Good Tuesday morning to each and every one of you.
"mawigge is what bwings us togever today" so says the priest (Peter Cook) in The Princess Bride and it is Marriage that I wish to muse about today. I love the movie The Princess Bride because in the end Wesley and Buttercup get together and it all ends up happy and they walk into the sunset together.
I like to observe people, I like to watch people interact whether in my home, at a restaurant, in crowds, at church or just about anywhere that I can observe and see the way that people react to each other in different situations. I particularly like to watch married couples. Sometimes it's pretty sad.
A good marriage takes a lot of work, some people like to say that a marriage is a 50/50 proposition. I disagree, I believe that a successful (and I'll give my definition of success later) marriage is a 100/100 proposition. I believe that if each partner would give 100% of their all to "Love" the other person and vice versa then a lot of things would be different in that relationship and elsewhere.
So what is love? Love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, is not rude, is not self seeking, is not easily angered, does not keep a list of wrongs, does not like evil, does like the truth, protects, hopes, perseveres and never fails. That's not me definition, I left it to a man named Paul (who was somewhat inspired) to define love that way.
Hmmm, pretty tough list to maintain, I'm quite confident that I have failed in most if not all of those definitions/attributes of love. Ah, but there's the rub, love is also forgiveness and that's what makes giving your all to the one you love so important, love, forgiveness and respect(more on that next week).
Have a great Tuesday, I am.
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