Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday Musings (#23) on a Wednesday

Hello Wednesday, Tuesday's gone.

When I was in high school back in the early 70's there was a song with the refrain "and you know who your friends are by looking in their eyes". Some DJ in St. Catharines used that song to end his show at 10:00 p.m. weeknights. How I remember this stuff amazes me and it leads me to this weeks musing.

It is not from the eyes that friendship is demonstrated, but rather from the actions and love of people that demonstrates friendship. If that sentence makes any sense then I am doing well right now.

Once again, our family has been blessed with a difficult situation. A friend wrote that "she is saddened that we have to endure more tragedy than most". I won't go into details here at this point, suffice it to say that we have a challenging situation on our hands. It is in this time of need that we discover that our faith carries us over and through the worst obstacles and real friends come to our aid in ways that cannot be numbered or described.

In those days when I feel that I have few if any friends, I need to remember these days when so many come to be with us, pray with us, cry with us, laugh with us and give of their time and resources sacrificially to assist us in our time of need.
Thanks so much for being there.

"Happy Wednesday Everyone"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob, I've been checking out your blog - still have no clue to what most of the songs are! I'm not sure if I should just 'cheat' and google the lyrics! It wouldn't be a true victory I guess!

Anyway, I just read yesterday's entry about the difficult situation you and your family are going through. I won't pry but I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and pray that everything will be okay during this difficult time.
