Good morning and for all of us in North America it is time to remember as today is the anniversary of 911. A sad day. The soldiers in the photo above did what they could to remind us all to remember. I still recall the dancing in some places as the towers fell and can still not understand the glee at another person's loss. Schadenfreude is sadly alive and well. I hope that you can take some time today to remember and do something for the cause of peace.
Today is also the time for the big reveal. There were no guessers this week. I really didn't think that this was so tough, but then again I knew the answers before I sent out the questions.
Here are your answers:
The name of the song: Into the West
The writer(s): Fran Walsh, Howard Shore and Annie Lennox
The singer: Annie Lennox
The destination: Valinor by way of The Grey Havens
The name of the movie: The Lord of the Rings, specifically The Return of The King
The sting of loss is softened by memories and the belief that those departed will be reunited in future. As in the song where it states that "The ships have come to carry you home". The anticipation is there that we will join those who have gone on before us in a new home. Home is after all the best place, no matter where it is. Enjoy the song, there is no video to it, too many copyright problems, so you'll just have to listen to Annie and feast your eyes on the King.
Have a great weekend, take time to remember the good, the amazing and even the difficult times in your life. It is by remembering that we eliminate the power that those events try to have on us. By remembering, we say to the events "you do not define me". Just like 911 does not define the US, muslims or NY City, our experiences do not define who we are. We are defined by who we are: our actions, lives and service to fellow travellers in this journey.
If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
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