Friday, October 16, 2009

The big reveal for the week of Oct.12/09

Good morning music fans. It's been a bit cold this week. A week ago, I was anticipating our trip to Virginia and the warm weather there. Now, we are home and freezing. We enjoyed the sun and heat for a while last weekend.

Clearly, the interest in the "obscure lyric" is waning. I can't remember the last time someone actually wrote to guess. Either that or we are just too busy to stop and enjoy the moments anymore. Whatever the reasons, I need to make a decision as to whether or not the "obscure lyric" continues or if changes are required. Maybe it has run its' course and y'all are no longer interested. No worries, it is one less thing for me to do each week. If I remember to send an e-mail on Monday, then it's still on. If no e-mail, then the "lyric" has either gone into hibernation for a while, gone completely, or once again, I forgot.

Here are this weeks answers:

the name of the song: Lover's Cross
The name of the singer: Jim Croce
The album: Photographs and Memories
The album side and track number: I have no idea, although it looks like side two
from everything I have read.

Here is a lovely version with Jim and Maurie just doing what they did, making beautiful music, telling great stories and communicating what seems like effortlessly.

Have a great weekend. I am leaving normalcy to spend the weekend with between 60 and 75 men on a retreat at a camp in the near north. As most oif you know, I am not a camper of any sort, our family approach to going away is to "go somewhere better than where we live, not worse". However, I know this I have heard the speaker and he is dynamic, the music will be fantastic, I have no clue what the food is going to be like, but I do know that it will be good.

As I was searching for this weeks song on video, I discovered this gem, enjoy:

Ahh, the simplicity of the Muppets and the music of Jim Croce. What else in this world has such joy and sadness and yet no anger, no pointing and squawking about not getting ones way.

Have an awesome weekend. I hope that whatever you do will find you inspired, challenged and encouraged. I expect that I will encounter much of this in my weekend. None of us can "put time in a bottle" we must live for the now. Go ahead , laugh, live, love because we don't know what tomorrow holds. However, life needs to be more than just laughing, living and loving, it needs perspective which is terribly clear from this very sad quote from the incomparable Freddie Mercury:

"What will I be doing in twenty years time? I'll be dead darling! Are you crazy"

Stone cold crazy, I guess!

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