Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The U.S. election

I am one of those people who prefers not to discuss political stuff. I have my opinions and I, like my father, will "fight to allow you yours". But (there I said it again) you knew I couldn't leave this one alone, didn't you? Fortunately for most of you reading this, you do not reside in the U.S. A further boon is that most of you are not U.S. citizens, at least most of you have not admitted to that. Do not read this as being disparaging remarks against the U.S. or its citizens, it is not. I have many friends who are U.S. citizens and I love them dearly, this is not an anti U.S. tirade either. By the way, I have no interest in discussing the winner or loser, the future will determine the ability of the winner to lead the juggernaut that the U.S. is.

What troubled me most about this election was the polarization of people based on their choices. There appears to be no middle ground, the prevailing attitude in that political arena seems to be "either you are for me or against me". I do not see one iota of co-operation or collaboration. One side wins and they thumb their noses at the "losers". Rodney King said it best, "why can't we all just get along". If you don't know who he is just google him and see what happened to him.

I challenge you all to remember this day and see where the U.S. stands in less than two years and what affect it will have on our Canada. I am so thankful that I live here where differing yet plural opinions are allowed. Anyone caught speaking against this winner will be charged as a racist, or worse as a heretic. There is a new "opiate of the masses" I suggest. Or maybe it's the same, just in different clothing. Once again, be careful what you ask for, my friends.


Perry D. said...

Here's my question for you:

If you prefer not to discuss political stuff, why do you ask political questions on your blog?

Are you looking for answers, or not?

Perry D. said...

That was two questions, I guess. Oh well.

Seanchai said...

I'm not sure anymore. I am concerned about the state of the world and wanted to see if anyone was really reading/listening.

Does anyone really believe all the hype or am I hyper cynical on this one. Once again, fortunately, I do/did not have a vote.

Thanks for reading/listening.

Perry D. said...

Not sure what you mean about "all the hype" or what makes you think you might be "hyper cynical" ... but if you want to ask few specific questions I will try to answer them for you.