Good morning music fans.
I trust you had a good week. It has been a beautiful week weather wise. Lots of sun this week and no rain during the day at least. I thought that this weeks song was an easy one, even though it was older than my usual posts. Most of you must be on vacation, although I am quite sure that I am older than most of you and this song is older than me, which honestly means nothing.
Here are your answers:
The name of the song: Folsom Prison Blues
The writer of the song: Johnny Cash
The name of the first album it was on: With His Hot and Blue Guitar
What was the inspiration for the song: While serving in the US Air Force in Germany, Cash saw a film named "Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison"
There were two people who got part of the answer correct, both identified the name of the singer and the song, one did some research and got the remainder of the information, so this weeks winner is Donna M at 10:19 a.m. on Aug.18/08. Brad F. also got the correct answers but he rang in at 10:22 on Aug.18/08.
Have an awesome weekend, enjoy family, friends, loved ones and the wonderful weather we have to spend time in. Remember to listen to some music, I'm still waiting to replace my now dead ipod with a new ipod touch, that's going to happen soon. Spend some time in our beautiful outdoors, enjoying the musical sounds of nature (unless you live in downtown Toronto). I watched and listened to a pair of chickadees flirt yesterday whilst sitting on my deck, it was beautiful.
I'm looking forward to seeing you today "Chief" have a safe trip.
I remain,
Your musical tour guide
"To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the music the words make."
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