I am patient and they do good work, they have some difficulty when I put parameters on when they can come into the house. It's Saturday morning after all, I try to get a little extra sleep on these morning so I told them not to be here until 9:00 a.m. and I also told them I want them out by 3:00 p.m.
Saturday besides n=being my extra sleep day is also my sit by the fire and read day. With these gents in my living room and kitchen I can do neither. Now, perspective is a wonderful thing. Given what we have been through in the last two weeks a little inconvenience by painters is a minor thing. So, I'll sit here for a while then maybe take my beloved out for breakfast, do some errands and oh yes, enjoy the sunshine. Ah the sunshine, while it is cold out there, the sunshine just makes everything seem brighter.
So, they are back and the job will be done. In a little more time all this work will be completed, nice!
So here are they are working away in both the hallway and in the kitchen, they will also finish the living room completely, I hope.