While studying Psychology at University, I discovered the book by Chayefsky and I also studied many different types of altered states in numerous classes and courses. I did not participate in studies like the Leary stuff, although I have had some voluntary altered states when I was much younger.
No, the state that I refer to is the state I have found myself in due to the need for analgesics following my recent surgery. I hate having to read and re-read a paragraph. Just thinking that this post just might make sense actually humours me. To add to this altered state I have just watched the first part of "Woodstock" yes the original and only "Woodstock" with my son. The numerous depictions of altered states was mind bending, sorry I had to put that in. The state was not just due to drugs, but also due to meditation (looked like tantric at some point), Tai Chi, dance and then there was Joe Cocker, who had his own "altered state" when he "got by with a little help from his friends". I just love watching his "air guitar".
I want to have a clear head, to think, to recall, to be able to come up with the correct word when speaking with family and visitors. The likelihood is that I either get used to the stuff, or I get off them. That's my master plan, to get off all of this stuff, I want to be free of the affect and effect of the chemicals on my brain, my mind, my state of being and my life. That's not too much to ask, is it?
Aah patience, yes I know it's a virtue, my Mom always said that and a few others too, some were clearly from Solomon, but this one is not. The only kind of altered state I want right now is to sleep, perchance to dream.
1 comment:
I found a great quote and I thought of you, "Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” (Lance Armstrong). Stay strong
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