The ramblings of a man who loves God, family, friends, reading, music and cooking, but not necessarily in that order except of course for God and family.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
40 years is over
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday Musing #54
Happy Tuesday everyone
Monday, September 28, 2009
Obscure lyric for the week of Sept.28/09
Friday, September 25, 2009
The big reveal for the week of Sept.21/09
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Afternoon off, going to see leafs vs. Pens
I have been a fan of hockey for almost 40 years. In 8 days we will celebrate our family's 40th anniversary of coming to Canada. When we arrived I remember seeing hockey for the first time and watching the Boston Bruins and some 21 year old kid who could dance on the ice. And then there was "the goal" scored on May 10, 1970.
I remember that year, I was a a new kid in this country, watching hockey, completely ignorant of the game and somehow loving it despite my ignorance. For some strange reason I switched from the big bad bruins to the Maple Leafs. Maybe it's because they have struggled since before I arrived (no relationship there at all). Maybe it's because one of my best friends liked them, maybe it's because they are the "local" team. I don't know why, but I love the Leafs.
I remember my first game at Maple Leaf Gardens. It was Derek Sanderson's first game after returning from a battle with substance abuse. I was with Reg, one of my closest friends then and even now. Tonight, I introduce my daughter to the great game live and in colour (Blue and White). She has played for 4 years, but is so pumped to see them oh yeah and Sidney Crosby too.
Tuesday Musing #53
What strikes me about these two fine hobbits is their love for home and simple things. By the way, I do know that they are not real and that the stories were not written as allegorical. However, the great JRRT wrote these stories for a reason and I am trying to determine what reason they are there for me.
There is much to take from these stories that would benefit all of us. It's just like everything else, I have to decide what I will take from them, as in the words of Gandalf when he says, "so do many at these times, all we have to do is decide what to do with the time we've been given".
I have morte to say, but work beckons, I will wish you a happy Tuesday and a greater Happy Birthday to Bilbo and Frodo.
Happy Tuesday everyone
Monday, September 21, 2009
Obscure Lyric for the week of Sept.21/09
That's all for now, have a great week. Enjoy the rain, sun, heat and whatever else comes. After all it is Canada and it's still summer, right? I think fall starts this week. Tomorrow, a very special day in the world of Hobbits, just happens to be the first day of fall/autumn of 2009.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The big reveal for the week of Sept.14/09
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Jimmy Carter is misled by all the President's Men
I clearly believe that there very well may be people who do not agree with the current US President because of his skin colour, but this grass roots opposition has nothing to do with skin colour. What a small minded notion to call the opposition racism. The opposition is due to the lies, the continuing growth of government and their increased intrusions into the lives of Americans. These folks are offended by the Health Care Bill (with Planned Parenthood in every school as the nurses, giving direction for abortions to be paid for by tax money) as well as end of life panels. The Fairness Doctrine, although it will be named something else with its' attacks on freedom of speech is also offensive to many. Another issue is the continuous lies, yes I said "lies" from the person on top.
No, Mr Carter, it is not the skin colour of the President that people are opposing. It is his ever changing position and his lies. He lied to faith leaders in the conference call when he said that there would be no abortion in the "health care bill". The current "federal conscience laws" will no longer remain in place. The inclusion of abortion and the removal of the conscience laws are examples of direct lying or policy changes that affect his citizens. He hides behind semantics, but so did Mr Clinton, he of the "I did not have sexual relations with her" lie.
What an aberration of the truth, it is clearly a move by the Presidents men and women to distract the American people from their concerns. The people of this great nation are not stupid. They will continue to fight for what they believe in, after all, they are citizens (so clearly called by the President) of a republic who have fought before against another tyrant. This tyrant is home brewed and clearly is hell bent on the destruction of the constitution on which that great country was formed.
I am proud to have lived in this country for almost 40 years. There are times that I wish my family had moved 30 minutes south, then I would have the privilege to speak out against this man and his minions. I will do so from this side of the border as long as I am able.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday Musings # 52
Monday, September 14, 2009
I've been reading this lately a great way to live
Obscure Lyric for the week of Sept.14/09
This weeks song was performed by a Canadian band. The band had a huge hit in the late 60's along with several other "hits". The album it comes from is numbered, but is not the correct order of completion chronologically. The album did not contain any "hits" and reached 19 on the charts.
Here are some lyrics:
I would like to know the following:
Have a great week. Yes, I know this is a tough one. I think there are a few of you out there who will know this one though. Looks like the sun will reappear and be with us for the rest of the week, so that's something to look forward to.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The big reveal for the week of Sept.7/09

Good morning and for all of us in North America it is time to remember as today is the anniversary of 911. A sad day. The soldiers in the photo above did what they could to remind us all to remember. I still recall the dancing in some places as the towers fell and can still not understand the glee at another person's loss. Schadenfreude is sadly alive and well. I hope that you can take some time today to remember and do something for the cause of peace.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"You Lie"
While the words may have been out of place, maybe a lack of decorum and even inappropriate these two words expressed the truth. A brief review of the things this person has said have shown significant lack of integrity in his ability to maintain the truth. And in the land of the free and the home of the brave where freedom of speech is so firmly ensconced in the national fibre, the attacks on the individual who spoke them is tremendous.
I am not a fan or supporter of either the Republican or Democrat party in the good ole U. S. of A, fortunately. I am also not a citizen of the US, I am Canadian. According to the leader of the US, that country is not a Christian nation, but one made up of citizens.................. duh aren't we all citizens, well maybe all of us except illegal immigrants, but that's another post.
Anyway, with regards to the sacred notion of free speech, I guess it is when you speak things that are approved, or are aligned with the correct group (or the politically correct). Fpr a comparison, what happened when the previous president Bush was booed during the "state of the nation address"? Did the world go into such a a tizzy as this? of course not, this is going to be used as a smoke screen so that Obama care and the fairness doctrine will be passed by the bleating sheep in the house and congress.
One day, there will be a reckoning.
You lie, no kidding, he does, I do and so do all of you. Now as to the lack of decorum, some of the things I have read from those who wish to make Mr. Wilson a saint and those who think he is a demon lack more than decorum, they lack what they themselves have, forgiveness and the freedom of speech.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
9 9 9
Will it change anything about my day? I doubt it! As I watch the early morning sun begin to stream across the sky I am encouraged by the red sky in the morning. I know there are lots of rhymes about red skies in the morning, in fact in the book of Matthew, Jesus is quoted as saying, "red sky in the morning means foul weather all day". I also prefer to hearken to the following: "do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has enough trouble of it's own". This was also spoke by Jesus after teaching the disciples how to pray.
So, today is 9 9 9. What does it mean? Take today, this hour, minute and even every second captive and be blessed by everything: the breath that you take as you read, the labour that you do to feed yourself and others, the beauty of sunshine and rain, the frustrations of life because they compare with the wonderful positive moments, the car requiring repairs because you have a car, the giving of pleasure, for is it not better to give than to receive?
I know that when the next 9 9 9 arrives, I will no longer reside on this planet, so today is a day that I will revel in the many blessings that I have been given, what about you?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tuesday Musings # 51
"A Samaritan traveling the road came on him. When he saw the man's condition, his heart went out to him. He gave him first aid, disinfecting and bandaging his wounds. Then he lifted him onto his donkey, led him to an inn, and made him comfortable. In the morning he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Take good care of him. If it costs any more, put it on my bill—I'll pay you on my way back.' "
"What do you think?" Jesus said, "Which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?"
"The one who treated him kindly," the religion scholar responded.
Jesus said, "Go and do the same."
The message is for all of us. The Samaritans were hated by the Jewish people and yet this man treated those who hated him with kindness. The question of eternal life is not to be answered by the number of virgins that await us at Martyrdom, all people particularly women should be offended by that. Beyond anything it is selfish. Rather the question is what and how will we treat those we do not like now.
I am not a fan of war (have never been) or war movies (anymore). I have tired of any real life depiction of violence in the last few years and significantly more since April 2008. I recall listening to this piece of music at the end of Platoon in 1986 and being transfixed by it. The sadness expressed by the writer and the platform from which it is being played leaves me with tears at the horror and beauty of the world that we live in. Until we all see each other as neighbours, the dissonant notes of terrorism will remain.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Sept.7/09
Good morning and welcome to the new week and the first week of September. Can you believe that we are already in September? I have spent the last two weeks on vacation and have enjoyed the time even though we had several trips to Toronto (3) for appointments last week. We will be there again today for the final appointment (hopefully).
I wanted to choose something special for this weeks song. This is the week that we remember 911. On September 11, 2001 the world changed. I felt that the world grew smaller and darker. This song has nothing to do with 911, it is a culmination of a work that I love. I have never used this singer in the blog, I am not really a fan of any of the work this person did, alone or as a member of a duet, except for this song. The song is sad as it deals with loss, some have even sung it at funerals. However, the loss is tempered with the belief that a new life awaits as we cross to that distant shore. The song is not part of the original work, but was added to the last portion when the work was transferred to film in 2003.
Across the sea, a pale moon rises
The ships have come to carry you home
And all will turn, to silver glass
A light on the water
Here's what I would like to know:
The name of the song:
The writer (s) of the song:
The singer:
The destination (what is the distant shore called):
The name of the movie:
Have a great week. Today is a holiday. School starts tomorrow for all the kiddies and I return to work after a lengthy break. Fall will be here soon so enjoy the last vestiges of summer as she passes. In the midst of the revelry that is the first week of school and as your sons and daughters leave to go to school, be thankful that your children do so in relative peace and are not harassed for going to school. There are so many children world wide who do not, cannot and are not allowed to go to school. The children may not appreciate this, but we must appreciate this and the freedoms we enjoy in this country.