Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter is misled by all the President's Men

Jimmy Carter finally said what I was waiting to hear. he stated that the opposition to President Obama is because he is an African American. I knew someone would finally say this, they had to, it's their final card, pun completely intended, in this game. So sad, Mr Carter is just another pawn of this administration who so radically want to change that nation, without the will of the people.

I clearly believe that there very well may be people who do not agree with the current US President because of his skin colour, but this grass roots opposition has nothing to do with skin colour. What a small minded notion to call the opposition racism. The opposition is due to the lies, the continuing growth of government and their increased intrusions into the lives of Americans. These folks are offended by the Health Care Bill (with Planned Parenthood in every school as the nurses, giving direction for abortions to be paid for by tax money) as well as end of life panels. The Fairness Doctrine, although it will be named something else with its' attacks on freedom of speech is also offensive to many. Another issue is the continuous lies, yes I said "lies" from the person on top.

No, Mr Carter, it is not the skin colour of the President that people are opposing. It is his ever changing position and his lies. He lied to faith leaders in the conference call when he said that there would be no abortion in the "health care bill". The current "federal conscience laws" will no longer remain in place. The inclusion of abortion and the removal of the conscience laws are examples of direct lying or policy changes that affect his citizens. He hides behind semantics, but so did Mr Clinton, he of the "I did not have sexual relations with her" lie.

What an aberration of the truth, it is clearly a move by the Presidents men and women to distract the American people from their concerns. The people of this great nation are not stupid. They will continue to fight for what they believe in, after all, they are citizens (so clearly called by the President) of a republic who have fought before against another tyrant. This tyrant is home brewed and clearly is hell bent on the destruction of the constitution on which that great country was formed.

I am proud to have lived in this country for almost 40 years. There are times that I wish my family had moved 30 minutes south, then I would have the privilege to speak out against this man and his minions. I will do so from this side of the border as long as I am able.

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