Friday, May 1, 2009

The big reveal for the week of April 27/09

Welcome to May y'all. April was great and I'm glad it's over, I am really looking forward to some nice warm (not summer hot) days and watching things grow. I'm planning on planting an herb garden on an old table on my deck this spring and plan on using fresh herbs in my cooking.  I love to cook so that will make the adventures so much more fun.

Several of you had the right idea this week, but only one submitted a guess online. So props to Peter M for getting all the answers correct  and even challenging me with some obscure lyrics. You got me by the way, oops

Here are your answers:

The name of the song(and the introduction): Love lies bleeding (funeral for a friend)
The writer of the music: Reginald Kenneth Dwight(Sir Elton John)
The writer of the words: Bernie Taupin(what an amazing talent he is)
The name of the album: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
The following song is written about: Candle in the Wing written about Marilyn Monroe originally

Enjoy this version from Central Park in 1980.

and how about this one from 2002 from Japan

Have an awesome weekend, enjoy the warmer weather and the company of friends, family and other loved ones. May the warmth of their friendship bring you to the place of peace and rest. 

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent" 

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