I received a few guesses this week and a correction(thanks Scott G.) apparently the Phoenix Coyotes don't use this song any more when they score a goal, apparently they have "imbibed the koolaid" and have added some form of horn to celebrate their few goals, oh well their loss, or maybe they forgot to pay the royalties to the estate of the deceased. Kinda makes you want to go hmmmm.
Here are your answers:
The name of the song: Werewolves in London.
The writer(s) Warren Zevon (the singer), LeRoy Marinell and Waddy Wachtel.
The name of the album: Excitable Boy
What caused the singers early passing: Mesothelioma (a rare form of cancer) which also killed Steve McQueen.
Two people wrote with the correct answers within 11 minutes of each other, so based on that we have two winners this week. Deb M. and Scott G. congrats, the cheque is in the mail. Not really, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
It's almost the weekend and it's a long one. I am so ready for this one, finally I have a reason to thank the Fiberal Government of Ontario. Have a great weekend, especially since it's a long one and enjoy Valentines Day if you have someone to share it with. The next weeks blog will be updated on Monday, I have a few ideas for next week already.
Have fun, enjoy the sunshine and if you can't be with the one you love, wait til they get home, there's way too much of that going on (with no apologies to CSNY). It's my blog and I can say what I want.
"I hope you don't mind that I put into words, how wonderful life is now you're in the world"
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