The ramblings of a man who loves God, family, friends, reading, music and cooking, but not necessarily in that order except of course for God and family.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Dec.1/08
Friday, November 28, 2008
The big reveal for the week of Nov.24, 2008
Steve B got the name of the band.
Here are your answers:
The name of the band: Lighthouse
The name of the lead singer: Bob McBride
The name of the song (and album): One fine morning
Who created the art work for the album cover: Roger Dean(who did a lot of work for the albums of Yes)
The instrument played by the writer (Howard Shore) of the LOTR music: Horn section
I was unable to embed this particular song, so check out the video bar for some versions of the song. Have an awesome weekend. Take some time to slow down before the crazy part of Christmas begins to hit. I imagine that the malls will get very busy soon. I'll be loading the Christmas music on the ipod this weekend as well as trying to get some rest.
I am planning on doing Christmas songs for the month of December and have some new things in mind for the new year. Enjoy family and friends this weekend.
All deep things are song. It seems somehow the very central essence of us, song; as if all the rest were but wrappages and hulls!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tuesday Musings (#12)
In one month it will be Christmas day. I can't wait. Well I can wait, I just am so excited for Christmas this year. Oh yes, I say Christmas, I don't say happy holidays or even seasons greetings. I celebrate Christmas. if you celebrate Hanukkah, then have a happy Hanukkah, if you celebrate Kwanzaa, then have a happy Kwanzaa.
I am so ticked at the homogenization of everything. You can't say this cause it might offend someone, oh please, how can saying Happy or Merry Christmas offend anyone. For those of us who celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is that, a celebration of a faith. If I offend you by saying Merry Christmas, I'll say it now, I am sorry that I offend you, but (I need to put that little word in there at this time) I will continue to say Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas (to honour my Mom or Charles Dickens or Clement Moore).
OK now back to why I am excited for Christmas this year. It is the plan to have all of us (4) at home for Christmas. We will not have been together since Josh left for school and we're looking forward to being together. We'll do all the traditions that make it Christmas for us including a new one where all of us go to Casa Rugantino for a nice dinner just before Christmas. My in-laws will hopefully join us for a few days and we'll all hang out and enjoy the love that is our family. I'm really looking forward to having some time off and just enjoying my family time.
Happy Tuesday everyone and of course, Merry Christmas ;)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Obscure musical Lyric for the week of November 24, 2008
The song this week is an old song, released in 1970 and apparently re-released in 2008 on itunes. The song is the title song from the album. The band is Canadian and delivered a mixed bag of instruments, but no bag pipes. One of the former (although some of them still tour and play together) band members wrote the music for the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) movies.
I want to know the following:
The name of the band:
The name of the lead singer:
The name of the song (and album):
Who created the art work for the album cover:
The instrument played by the writer of the LOTR music:
Have a great week. In one month it will be Christmas eve. Next week I will begin my Christmas music trivia and will continue up to the week before Christmas, oh what fun it is to ride....................
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Angry Dad
Friday, November 21, 2008
The big reveal for the week of Nov.17/08
Quite a few of you got the "clues" from the original post this week. I'll measure my "words with an eyedropper" (that's for burger boy) next week. The more I listened to the music, the more I enjoyed it. I might even buy the album. The nice thing is you can listen to it from the album's website, a nice touch I say.
Here are your answers for this week:
Have an awesome weekend, find a way to stay warm, cosy up somewhere with a book, a fire and something warm or cool to sip. Don't forget to play some wonderful music that will take you away to places unknown except to you and make a pilgrimage to that special place that only you go to.
"Music has charms to soothe the savage beast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sleepless in Elmira
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday Musings (#11)
One of them is death. I made a glib comment last Friday night(Date Night) to my beloved about a song that was playing on the ipod as one of the songs that I want played at my funeral. I watched as tears flowed down her cheeks at my lack of sensitivity to what would be a great loss for her. We are currently watching and waiting as the brother of our closest friends (the carpenter and the bonnet babe) moves closer to eternity. It really upset my beloved that I was talking about my own eventual promotion. Death really sucks. It is usually associated with some tragic accident happening or the eventual loss of ones parents who we have been with us all our life. From a corporeal perspective, death is the end. It means goodbye, or maybe even no chance for goodbye as was the circumstance 7 1/2 months ago. It leaves us with a bad taste, tears and gut wrenching loss. It leaves us many questions, rarely answered.
Death from a Christian perspective leaves us with some joy. Paul writes in his letter to the Thessalonians, "we sorrow not like those who have no hope". That is the lot of the Christian, we have hope. And the hope referred to here is not like hoping for a particular birthday gift that may or may not come, hope here refers to the knowledge that something will happen and an assurance that it will occur.
Death sucks that's for sure, it separates us from those we love. The cause and/or reason for death also sucks, but, there is hope. The hope that we will be reunited one day in a far better place where there will be no dying, no death, no tears and no pain. If that's what kept me up last night, then I will enjoy the waking hours today because it really is a happy Tuesday, no matter what.
Happy Tuesday everyone.
Monday, November 17, 2008
obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Nov.17/08
The song I have chosen this week was one of the top one hundred (100) songs from 2007 as chosen by Rolling Stone. Yep, this is a relatively current song. It is sung by quite a contrasting pair of individuals, one of whom is considerably older than the other. I have rarely listened to one of them and have listened to the other one much more back in the day.
The hints are pretty tough this week. They are a "new duo" and have been touring and singing together for the last year. They came from significantly different musical roots, are from different places and have a large age gap.
I would like to know the following:
The name of the song:
The name of the album:
The singers:
The writer of the song:
Have an awesome week, I have a very busy week but will try to get some additional hints to you on Wednesday. Enjoy the snow, at least it looks pretty and most people who suffer from allergies, don't have to suffer right now. There's a silver lining to every snow cloud.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
The big reveal for the week of Nov.10/08
I had only one reply to this weeks song and that person got some of the information correct. I even stumped all of the regular guessers. I suppose that this was tough, maybe the mixing of the verses together helped, or maybe you are bored. Anyway, the trivia will continue, I'll bring it into the '90's or closer for the next few weeks and then wait 'til you see what's planned for the Christmas season.
Here are the answers(Lori S. got #2 and #3):
1. who released the song in 1972? The Chi Lites.
2. who released the song in 1990? Paul Young.
3. the name of the song? Oh Girl.
4. the writer of the song? Eugene Record.
5. the name of the 1972 album? A Lonely Man.
Have a great weekend, enjoy whatever weather arrives. Spend some time with family and friends. Take some time to thank someone for just being themselves. Perform an act of random kindness and if someone is kind to you, pass it on.
" As long as we live, there is never enough singing"
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Trying to learn patience
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I want to dream again
I'm currently listening to "Once Chance" by Paul Potts. He won the "Britain's got Talent" competition a year or so ago. His life story was one of being bullied because he liked to sing and for other reasons. He's almost like a Mr. Tanner of sorts, except the critics liked him and he kept singing. What strikes me most is that he doesn't meet the pretty boy image that most people want and yet he won and he's good. Watch the following from one of his performances from "BGT". In the midst of all that is wrong with the world, someone like Paul comes out and blesses and encourages just by being himself.
Every time I watch this, I get tears in my eyes Even the normally caustic Simon Cowell is taken aback by the sheer joy of this man when he is singing.
This is not new, it is however a reminder that we need to dream and go for it. It is also the answer to bullies out there and there are lots: physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual and other kinds. The answer is this, you bullies will never win. Because inside the heart of a bully is a scared person afraid to show their own weaknesses for fear of being observed for your reality. Inside the heart of the one being bullied remains a tiny fire that when given enough oxygen will flame into brightness and expose the wrong for what it is.
Congratulations to Paul Potts for persevering. We are all called to persevere no matter what kind of pressure is placed upon us. Some day we will stand in triumph over the "bullies" of this world.
I will dream again.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday Musings (#10)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Nov.10/08

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Birthday weekend
Embarrassed by Riches
Friday, November 7, 2008
The U.S. election: part 2
I will pray that people will come together and work as one for the ideals that have been set out in their constitution. I will pray for our own country that we will learn from the foibles of others and never look down on anyone but build them up. I will pray for wisdom for the leaders as they govern.
The big reveal for the week of Nov.3/08
The name of the song: Hide in your Shell.
The name of the album: Crime of the Century.
The name of the writers: Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson.
Who sang lead vocals: Roger Hodgson.
Who sang back up vocals: Christine Helliwell, Vicki Seibenberg and Scott Gorham.
The winner this week was Steve B. (again) who admitted that the band was a favourite of his when he was younger. For the record, I'm pretty sure that I am older than him and they were a favourite of mine when I was in high school(Lakeport High) so he must have been a fan when he was quite young.
I'll work on something that he might not know on the weekend for next week. Have a great weekend, enjoy family and friends "cause you know who your friends are by looking in their eyes". If you know what song that is from, let me know? I have a memory of a dj playing that at the end of his show back in the 70's. It's birthday weekend in our house, it is my daughters 18th (where did the time go), my sisters and mine too. Might be a bit of fun to be had this weekend.
"Brass bands are all very well in their place -- outdoors and miles away"Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The U.S. election
What troubled me most about this election was the polarization of people based on their choices. There appears to be no middle ground, the prevailing attitude in that political arena seems to be "either you are for me or against me". I do not see one iota of co-operation or collaboration. One side wins and they thumb their noses at the "losers". Rodney King said it best, "why can't we all just get along". If you don't know who he is just google him and see what happened to him.
I challenge you all to remember this day and see where the U.S. stands in less than two years and what affect it will have on our Canada. I am so thankful that I live here where differing yet plural opinions are allowed. Anyone caught speaking against this winner will be charged as a racist, or worse as a heretic. There is a new "opiate of the masses" I suggest. Or maybe it's the same, just in different clothing. Once again, be careful what you ask for, my friends.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday musings #9
I don't write for other people (with the exception to the obscure lyric trivia group). I write for myself. What amazes me about some people is how they think they know me, and to be honest, even those of you who do read this thing regularly don't know me(by the way, thanks to G for calling me after last weeks musing, I appreciated that call more than you know). I can already hear the chorus from "simply red" as I type. If you didn't get that last reference, then go to last weeks trivia answer.
I guess the questions that I need to answer are as follows:
1. Do I want you to know me?
2. Do you really want to know me anyway?
3. Why haven't I allowed myself to be more open?
4. Can I trust you with who I really am?
5. What happens when I become open and my trust is breached(it happens)?
There are few people who know me as well as "my beloved". I have not opened up as much as I should (or should I?)to my children, and certainly not to my few friends. Who made the rules about all this anyway?
We (you, I and everyone else) live in multiple communities and there are rules for each community and they are usually different for each community i.e. current home, home we grew up in, in-laws home, work, church(place of worship), volunteer agencies, vacation spots and the list is likely very long.
The rules dictate what and how we should act and what our level of "intimacy" and transparency should be in each different community. I wonder what would happen if we minimized the rules once in a while and became real with each other just for a moment? I think that we would develop real intimacy in relationships then maybe, just maybe we would eliminate the politics that come with all these relationships. If that could be accomplished we would in no way accomplish Nirvana (the state not the band), what we might arrive at is honesty and trust and be willing to "share" with each other and for each other.
I know some of you are thinking that we would all end up sitting around in a circle singing "kumbya". Go ahead, laugh if you will, your greatest fears may also be your greatest desires as in: to know and be known (to paraphrase Maslow).
Well, I've opened the door just a little bit again this time, I can hear the hinges creaking, just like a cottage screen door, I guess it's time for a little oil.
Happy Tuesday everyone.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Nov.3/08
This weeks song is a golden oldie (at least for me). It was a favourite of mine and many others in the latter years of high school. The album it's from may have been the band's best, if you ask me. The album was released in 1974 (it was their third). I can see myself driving down Linwell road singing the first "hit" while listening to either CHUM FM or Q107 with Dave Marsden (Marsden on the radio). This one should not be too obscure.
I'll do my best to get some hints in on Wednesday. Those of you who were around in the 70's should get this one. Have a great week, looks like we may still have some warmer weather before the real ugly stuff comes.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Applewood Hollow
You will do well to spend a night or two at this most relaxing bed and Breakfast.