OK now back to the music, I had two guesses this week, from two regulars Brad F. and Steve B. Brad answered all the questions correctly, first, so once again, he is our winner. I guess I need to make a road trip to T-Bay to give him his prize, which will not likely happen, the trip that is.
Here are your answers:
The name of the artist: Bob Marley.
The name of the song: Redemption Song.
The name of the album: Uprising.
Will Smith movie: the aptly entitled "I am Legend"
I hope you enjoy this version as much as I have. Having never been a fan of reggae, ska or this type of music, the emotion, pain and hope expressed in the music of Marley that I have listened to this week has blessed me and I will likely go out and purchase some this weekend, we jammin'.
Have an awesome weekend. I plan on a quiet dinner with my beloved at our favourite Italian restaurant this evening(sans Billy Joel although there might be a bit of red and white) and then resting and reading(nothing related to work) for most of the rest of the weekend.
I hope that you have enjoyed the music this month. As I noted earlier, the month of March will be set aside for Irish (or musicians with Irish names)musicians. I promise no Gaelic, I'm not sure how many would undertand. I will try to keep the music to this century. As a start (and as I finish this post), I will leave you with an old Irish blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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