Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday Musing (#33)


I have just returned from an amazing weekend in Niagara on the Lake with my beloved. We enjoyed the fabulous weather, even the wind and rain. We enjoyed time together without interruption and we enjoyed time with old friends at Applewood Hollow, here is the web address for one of the prettiest and most enjoyable places in this part of the world http://bbniagaraonthelake.com/

When we were there, our hosts, Brian and Jane told us about a restaurant that was having its name changed. Apparently, the new owners began scraping the paint on the word restaurant starting at the "t" and when they came to the letters "r - e - s - t" they stopped for some reason. The restaurant has been for some time and is now referred to "The Rest".

I spent considerable time thinking about what that meant to me. I thought about what is required to get me to rest. I usually need to remove some activities in order to get some rest because I am over scheduled. So what do I need to take from this little story? I need to begin scraping away things that interfere with my ability to rest. What those things are is really up to me. What is important is that I need to do it regularly.

I can become so busy with stuff that I do no take my rest. Most of that "stuff" is good stuff and what needs to happen is for me to choose what I will do and what needs to be set aside so I can rest. What about you? Do you need some rest? What is there in your life that needs to be scraped away so that you can get to that place of rest.

Interestingly, our culture does not recognise nor respect the need for rest. Sunday, for example is now an extra shopping day(I plead guilty). A day that was set apart for rest has now become another opportunity to buy meaningless stuff. I know, now I'm ranting! I am not one to follow the culture, I work really hard at following my faith, values and convictions and the need and command to rest will be a regular part of my life from now on.

Happy Tuesday Everyone

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