Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Tooth Fairy

A little friend of mine (the same one I attended a hockey game with) lost his first tooth yesterday. It is a momentous occasion for any and all when that first tooth finally breaks free (with homage to Freddie Mercury who had lovely big teeth) and there it is waiting to be placed under a pillow in hopes that the tooth fairy might visit. Apparently, the tooth fairy did visit, however I have not yet been advised of the amount that was left for the tooth.

His story reminded me of one time when our daughter wrote a note to the tooth fairy asking for a raise. She's pretty smart, we kept the note for safekeeping and will give it to her when she moves out or maybe when she gets her first "big" job. She won't be shy about asking future employers about salary structure and such.

By the way, yes, she got a raise, I think we increased it to a toonie at that time. Not bad for a natural process such as the loss of a tooth. It's funny how simple events bring big smiles and memories. I am looking forward to a lifetime of memories with my little friend and his sister. I get to relive all the things I experienced with my own children. It is amazing that out of difficulty comes great pleasure if we choose to look for and experience it. If we do not, it is our loss.

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