It's Saturday, it's sunny and almost silent.
I love Saturdays. I like the rest before the "day of rest" which is never a day of rest anymore. Saturdays have lately been reserved for my beloved and I to do the shopping, maybe a sandwich from Vincenzos and a coffee (hot chocolate for me) from the 'bucks. Today, it's just rest. No cooking, cleaning or anything. Sit and read, listen. Of course, by pressing play I realize that the silent nature of this idyll will soon be gone, but what will the sounds bring.
Currently it is Matt Redman, a prophet of sorts I guess. I consider some musicians to have special abilities to communicate important messages well and timely. It's been quite a week. You know there are people out there whose picture shows up in the dictionary depending on what you are looking for. I'll explain. I was in great need of a specialized service yesterday. I have actually needed this service for some time and in my need I called the one person who I depend on for this amazing service. There was Mrs. C. tools in hand, smiling face, jocular as always, amazing listening ears, kitchen bereft of cookies, but there was flour waiting to be made into something special, and there she was just waiting to help me in my time of need.
A servant, definitely. Honest as the day is long having within her the integrity required for all and serving in so many ways. Mary or Martha who has the greater responsibility? Who has the greater benefit?
So, as the music changes to "once upon a time...storybook love" by Knopfler, gentle melodies stream around me as the simple strains of a guitar fill the room. Memories of the movie and all the players stream past as I think of the many times we have enjoyed this together. Simple memories are the best. there are big bold memories trying to stomp into view, but I prefer the memory of the three of us sitting on that old yellow couch watching, listening, protecting and smiling then laughing then celebrating as good always wins over evil. My beloved has never been a fan of the movie but probably has more joy of the memory of the rest of us watching anyway.
"Horizons" is playing now. Most will not recognize unless prog rock is a favourite or you are learning to play it for your fathers enjoyment. There are more sounds now, the noon horn has sounded. Cars travel up and down the busy road, a sort of "short cut" from the north to the south of town. Country music is spilling from the kitchen, my baby girl (soon to be 19) is entertaining and cooking.
Time for this moment of silence to end with some rest.
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