one of the song from this week and another from that wonderful song about Puff.

here are your answers:

The name of the song: Day is Done
The writer: Peter Yarrow
Who wrote Puff the Magic Dragon: Leonard Lipton and Peter Yarrow
What was Puff based on: An Ogden Nash poem entitled, "Custard the Dragon" about a "realio, trulio little pet dragon"

Enjoy these videos and who can you identify in the "day is done" video besides PPM"? There are several other "famous" musicians.

Have a great weekend. In one week the annual celebration of Thanksgiving for Canadians will happen, I wonder what would happen if we were than thankful all through the year, of course without the excesses of turkey and pumpkin pie? In anticipation of next weekend, here is a wonderful quote from someone often referred to by his initials JFK.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them"

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

40 years is over

Forty years ago, about this time, we got out of a plane from Ireland, met some Canadian relatives and drove from Toronto to St. Catharines in what was the final leg of a lengthy journey to Canada. I have vivid memories from that day. I recall crying like there would be no more joy. I was an 11 year old realizing that I was leaving all that I knew and for what? I never really got an answer to that question then, and since both my parents are no longer with us, I can only surmise. But we don't talk about those things, because appropriate shame is bashed around by inappropriate pride.

I recall the plane ride, my first. I remember, for some strange reason, the smoke in the plane. I remember arriving in Toronto, and that long drive to St. Catharines. I remember the roundabout at the Niagara end of the Burlington skyway and all the street lights along the highway. I remember arriving and going to bed. I remember the many nights of nightmares, so vivid I can "see" them today. I was small and insignificant and all of this was being foisted upon me, like so many other things.

I remember going to school in Canada and being picked on because I spoke differently. That is also where I met Reg, now a life long friend. I remember walking to Meadowvale school, positively alone, I had no friends. We lived with my aunt, uncle, their three kids and I think my grannie lee lived there too. I used to think the
house was so big, and now when I drive by I realize it isn't so big after all. I remember my first birthday in Canada. My parents had so little, I
remember getting my first hockey stick with a straight blade, a puck and some hockey tape. I remember moving on Dec.23/69 to our first house and I remember our first Christmas.

And all of a sudden, it's 2009 and forty years have passed. I so wanted this day to be special, but life took over, in between work, responsibilities a
nd a very late day, it seems that the day much like the memories have faded and its' importance is fictitious. I so wanted to celebrate this day with my siblings, but, the "ideals" family just doesn't exist. In the years that have passed, strife has eliminated most of what each of us have lied to keep, "the family". Each has retreated to
ones own little silo to use whatever substance or behaviour is the latest to shield them from reality. Which crutch works this time, I wonder?

And now what? Will I be here in another forty, I doubt it. How many more of these false remembrances will I see? More likely the sad reality will be when is the next funeral. Then the talk will begin again, Mom and Dad would have wanted this or wanted that, and once again, I will remind them that what they want is immat
erial, for they are no longer here and what they want does not matter, it is just more guilt. The guilt will fly, o precious guilt, I was raised by a Jewish mother who converted to Catholicism, there was always guilt to spare. It's almost a cause for a charge of treason to defy and decline a request for the next "look at me in my drunken state" festival.

It's been forty years. Would I go back? Heck n
o, I think I have finally started to live again. I am no longer under the eyes and lies of the clan. I live for my God, my little family and for new opportunities to release myself of the guilt, inappropriate shame and immense sadness that pervades all that I am. I am haunted by memories of pain and mistrust that seem to lurk in the shadows waiting to pounce at my weakest moment.

And so, with Tenebras Expellit et Hostes as my motto, I will open myself to the light. For the light will show that which is in darkness and identify it for what it really is. Much like the light streaming in this photo, I want the light to brighten the darkened corners and crevices of my mind and soul, so that the exposure will bring beauty from ashes.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Musing #54

Happy Tuesday everyone

In my through the bible reading I have finally reached the new testament. While I don't understand all that I have read, I have read everything from Genesis to where I am now, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I have been reading the bible from a chronological perspective as opposed to the standard book after book process.

As I finished the old testament last week, I realized again that the message of all those book was for the people of Israel to be obedient. I've been thinking about obedience a lot based on my reading. David, the shepherd boy, giant slayer, murderer, King, writer, adulterer and man after God's own heart wrote, "to obey is better than sacrifice".

Why does the word obey have such a negative connotation these days. It used to be part of a marriage covenant, but due to the homogenization of our language and behaviour and the political correct movement it is no longer acceptable for people to honour and obey each other.

I have also be reading a lot about marriage as I am facilitating a large group Sunday school in a study entitled: "Love and Respect". I can hear a few people seeing the word respect and having some difficulty with the notion. The premise for the study is found in the new testament letter from Paul to the people of Ephesus (the Ephesians). Paul writes (and I paraphrase) "submit one another to Christ, husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her, and wives respect your husbands".

The portion of the letter here calls for mutual submission to God and each other and then with that approach to life, love and respect and expected. Apparently, the Greek language used here refers to the "agape" love, or unconditional love and respect is not based on performance ie. the husband does not have to earn the respect.

Why is this so important to me on this rainy cold Tuesday morning? I have learned much as I have prepared to lead this study again (I previously lead it with a small group of 10-12 people). I have learned that I need to love my beloved more. That doesn't mean that love is to do more things:

"it means to to love is to be patient, kind, not jealous, boastful, proud or rude, love does not demand it's own way, it is not irritable and does not keep a record of being wronged, it does not rejoice about an injustice, but rejoices when the truth wins out, love never gives up, never loses faith, love is always hopeful and endures though every circumstance". 1 Cor:13, 4-7

Is it possible to love as is described above? I have serious doubts about my ability to achieve that standard, but it is a standard that I am called to. I am told to obey and if my obedience to the standard causes my beloved to be loved, then what's wrong with obedience? Nothing of course, except one thing, me! To accomplish this, I must put her first, not me. I must make my wishes second and hers first, so that I demonstrate my love for her unconditionally (agape).

I never know where this Tuesday post is going to go, kinda makes you want to go hmmmmmm, doesn't it?

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, September 28, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of Sept.28/09

Good morning music fans. Welcome to a new week. Just over a week ago, the world of music lost another wonderful soul. Mary Travers, of Peter, Paul and Mary (PPM) fame, succumbed to leukaemia. Actually, she died as a result of the treatment for the dreaded disease. With regards to that great loss, I have chosen a song sung by them.

I remember hearing them when I was a little one. The familiar sounds of their voices was very much like a comforting blanket or the kind words of a grandfather. Can anyone who hears the familiar strains of "Puff" not smile at the wonderful lyrics and simple story? I don't care what people think it is about, I think of it as a simple story written for children and I'm sticking with that.

Here are some lyrics:

Tell me why you're smiling my son
is there a secret you can tell everyone?
Do you know more than men that are wise?
Can you see what we all must disguise
through your loving eyes?

Well you already know that the song was sung by PPM, can you answer any of these questions?

The name of this song:
Who wrote it:
Who wrote Puff the Magic Dragon:
What was Puff based on:

Have a great week. This week is one of significant celebration for my family of origin. Forty years ago on September 30, 1969, my parents along with their 7 children left Ireland to come to Canada to start over and give their kids a chance at gaining greater opportunities. Looking back, I recall the angst of leaving my homeland and all that I knew and can now look back and be ever so thankful for the courage that my parents had to move all of us here. Thanks Mom and Dad, both of you have passed from this existence but not from my memory.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Sept.21/09

Good morning music fans and welcome to the weekend, almost.Right off the bat, props go to Gary D. (most of you know who that is) for a timely, detailed and extremely correct answer to this weeks quiz. Wow, if I ever want to know anything about these guys, I am asking Gary. And more props for giving the source of his research and answers, he's good and honest.

The name of the song: Smugglers Blues
The writer: Glenn Frey
Tubbs Real name: Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas
The name of the episode: Smugglers Blues (trick question)
The name of the character played by Frey: Jimmy Cole
How does the episode end: Frey (Jimmy Cole) is killed

If you require more info, just call Gary D. You should see the details he dragged up (or is it drugged up? Nah that would be cheesy seeing we're talking about the smugglers blues). Have a peek at these and remember Crockett, Tubbs great cars, planes and boats. And oh those pastels, what a fashion insurrection they started.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy all that comes as it comes and have some fun. I will be relaxing, resting, reading and sipping. In my ever challenging search for quotes to leave with you on Fridays I recently came across this one, attributed to Mary Pickford, a Canadian and an early file star and now legend. This is the first time I have identified the person to whom the quote is attributed to, I will do so from now on to give due homage to the authors.

"If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always a chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Afternoon off, going to see leafs vs. Pens

I have the afternoon off. A rarity in my life. I am heading to the big city to see the Leafs play against the Penguins. I am taking my daughter to see her first pro hockey game. We are both very excited and looking forward to seeing some great hockey, up close. I will post some pics after we return home, but not tonight cause I don't expect to get home until midnight or later.

I have been a fan of hockey for almost 40 years. In 8 days we will celebrate our family's 40th anniversary of coming to Canada. When we arrived I remember seeing hockey for the first time and watching the Boston Bruins and some 21 year old kid who could dance on the ice. And then there was "the goal" scored on May 10, 1970.

I remember that year, I was a a new kid in this country, watching hockey, completely ignorant of the game and somehow loving it despite my ignorance. For some strange reason I switched from the big bad bruins to the Maple Leafs. Maybe it's because they have struggled since before I arrived (no relationship there at all). Maybe it's because one of my best friends liked them, maybe it's because they are the "local" team. I don't know why, but I love the Leafs.

I remember my first game at Maple Leaf Gardens. It was Derek Sanderson's first game after returning from a battle with substance abuse. I was with Reg, one of my closest friends then and even now. Tonight, I introduce my daughter to the great game live and in colour (Blue and White). She has played for 4 years, but is so pumped to see them oh yeah and Sidney Crosby too.

Go Leafs Go

Tuesday Musing #53

Happy Tuesday everyone

Today is Bilbo and Frodo's birthday. If you don't know who they are, then feel free to wait for another post. I have been a huge fan of Tolkien and some of his works since the mid 70's when I was introduced to The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings. I was subsequently introduced to other works and now have gather three copies of the Silmarillion, and I have no idea why.

What strikes me about these two fine hobbits is their love for home and simple things. By the way, I do know that they are not real and that the stories were not written as allegorical. However, the great JRRT wrote these stories for a reason and I am trying to determine what reason they are there for me.

There is much to take from these stories that would benefit all of us. It's just like everything else, I have to decide what I will take from them, as in the words of Gandalf when he says, "so do many at these times, all we have to do is decide what to do with the time we've been given".

I have morte to say, but work beckons, I will wish you a happy Tuesday and a greater Happy Birthday to Bilbo and Frodo.

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, September 21, 2009

Obscure Lyric for the week of Sept.21/09

Good morning music fans . I have chosen something that I think you might know this week. Looks like crazy weather this week, all because I washed my car yesterday, sorry. You know it's called the day of rest for a reason. I find washing my car and listening to tunes very restful.

I remember when I heard this song for the first time. It was on a Friday night. Before we had kids, my beloved worked until 9:00 on Fridays and I would pick her up and rush home so I could watch "Miami Vice". There was so much amazing music on that show, and who couldn't like Crockett and Tubbs? And that car, what was it? Some kind of Ferrari?

So there I was today watching a movie and an ad for the origonal Miami Vice comes on and I remember this song.

Here are some lyrics:

The sailors and the pilots, the soldiers and the law
The pay offs and the rip offs and the things nobody saw
No matter if it's heroin, cocaine or hash
you've got to carry weapons, cause you always carry cash

Here is what I would like to know:

The name of the song:
The writer of the song:
Tubbs real name:
The name of the episode the song was used:
The name of the character played by the writer:
How does the episode end:

That's all for now, have a great week. Enjoy the rain, sun, heat and whatever else comes. After all it is Canada and it's still summer, right? I think fall starts this week. Tomorrow, a very special day in the world of Hobbits, just happens to be the first day of fall/autumn of 2009.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Sept.14/09

Wow, it's late. I usually have this completed either on Thursday night or at least before I start on Friday mornings. Looks like things have been a tad too busy for me this week. No guessers this week again. Where are y'all? Maybe boredom has set in, maybe apathy or maybe just maybe I am choosing songs that are too hard. I will try to remedy that this coming week.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Foggy Mental Breakdown
The writer(s): John Kay, Larry Byrom
The name of the band: Creedence Clearwater Revival
Who played bass on this album: George Biondo

There are no live versions of the song available on YouTube, so I hope you enjoy this persons work.

Have a great weekend. We are travelling to see family to visit, catch up and just chill. On Sunday I begin a new journey when I commence teaching a class on marriage. I am so pumped for this as the marriage relationship is so very important and the lack of a good relationship within the marriage has done irreparable damage to many.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter is misled by all the President's Men

Jimmy Carter finally said what I was waiting to hear. he stated that the opposition to President Obama is because he is an African American. I knew someone would finally say this, they had to, it's their final card, pun completely intended, in this game. So sad, Mr Carter is just another pawn of this administration who so radically want to change that nation, without the will of the people.

I clearly believe that there very well may be people who do not agree with the current US President because of his skin colour, but this grass roots opposition has nothing to do with skin colour. What a small minded notion to call the opposition racism. The opposition is due to the lies, the continuing growth of government and their increased intrusions into the lives of Americans. These folks are offended by the Health Care Bill (with Planned Parenthood in every school as the nurses, giving direction for abortions to be paid for by tax money) as well as end of life panels. The Fairness Doctrine, although it will be named something else with its' attacks on freedom of speech is also offensive to many. Another issue is the continuous lies, yes I said "lies" from the person on top.

No, Mr Carter, it is not the skin colour of the President that people are opposing. It is his ever changing position and his lies. He lied to faith leaders in the conference call when he said that there would be no abortion in the "health care bill". The current "federal conscience laws" will no longer remain in place. The inclusion of abortion and the removal of the conscience laws are examples of direct lying or policy changes that affect his citizens. He hides behind semantics, but so did Mr Clinton, he of the "I did not have sexual relations with her" lie.

What an aberration of the truth, it is clearly a move by the Presidents men and women to distract the American people from their concerns. The people of this great nation are not stupid. They will continue to fight for what they believe in, after all, they are citizens (so clearly called by the President) of a republic who have fought before against another tyrant. This tyrant is home brewed and clearly is hell bent on the destruction of the constitution on which that great country was formed.

I am proud to have lived in this country for almost 40 years. There are times that I wish my family had moved 30 minutes south, then I would have the privilege to speak out against this man and his minions. I will do so from this side of the border as long as I am able.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 52

Happy Tuesday Everyone

I have been doing this portion of the blog thing for 52 weeks, a year of musing. What drives me to do this weekly? I really don't know, I think that my obsessive nature (yeah I've noticed) has caused me to press on particularly on days when I thought I had nothing much to say. I guess that is the point, there is almost always something rattling around the cobweb recesses of my thought palace that want/need/have to come out and something causes them to erupt each Tuesday morning.

The insanity of the shortness of life boggles and amuses me. Teens think they are impervious to death and pain, and then they suffer their first broken heart. The 20 somethings think they have it all together and then they get married, mortgaged, loans up the wazoo and struggle to keep up with everyone else (including the Jones'). As this journey progresses, the 30's hit(I hated my 30's) and then the slide begins, before I realized it I (and the rest of us) was more than half way there. I don't expect to live to 100. Now that the threshold of fifty has been crossed I find myself dabbling with thoughts of death more often than before. I don't think it's morbid, you may though. It is going to happen, the reaper (love that song and I don't fear him) is waiting with his bony finger poised to point at all of us at some time. Why is the grim reaper considered a male figure anyway, what phylogynist or misandrist started that lie? Oops I'm going off course here.

It's what death brings that I think most of us might be afraid of. The cause is probably the biggest fear. I want to go like my friends father, in bed "playing cards" with my wife. But, I don't get to choose. I have been close before, I remember getting closer and fading further and then feeling tubes being drawn out of my throat and being told to breathe on my own. That's definitely fodder for another post when I have the strength to tell all, no there were no lights, I wasn't abducted by aliens and I didn't hear music, but I did see.........some things.

Then again, as a Christ follower, I am supposed to not fear death. Because I go down into the "valley of the shadow of death" I tread that path "not" like those who have no hope. We're not talking about hoping for the, Leafs are going to win a cup, kind of hope. This hope speaks more to a confident knowledge without a shadow of a doubt that I know where I am going when I pass towards the Grey Havens and off to heaven. And I do and I am not afraid. Some days I have even looked forward to it. But, short cuts make long delays, so I'm not about to hurry the dustification process for any reason.

One year had passed and what have I done to make things better for the human race (I can't say person race and I'm not apologizing). For some reason, my thoughts regularly come to that point. What have I done to help someone else grow, become better at what they do, or who they are? I hope(like the Leafs are going to win a cup) that a word, maybe two will cause you to stop. Then when you have pulled yourself together, either because of the laughter or even the tears, that you will say yes I can do something to make the life of someone else better and that regular challenge from Rob was the catalyst that started me on that road.

Happy Tuesday Everyone and Happy Anniversary too

Monday, September 14, 2009

I've been reading this lately a great way to live

1-2 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

3I'm speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.

4-6In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't.

6-8If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.

9-10Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.

11-13Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

14-16Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath. Laugh with your happy friends when they're happy; share tears when they're down. Get along with each other; don't be stuck-up. Make friends with nobodies; don't be the great somebody.

17-19Don't hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you've got it in you, get along with everybody. Don't insist on getting even; that's not for you to do. "I'll do the judging," says God. "I'll take care of it."

20-21Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he's thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good. (Romans 12, The Message)

Obscure Lyric for the week of Sept.14/09

Good morning music fans and welcome to a new week. It's looking rather gray or is that grey out there this morning? No matter which way it is spelled, it looks a little gloomy today. I'm sure it's not going to last.

This weeks song was performed by a Canadian band. The band had a huge hit in the late 60's along with several other "hits". The album it comes from is numbered, but is not the correct order of completion chronologically. The album did not contain any "hits" and reached 19 on the charts.

Here are some lyrics:

Hear me holler down the mountain side
I'm near the sky blinking at the evil eye
Hear me holler at the city's grind
It stole my soul just about lost my mind

I would like to know the following:
The name of the song:
The writers:
The name of the band:
Who played bass on this album:

Have a great week. Yes, I know this is a tough one. I think there are a few of you out there who will know this one though. Looks like the sun will reappear and be with us for the rest of the week, so that's something to look forward to.