I'm sitting here reading and enjoying some quiet time. I looked out the window to see rain and the leaves being blown about. I guess there is nothing I can do about the onward push of the seasons but to enjoy the positive things about them. For example, I am not outside as the rain and wind are blowing.
Here is my view from my comfy warm chair this Sunday afternoon. While it gives a nice view of my new window, I'm not really sure that it shows what's happening out there. It's just the changing of the season and apparently the snow is coming next week. I don't think it will be much, but I'm not ready for any of it, the snow tires are still sitting at Thomans and need to be installed, even though it appears that the tires they sold me don't have rims to go with them. It's time to talk to Rick about that.
The new bedroom furniture is being ordered this week. It's part of the ongoing renovations that we are doing. Unfortunately, with the change in the dollar, the price has risen about 20%. We will have to eat a few dollars more to purchase the one we want. I will delay the purchase of my new bike due to the American dollar. My beloved really likes this particular bedroom suite and it will be nice to finally have bedside tables instead of tv trays. We have not had a new bedroom set since before the boy arrived in 1987. A friend is helping us out and ordering the set and it should be ordered this Wednesday. We have always wanted a sleigh bed and we will have one soon.
These renovations have taken on a life of their own, I am excited to see what the house will look like when they are done. I think I will finally feel like this is our home, and not the house of Henry and Mrs Henry. This time it will be what we wanted it to look like. It has been six years(as opposed to Bowie's 5 years) and I can't wait. I have set an unreasonable time table where I want the whole thing completed before Christmas, so we will see how much we can complete.
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