Good day to each and all of you. It's early morning, the sun has risen and the light is streaming through the Maple tree into my office and I'm feeling well. It's been over eight weeks since the surgery and I have so much to be thankful for. It has been a very difficult road at times and those times were peppered with many of you coming unannounced to deliver the "gift of presence". Many of you sent e-mails, brought food(Karen, I loved those banana muffins) and Perry(your dinner was delicious and timely), cleaned the house ferociously and regularly(thanks Janie-Lou), delivered gifts, I can't count the number of phone calls I've received and tons of large double doubles. Many of you have been praying for me(us) and we have seen the answers to your prayers. As I've written about before, many of you helped tremendously during our flood.
I have experienced an awful roller coaster of emotions as I struggled with major infections post surgery, as well as complications with new medications recently. I knew going in that the undertaking of surgery would play with my emotions, I was quite apprehensive as some of you know. My apprehensions were borne out in the weeks following the surgery.
Today, as I sit here at the computer, my heart is full of thankfulness to God, my family and to each of you who have stood beside me during this journey. Your demonstration of love to me astounds me. I am so appreciative to each and every one of you. Some of you are family, some co-workers(practitioners of the Black Art of Mediation), many are church-mates, some long time friends and some are professional contacts. I don't think I missed anyone here. I consider you all to be friends. I can't finish this paragraph without thanking my little family, Jo, Josh and Alex who continue to stand with me through all: the good, the bad and yes, the ugly. They have seen my raw frustration and they still love me.
I am doing well. I have begun to think about some return to work dates, earlier than prescribed by the doctor. I have to do some negotiating before that happens. I am feeling stronger every day(you knew there had to be a musical reference somewhere in this post). I am, unfortunately, still experiencing some parasthesia with prolonged weight bearing which the Dr. says will take six to twelve months to resolve due to the amount of time the nerve was compressed. I will continue to have some restrictions while I recover. I am in less pain than prior to surgery. The physio has already helped, I am completely exhausted for the day when I finish one hour of physio, so I need their help with conditioning. I am doing ok emotionally. I have waves of great sadness at various times during the day, however, I am getting some help to navigate those waters. I haven't purchased my bike yet, I hope to work on that, this week.
As this is my last official medical update(hopefully), let me express my thankfulness again for your many kind gestures to me and our family. We are truly grateful for everything. Feel free to check the blog whenever to see what I'm up to.
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