Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New years eve 2008

The sun is shining and it's cold out there today. I finished up all my shopping earlier this morning for tonight's dinner and the kitchen people are here putting their finishing touches on our kitchen.

We're hosting dinner tonight with our close friends and it looks like it will be a great evening. The kids have places to go and we will celebrate the year and God's goodness tonight with an amazing dinner. It will be an interesting time discussing this year, however we are alive and that's a good thing.

It's almost time for me to start prepping. I'm responsible for the prosciutto wrapped shrimp on the barbeque, the grilled vegetables and the pork roast with sherry/red currant jelly gravy. My beloved is making my brother in laws amazing Caesar salad and the guests are bringing the wine and the rest of the meal. 

I have everything timed so that we will start to eat at 7:15 and should leave the table at about 10:00 p.m. Lots of time to have cappuccino and wait for the ball to drop. Traditions are so important, but they are not as important as the reality that we need to bring to our friendships.

Happy new year. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#17)

Happy Tuesday everyone.

I can't believe that it's almost the new year, but the signs are all around to confirm it. The world Junior hockey tourney as well as a multitude of hockey tourneys are coming to an end. The tv ads for the related shows are on. The liquor store parking lots are busy and I assume the stores are too. I thought we were in a recession. We have been looking to complete our renovations and have found most of the furniture stores busy and the expensive ones really busy (and not very competitive).  

New years brings to mind many things, I have many memories from early adult of going to dinner/dances and house parties and all kinds of strange goings on. My most fond memories have been the last seven years. Since then we have spent the evening with our closest friends, Steve and Roseanne aka "the carpenter" and "the bonnet babe" and have recently been joined by two other close friends, Doug and Jenny aka "the ref" and "miss Jenny".

We are hosting this year and we will enjoy a nice dinner and great company, loads of laughs and a few trips down memory lane. I guess that is what I am musing on today. Memories. I really like to take the opportunity around this time of year to review and consider. I don't consider the what if's, I consider what occurred and then where am I going for the following year. This has been a crazy year to say the least. I have learned much, been challenged significantly by words, things and actions that I have never even thought I would experience. Some have brought immense physical and emotional pain. Some have brought significant personal and spiritual growth. 

I am looking forward to see what is in store for me(us) next year. I will press on towards the goal and I will not quit. No matter what obstacles are placed in my way, I know that they have been reviewed by God before they are or will be placed before me.  With that in mind, I look to the future with anticipation of great things. If I am once again challenged with difficulty, I know that I will not be alone.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Dec.29/08

Do you believe that it is December 29, 2008 already? Where did this year go. I am so sure that the years just fly by as I get older. My kids are now adults and time keeps on tickin' "into the future". By the time I complete the "big reveal" it will be 2009. I don't know about you, but I am struggling with where the years have gone? Somehow, I have missed several years as they have flown by and I'm feeling quite lost. I need to slow down, take stock and do more than review, I need to change priorities. There are people that I consider important that I have not seen in years.

This weeks song was recorded in 1969, the year I came to Canada, just think I will celebrate 40 years in Canada this coming year, thanks for celebrating with me. The song was written by John Keen, obviously that's not part of the question. The song was originally called "revolution" but they did not wish to have the song confused with another song of the same name sung by another band from England.

here are some of the lyrics:

hand out the arms and ammo
we're going to blast our way through here
we've got to get together sooner or later
because the revolution's here and you know it's right

So what is this revolution? There appears to be some "change" happening south of the border. I'm not talking about the political change, I am talking individual change and I wonder what change am I going to make this year. O yes I'm talking about resolutions, but I'm talking about things that I'm willing to do.  

Before I get too far off track, I had better ask some questions:

What is the name of the song?
Who wrote the song?
What famous guitar player was behind the formation of the band?  
Who played bass and was named Bijou Drains in the credits?

Revolution/Resolution, you say Tomato, I sat tomato. It's all semantics to me and I'm always up for some antics. If you could change one thing in your life/character during this next year, what would it be? Would you be more patient would you be more kind, would you be less envious, would you be less boastful, would you be not so rude or selfish? What character trait would you change? What part of the revolution in kindness or love would you like to increase this year?

Have a great week. If you are working, enjoy the relative quietness 'cause you may be part of a handful that are there. if you are not working, like me, enjoy the rest of the holidays. 

Friday, December 26, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Dec.22/08

Wow, it's Friday already and I missed doing a Christmas post. I guess that I spent all of the trivia time doing Christmas music made up for my busy schedule and not writing about Christmas. I trust that each of you had an amazing Christmas time with family and friends. I enjoyed the time with my family and hosted dinner for my in-laws yesterday. We had loads of food and this was my first full meal done in the new kitchen. We enjoyed it and the new appliances worked so well.

Only one person wrote in this week and yes Lori S. you are correct, the song is "O come, O come Emmanuel".  I really liked the verse that I chose as it speaks of His coming and dispersing the gloomy clouds of night as well as the shadows of death being put to flight. We celebrate Christmas in many ways, the primary reason is to celebrate the coming of Messiah whose birth and eventual death paved the way for eternal life.

Here are the answers:

The name of the song/poem: O come O come Emmanuel.
The original language it was written in: Latin.
The meaning of the title: Emmanuel means "God with us".

I will bring something new in the new year for the obscure lyric. I pray that each of you will have a blessed new year as well as one with continued Peace, Joy and good health. My practice has been to place a quote about music at the end of the big reveal, I wanted something different for this one and found this quote from that famed philosopher and theologian............ Dr. Seuss. 

"And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#16)

Good morning and Happy Tuesday.

I've been thinking a lot about Christmas and all that surrounds it for a while (haven't we all). I really love Christmas for it's significance in my faith, for the family gatherings, for the music, for the happiness that I see in most people, for the simple memories and the new ones too. I love A Charlie Brown Christmas as noted in a previous post.  

I've been thinking a lot about the Peace that was promised to be delivered to us at the first Christmas. Oftentimes in the midst of a war or conflict the opposing sides will agree to a period of time during Christmas where the hostilities will be put on hold. The prophet Isaiah who lived in the second half of the 8th century before Christ wrote these words in the ninth chapter of his writings: "for unto us a child is born.....and His name shall be........... Prince of Peace......" among other things.  

So, what is peace? Is it just the absence of conflict? In reading about this word Peace, I knew that the Hebrew word for peace is Shalom, which comes from the root word of Shalam which I learned is usually used in the context of restitution. The verb Shalam means to make whole or complete, the noun Shalom has the more literal meaning of being in a state of wholeness or with no deficiency. (Thanks to the good folks at the Ancient Hebrew Research Center for some of this info).

So, we've got Peace, restitution, wholeness and with no deficiency. What does this peace mean to me? It means that I have the opportunity to make restitution to those I may have hurt or harmed along the paths I have tread. It means wholeness, being without loss. It means walking through this Christmas season being whole despite the losses I have endured over the years. It means that I come to this Christmas offering my best without reservation.

May the Prince of Peace bring you just that.

Happy Tuesday everyone  

Monday, December 22, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Dec.22/08

Wow Christmas week is finally here. I realized that the songs I chose for the Christmas obscure lyric were sad either because of their content or because the writers of all of them have passed from this world to the next already. Some have passed before their time, or at least in our opinion. We do not hold the keys to door that opens to invite us into the next stage of eternity, we answer the door when it is knocked on and the next chapter of the journey starts.

Death is difficult. I'm writing this on Sunday morning. Today is the shortest day, the longest night and also the Winter Solstice. There are services held tonight everywhere for people who have difficulty during the Joy of the Christmas season because they are grieving. Over the past few years I have lost family members, friends and colleagues. This time can be very difficult for me. Both my parents passed away at Christmas time, in different years. My beloved lost an uncle in Holland last week.

This weeks song is a Christmas favourite. I have sung it every Christmas that I can remember. I have had the privilege of singing it to a different tune as a solo. It was a combination from various antiphons, not originally written in English and the writer is apparently unknown. It was translated to English in 1851. I have chosen the particular verse because it speaks of the Advent of one who will banish gloom and death. In this season of Joy while many of us still struggle with significant losses, it is warming to know that someone cares and loves us at this Christmas.

O come thou dayspring come and cheer
our spirits by thine advent here
disperse the gloomy clouds of night
and deaths dark shadows put to flight

I would like to know the following:

The name of the song/poem:
The original language it was written in:
The meaning of the name in the title:

May your Christmas be Merry and Bright. May this journey into some of the obscure songs of Advent help you as you prepare for the time set aside with family and friends. May that time be filled with Joy. If you attend services, may the glow of the candles, the hearing of the Promise through reading and the participation in the singing of favourite carols bring you Peace.

From my house to yours we "Wish you a Merry Christmas".

Once again in the words of tiny Tim,

"Merry Christmas one and all"    

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Renovations are almost complete

Almost completed, a little late, but I built in an extra week just in case they could not deliver. There are a few things left to be completed and the entire kitchen will be done. Oops, I can see a broom and a few other things still in there, but as for now it is usable or should I say functional. I'm starting to cook in there tonight. I'm surprising the kids with French Onion Soup for tomorrows dinner, they've asked for it and I'm doing some of the work tonight.

Ask me in a few days/weeks whether or not I will provide references for the folks that built my kitchen. The 24 hour rule may become a 14 day rule. I want to enjoy Christmas and New Years with my family and friends before I make a determination of my support of the cabinet people.
We do love it and have already had the pleasure of an impromptu gathering on Friday during the storm.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Dec.15, 2008

Good morning it's Friday and it is snowing like crazy out there. Here is the big reveal for this week. I knew this would be a tough one this week, no one even tried a guess. Here are the answers:

The name of the song/poem: I heard the Bells on Christmas day.
The writer of the poem: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
The writer of the music: John B. Calkin.
The world event: The U.S. Civil War.

Here is the next stanza from the song, it clearly is contrary to the previous one. Just as Christmas is contrary to the darkness and bleak appearance of difficulty.
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead nor does he sleep
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
for Peace on earth good will to men
As Christmas nears, may the Peace of Christmas and the light of goodwill replace the dark of whatever ails you these days. Many of us have suffered loss this year and in years previous. The type of loss does not matter, it is all loss. May we all move from the sorrow of loss to the joy of remembrance. May this Christmas bring you the many little joys that is the remedy for loss.
I will have something for next weeks blog, I just have not chosen it yet, in fact in may not be related to Christmas. Then again, I may be inspired by something else.
"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year"
Merry Christmas one and all

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#15)

Good Tuesday morning all. I did not ask permission from my wife and/or kids before completing this post. I'm sure they will forgive me. Recently, someone said to me "are there any normal families" and I responded by saying, well mine is not.

Normal and families is as much an oxymoron as Iron Butterfly (In-A-Gadda-Da- Vida) or Jumbo Shrimp(mmmm I love shrimp). There is no such thing as a normal family. Take my family for example, my beloved and I came from diametrically opposed backgrounds in so many ways and we've been blessed with 27 years of marriage and are still going strong. My kids are so different it's amazing that they came from the same den. I was there and I can prove that they did. They have such different personalities, the one that should act like a baby acts like a first born and the first born often acts like the last born (I didn't call him a baby).

I have been exposed to so many families over the years that my scientific (not really) research proves one thing, no one is normal and oh by the way, who decides what normal is anyway? I am not about to tread through the minefield of traditional and not so traditional families, that is not the purpose of this post. If you know me, then you know where I stand on that discussion on family.

Then there is the family that pastes the happy face on for social occasions and we all know that most of us have done that on some or more than some occasion. I can think of walking into church and seeing the phony smiles and realizing that they(or was it us) have just had a huge fight in the van (thankfully we don't have one of those anymore). They have to paste the happy smile on just to show that they are a normal family.

Or maybe it's just me. Maybe the whole world really is "normal" and we're not. If that's the case, I'll stay with abnormal. At least we're real and not phony. Normal is just a setting on your dryer anyway.

Happy Tuesday everyone and Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Dec.15/08

Monday is here. The new week is upon us. Can you hear the bells pealing and calling us to service in our busy lives? As Bob Cratchett moves carefully from his home to his cold work place you and I move with ease to our places of employment. Times have changed, for some it is "hard times" and not so easy for others. Will it be duck or pigs cheek you have for Christmas dinner? Looking back I have lead a life of full as others have lead a life of want. I feel the weight of the guilt as I move through my paces.

I have chosen a song this week that was written as a poem in 1864. The music was written in 1872. Those of you who are familiar with history may know the importance of those dates. It was a time of strife then much as it is now. There were wars and rumours of wars. Brother fought against brother and none were secure.

And in despair I bowed my head
There is no peace on earth I said
for hate is strong and mocks the song
of peace on earth good will to men
I realize that the writers of the songs for the first three weeks of my foray into obscure Christmas lyrics are dead. It is not meant as a portent of anything. I spent several hours last evening at a service of remembrance with friends as we remembered those who have died this year and those who we miss who have passed in years gone by. It was refreshing to not have to paint the happy face on, just so no one else would be uncomfortable. We all shared a mutual feeling, loss and the pain that goes with it.

So why the sad lyrics? The state of the world is not good. But, and I mean it this time, there is hope. This season that we call Christmas means hope. The hope for no fear (be not afraid), the hope for joy (I bring you glad tidings of great joy) and the hope of a new tomorrow (unto you is born this day, a saviour).
The whole meaning of Christmas is hope, so while we sit in darkness and feel the pain of loss, the flicker of a candle begins to bring a little light to our darkened world. That candle lights another candle and so on and soon the room is flooded with light. Just wait til you see what the big reveal brings on Friday.

Here is what I would like to know:

The name of the song/poem:
The writer of the poem:
The writer of the music:
What world event was going on when the poem was written:

Have a great week, remember to see the Hope of Christmas, not the bleak life that appears to be real.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Renovations are continuing

Well, I have not commented on the renovations in a while. Most of the work is completed with the exception to our kitchen. We had a commitment that the cabinets would be completed by Dec.11, 2008. Unfortunately that date has passed and a new date has been given. The provider (who shall remain nameless) made some excuses and then gave me a new date, next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I guess that is three dates. The photo directly to the left is what the kitchen looks like currently, the floor is in, the electric is done, the crown moulding is done, it's a giant canvas awaiting the hickory cabinets to be painted on. That was my poor attempt to sound artistic.

I'm trying to be really patient and grace filled in this process. The problem is that the longer we live without a kitchen, the more we spend on either prepared food or restaurant food and I am so sick of restaurant food. I will begin to bill them for the costs if they go beyond next week.

I have, however, made it clear to them that the kitchen will be completed before the week of Christmas. There is no way that I want people in my house finishing things while I am trying to prepare for Christmas. 
I'm just a little frustrated, can ya tell. the photo to the left shows how our bedroom looks now. We had the walls painted, added new trim and crown moulding and our new bedroom suite finally arrived. The matching blinds are ready to be installed when all the other work has been completed.

The living room is completed, with the exception of a final coat of paint. I am really pleased with all that we have been able to do in these past few months and the final product in the kitchen will be awesome.

I asked the Lord to give me patience and He is using circumstances to teach me patience. He is much wiser than I am. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Dec. 8/08

Wow it's Friday, only thirteen days to Christmas and only six days of work left for this year, at least for me. I'm looking forward to the break. I started blogging soon after my surgery and those of you who read this know how much I need a break this year.

I have only had a few responses this week. Once you see the answers, you will probably know what I'm talking about. You're gonna love the video for this one. I found out that the album (33 rpm vinyl) is the favourite Christmas albums of one of the regular readers, how 'bout them apples.

The movie is probably my all time Christmas favourite. I like to watch it and just enjoy the beauty of the simplicity of the story, and do they tell the story? I discovered in my research, that there are numerous mistakes in the film that they wanted to fix, but the writer and Charles Schulz would not allow them. The simple nature makes the story so real and to be honest, life is full of mistakes. There is no one who is perfect. I recently had a discussion about walking on water(not the frozen kind) and the only other person to walk a bit on water lost his perspective and went into the water. Don't lose your perspective this Christmas.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Christmas time is here.
The writer of the music: Vince Guaraldi.
The writer of the lyrics: Lee Mendelson.
The first group to record it (trick question): The Vince Guaraldi Trio
The famous Christmas movie: A Charlie Brown Christmas

The first person to get most of the details right was Scott G. He was followed by Steve B. after the awfully gracious hints. I love this movie so much I'm gonna add another few clips this morning. Here's the peanuts gang telling us what Christmas is really all about.

The weekend is almost upon us, may you find that the real meaning of Christmas fills your homes and hearts and that the peace that all of us are searching for is found.

May the warmth of family, friends and peace give you that special glow, not just for the next thirteen days but for the years to come.

"Christmas time is here, spirit in the air, oh that we could always see such spirit through the year"

Merry Christmas one and all

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday Musing (#14)

Good Tuesday morning everyone. Well the weather outside is lovely and the snow is pretty and the rain is on its' way. Oh well we have no control over the weather unless we choose to move to Phoenix. Not a bad idea, I'll bet the hockey tickets are cheaper, too.

"sticks and stones will break your bones and words will never hurt you" is such a mistruth. I have learned that words will hurt, the tongue is the most powerful muscle in the body. No one is exempt from being a recipient of the verbal attacks that can so easily be unleashed. More importantly, none of us (the writer included) are prevented from using the tongue to inflict punishment on others by way of the power of words.

So what to do in this quandary? An old colleague used the phrase "choose my words with an eye dropper" and this is a good start, but it isn't perfect. It only takes one word to destroy a person, their character and their life. So measurement is not the answer. The answer is to control the tongue and this is achieved by surrendering my attitudes and discriminatory behaviours and placing the wants, needs and concerns of others before my own.

"ancient words, ever true, changing me and changing you, I will come with an open heart, Oh let the ancient words impart"

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Obscure musical Lyric for the week of Dec.8, 2008

Good Monday morning music fans. It's cold out there and was all weekend. Oh well, it's here to stay so we might as well get used to it and dress appropriately. I trust you had a wonderful weekend. I had a good one with a team Christmas dinner out in the sticks of Maryhill and then a family dinner in St. Catharines. Great food, fun and craic(fun) as the Irish say.

Christmas is creeping closer every day. For the most part you can see it in the eyes and attitudes of the people milling around. It's so nice to see people enjoying themselves as they shop for others.

This weeks song is a classic. It's actually a jazz song that was written in 1964 or 1965. The music has been used in movies and it was re-recorded by a Canadian singer for their Christmas album last year.

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
olden times and ancient rhymes
of love and dreams to share
I would like to know:

The name of the song:
The writer of the music:
The writer of the lyrics:
The name of the group that recorded it first:
The famous Christmas movie it is in:

Have a great week, I'll try to add some hints on Wednesday. only 17 sleeps 'til Santa comes. Make sure you are extra good for the rest of this month.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Dec.1/08

Well, it's Thursday afternoon as I write this. I am completely busy on Friday morning, so I need to do this now before my next life appointment. I'm actually looking forward to this one as I get to spend time with my six year old friend painting miniature goalie masks. He's a really cool dude, a bit of a cowboy and loves the Calgary Flames, but I love him so no matter what he likes, I love spending time with him.

This weeks song was sad for a few reasons as I stated in the blog on Monday. The song is very much in the same vein as Taxi and Sequel by Harry Chapin, except it was not written by Harry. Like Chapin, the writer suffered and early and untimely death, his was due to cancer, unlike Harry's. The story is apparently autobiographical and tells of lost love and meeting again and then parting again. Here are your answers:

The singer: Dan Fogelberg
The song: Same Old Lang Syne
The album: The Innocent Age
The Soprano Sax Player: Michael Brecker

Sadly, Dan Fogelberg passed away approximately one year ago, on Dec.16, 2007. He was a writer of songs and music that I really appreciated. I have always been drawn to storytellers, I guess I understand things better that way. He died of prostate cancer and his bereaved wife works very hard at trying to get the message out for people to get tested so that they do not have to suffer as this family did. We really are living legacies, let's do everything to keep that legacy living.

The first person to answer all the questions this week was The Chief (aka Don R.) Congrats and all the best to you, Mrs Chief and the family as Christmas comes near. Enjoy all those special moments with the family.

To all of you, have a great weekend. Enjoy the chill of early winter and the warmth of family, friends, maybe a fire and a pleasant libation. It's really beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

"Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and brings tears from the eyes of woman"    

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#13)

Good Tuesday morning to you.

I have decided to read "Christmas" related material for the month of December. I've started with "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. It has been so long since I have read it. I sat down by the fire last night with a nice cup of tea and began to read the foreword in the particular version I recently purchased. I am also planning on taking a tour through the gospels, particularly the book of Luke as well as through the old testament passages that prophesied the birth of Jesus.

The Christmas season is regularly referred to as Advent. It's called Advent for a reason, Advent comes from the Latin Adventus which means arrival or approach. So as I anticipate the arrival or approach of the Christmas season I need to prepare myself for the season.

For most, it's baking, shopping, looking at lights or whatever suits their fancy and it usually keeps us way too busy. In the midst of this crazy mixed up world that we call 2008, I have decided to take time to read both the secular and religious texts about this time.

Interestingly (that's for you Perry D.), A Christmas Carol speaks of one man's(Scrooge) journey from darkness to light or from loss to redemption during the story. Just as the story of Christmas tells the story our loss and redemption and the choices we get to make. I will take the time to read and enjoy the texts and hopefully grow and be redeemed.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

"Merry Christmas one and all"

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Dec.1/08

It's Sunday evening as I write this post. The snow has been falling for several hours and very soon December will be upon us. We had our first Advent reading at church this morning. Prior to that, I heard the song for this week on the radio today as I waited for my family to come to the car to go to church. I'm feeling a bit sad and maudlin this evening, It's my Mom's birthday, she passed away in 1991 and I miss her terribly. Christmas always brings great joy and that joy is tempered by the losses experienced over the years.

It is no coincidence that I have chosen this song to start the month of December. This weeks song is not a typical Christmas song. It has a wonderful story and somewhat sad for many reasons. I'll explain most of the reasons in the big reveal later this week. The song was released in 1980 approximately 8 months before the album was released.

the beer was empty and our tongues were tired
and running out of things to say
she gave a kiss to me as I got out
and I watched her drive away

I would like to know:

the singer:
the song:
the album it came from:
who played the soprano sax solo:

Have a great week. Be careful in all the snow (if it actually comes). Christmas will be here soon and the celebrations of His birth will hopefully not be lost in the tinsel and wrapping.

"Merry Christmas one and all"

Friday, November 28, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Nov.24, 2008

Good morning music fans. It has been a crazy week, sorry no hints this week. I had one partial guess and that person was correct. This is an old song by a great Canadian band. I hope you enjoy the versions in the video bar.

Steve B got the name of the band.

Here are your answers:

The name of the band: Lighthouse
The name of the lead singer: Bob McBride
The name of the song (and album): One fine morning
Who created the art work for the album cover: Roger Dean(who did a lot of work for the albums of Yes)
The instrument played by the writer (Howard Shore) of the LOTR music: Horn section

I was unable to embed this particular song, so check out the video bar for some versions of the song. Have an awesome weekend. Take some time to slow down before the crazy part of Christmas begins to hit. I imagine that the malls will get very busy soon. I'll be loading the Christmas music on the ipod this weekend as well as trying to get some rest.

I am planning on doing Christmas songs for the month of December and have some new things in mind for the new year. Enjoy family and friends this weekend.

All deep things are song. It seems somehow the very central essence of us, song; as if all the rest were but wrappages and hulls!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#12)

Happy Tuesday everyone.

In one month it will be Christmas day. I can't wait. Well I can wait, I just am so excited for Christmas this year. Oh yes, I say Christmas, I don't say happy holidays or even seasons greetings. I celebrate Christmas. if you celebrate Hanukkah, then have a happy Hanukkah, if you celebrate Kwanzaa, then have a happy Kwanzaa.

I am so ticked at the homogenization of everything. You can't say this cause it might offend someone, oh please, how can saying Happy or Merry Christmas offend anyone. For those of us who celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is that, a celebration of a faith. If I offend you by saying Merry Christmas, I'll say it now, I am sorry that I offend you, but (I need to put that little word in there at this time) I will continue to say Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas (to honour my Mom or Charles Dickens or Clement Moore).

OK now back to why I am excited for Christmas this year. It is the plan to have all of us (4) at home for Christmas. We will not have been together since Josh left for school and we're looking forward to being together. We'll do all the traditions that make it Christmas for us including a new one where all of us go to Casa Rugantino for a nice dinner just before Christmas. My in-laws will hopefully join us for a few days and we'll all hang out and enjoy the love that is our family. I'm really looking forward to having some time off and just enjoying my family time.

Happy Tuesday everyone and of course, Merry Christmas ;)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Obscure musical Lyric for the week of November 24, 2008

Good morning music fans. What a beautiful day it is out there, at least it was earlier this morning. I trust you had a good weekend. Mine was busy with many different opportunities. I attended the funeral for the brother of my best friend yesterday. His brother died too young and left a family that dearly loved him. Their faith assures them of where he is and at the same time they miss him greatly. Funerals usually bring me to a place of review, where I think about all that is important in my life and what is unnecessary.

The song this week is an old song, released in 1970 and apparently re-released in 2008 on itunes. The song is the title song from the album. The band is Canadian and delivered a mixed bag of instruments, but no bag pipes. One of the former (although some of them still tour and play together) band members wrote the music for the Lord of the Rings (LOTR) movies.

and everywhere we go we'll laugh and sing
I'll kiss you morning, noon and night
and all the universe will smile on us
cause they know that our love is finally right

I want to know the following:

The name of the band:
The name of the lead singer:
The name of the song (and album):
Who created the art work for the album cover:
The instrument played by the writer of the LOTR music:

Have a great week. In one month it will be Christmas eve. Next week I will begin my Christmas music trivia and will continue up to the week before Christmas, oh what fun it is to ride....................

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Angry Dad

This might be the safest place to spew my anger at some of my daughters so called "friends". None of them read this and I doubt their parents do, however they shall still remain anonymous.

I have spent much time listening to my daughter speak and cry late saturday night about her "friends" who treated her with indignation most of the weekend while they were away at a Drama festival with her school drama class. She told me of them lying to her, so they would not have to drive her to the classes and giving rides to others. What hurt me the most was the fact that they kicked her while they thought she was asleep. One of them kicked her when they left the room and the other when they returned and then joked about kicking her while she could still hear them. 

Never mind that they carelessly spoke inaccuracies about her while in the bathroom and she just happened to be in one of the stalls crying. What amazes me most about this is the depth of my anger. To make matters worse, the parents of one of the girls are friends of ours and we all attend the same church. 

So what do I do? Do I speak with the girls? Do I speak with the parents? Do I treat them the way they treated my daughter?

I have more recently written about being a Christian. I have learned that you can't be just a little bit Christian. Kinda like being a "little bit pregnant". I need to either believe what I believe and be sold out, or not believe at all. I can't just take the parts I like and apply them and leave out the parts that don't fit right now. I can't accept that "God is Love" and not accept that God requires me to forgive. I also have to accept that He will judge the living and the dead. It's all in, or fold. I can't fold I have to be all in.

That means that I have to turn the other cheek, I have to forgive these girls and I have to be an example for my daughter. So to B. and S. I forgive you. I will hold no grudge against you. I trust the loving, forgiving and judging God to assess your behaviour and to deal with you as He would deal with me if I did not forgive you.

I will sleep well tonight.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Nov.17/08

It's Friday and it's cold out there. It was cold in the car this morning and I park it in the garage. Oh well, I can't change the weather, so might as well revel in the fact that it's not permanent, global cooling would certainly rock some self appointed experts, wouldn't it? I am also going to Cuba in less than two months, so I think lovingly and often of those white sandy beaches and the warm sunshine and that keeps me warm and toasty.

Quite a few of you got the "clues" from the original post this week. I'll measure my "words with an eyedropper" (that's for burger boy) next week. The more I listened to the music, the more I enjoyed it. I might even buy the album. The nice thing is you can listen to it from the album's website, a nice touch I say.

Here are your answers for this week:

The song: Killing the Blues.
The album: Raising Sand.
The singers: Alison Krauss and Robert Plant.
The writer: Rowland Salley

I hope you enjoyed this weeks venture into some mixed music. I continue to really appreciate some different styles of music and the skills of the professionals who write, play, sing and perform these tunes. The winners this week were Lori S. and Gary D. who both had most of the correct info.

Have an awesome weekend, find a way to stay warm, cosy up somewhere with a book, a fire and something warm or cool to sip. Don't forget to play some wonderful music that will take you away to places unknown except to you and make a pilgrimage to that special place that only you go to.

"Music has charms to soothe the savage beast, to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sleepless in Elmira

No Meg Ryan and no Tom Hanks here. "I'll have what she's having", I know it's a different movie, but what a great line. 

The last two nights have had me waking up at around 1:00 a.m. only to fall back asleep between 3:30 and 4:00. I then get up at 5:30 a.m. to start my day, so the last two nights have been a little rough. I have been laying there thinking, singing(to myself), praying and doing who knows what to try and determine why I am awake and have no idea. There's a lot going on these days, but I'm not worried about anything. 

I unfortunately have also woken up my beloved on both occasions and that doesn't help her accomplish much during the day. Oh she gets everything done., she's just as done in at 5:oo p.m. as I am. I'll have to do some serious analyzing to figure out what is going on here. Rest is a weapon in the battle that we are participating in and I need some extra weapons these days. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#11)

It's Tuesday, time for a dose of what is keeping me awake and won't leave my mind. I was literally kept awake last night from 12:55 a.m. until about 4:00 or so and I am really struggling with some things.

One of them is death. I made a glib comment last Friday night(Date Night) to my beloved about a song that was playing on the ipod as one of the songs that I want played at my funeral. I watched as tears flowed down her cheeks at my lack of sensitivity to what would be a great loss for her. We are currently watching and waiting as the brother of our closest friends (the carpenter and the bonnet babe) moves closer to eternity. It really upset my beloved that I was talking about my own eventual promotion. Death really sucks. It is usually associated with some tragic accident happening or the eventual loss of ones parents who we have been with us all our life. From a corporeal perspective, death is the end. It means goodbye, or maybe even no chance for goodbye as was the circumstance 7 1/2 months ago. It leaves us with a bad taste, tears and gut wrenching loss. It leaves us many questions, rarely answered.

Death from a Christian perspective leaves us with some joy. Paul writes in his letter to the Thessalonians, "we sorrow not like those who have no hope". That is the lot of the Christian, we have hope. And the hope referred to here is not like hoping for a particular birthday gift that may or may not come, hope here refers to the knowledge that something will happen and an assurance that it will occur.

Death sucks that's for sure, it separates us from those we love. The cause and/or reason for death also sucks, but, there is hope. The hope that we will be reunited one day in a far better place where there will be no dying, no death, no tears and no pain. If that's what kept me up last night, then I will enjoy the waking hours today because it really is a happy Tuesday, no matter what.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Monday, November 17, 2008

obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Nov.17/08

Good Monday morning music fans (talk about 3M). Well the snow came and I don't think it's leaving for a while. It sure was pretty on Saturday night just watching the flakes fall. On Sunday morning, my beloved made breakfast before church and used the Christmas dishes, just for fun. Ya gotta have fun, I say.

The song I have chosen this week was one of the top one hundred (100) songs from 2007 as chosen by Rolling Stone. Yep, this is a relatively current song. It is sung by quite a contrasting pair of individuals, one of whom is considerably older than the other. I have rarely listened to one of them and have listened to the other one much more back in the day.

Now I'm guilty of something
I hope you never do
because there is nothing
any sadder than losing yourself in love

The hints are pretty tough this week. They are a "new duo" and have been touring and singing together for the last year. They came from significantly different musical roots, are from different places and have a large age gap.

I would like to know the following:

The name of the song:
The name of the album:
The singers:
The writer of the song:

Have an awesome week, I have a very busy week but will try to get some additional hints to you on Wednesday. Enjoy the snow, at least it looks pretty and most people who suffer from allergies, don't have to suffer right now. There's a silver lining to every snow cloud.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I have the privilege to participate in multiple communities. I like to think of my grouping of activities as communities. Most of us have them and maybe we don't call them different communities,  but from my side of the keyboard, that's what I call them.

One of the communities that I really enjoy is the small group that I meet with every Thursday evening. It is a faith based community and was created by several returning members and some new members. It's a great mix of young (early 20's all the way up to me, early 50's) and not so young. I think I am the oldest. Some of us have children and there are some who have not yet had the pleasure of children in their lives. We come from diverse backgrounds, most are Canadian born, although two of us are imports. We are in different stages of life based on age, occupation and age of children(or none).

We are working through a study aptly entitled; "Community: your path to progress". We have one more week to go on the study and then we'll celebrate our "progress" on American Thanksgiving. Why do we do all this? The assumption is that we all wish to make spiritual progress, that's why we chose to participate in this type of community. The book proposes that in order to do that we need other people in our lives walking beside us.

I have grown to really appreciate each and every member of our community. I appreciate that every member makes the community a priority and we all share in the hosting and of course the snacks.  Next week is our last "study" and then the celebration. I am planning on something different for next week to encourage the community.

We have suggested that we would like to lead another group in the new year and are looking at a book entitled "Love and Respect" as the basis for the study. We'll see who wants to stay with us come January 2009. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

The big reveal for the week of Nov.10/08

Friday is here. Enjoy this last day of work before the weekend arrives. Of course, then enjoy the weekend. I'm looking forward to Friday evening. I'm hoping to cook something special for "my beloved" and myself and enjoy a glass or two of some fruit of the vine. It's been quite an interesting week for me. We have had multiple birthday celebrations as well as some "accidental" moments. Not much more than some spasms to show for it, I'll get through it.

I had only one reply to this weeks song and that person got some of the information correct. I even stumped all of the regular guessers. I suppose that this was tough, maybe the mixing of the verses together helped, or maybe you are bored. Anyway, the trivia will continue, I'll bring it into the '90's or closer for the next few weeks and then wait 'til you see what's planned for the Christmas season.

Here are the answers(Lori S. got #2 and #3):

1. who released the song in 1972? The Chi Lites.
2. who released the song in 1990? Paul Young.
3. the name of the song? Oh Girl.
4. the writer of the song? Eugene Record.
5. the name of the 1972 album? A Lonely Man.

Have a great weekend, enjoy whatever weather arrives. Spend some time with family and friends. Take some time to thank someone for just being themselves. Perform an act of random kindness and if someone is kind to you, pass it on.

" As long as we live, there is never enough singing"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Trying to learn patience

I asked for the gift of patience, it is a gift right? I would dare not say it is a curse, so it must be a gift. As noted previously, we are having some renovations completed in our house. Almost all are cosmetic and almost all require the room or rooms to be unavailable for some time.

What this means to me as I try to exist here and never mind try to work is that there is very little space to do stuff and the space that is available is full of stuff from other rooms that are unavailable. This is not a complaint, I am not being negative, I just have a hard time seeing into the future(my crystal ball broke yesterday). I think I can imagine what it's all going to look like at the end, at this time it's the journey to that point that I'm having some trouble with.

And that's where the patience comes in. The lack of privacy and the inability to use the little room that I have is teaching me patience. How many times have I used the analogy (it is an analogy right?) of the journey being more important that the destination? I suppose that the request that God gives me patience really does give Him the opportunity to teach me patience, doesn't it? Thanks Alan for that kernel of wisdom.

Oh well, I've just had a sermon from the carpenter (not That one, the one named Steve) about looking to the finished product and not the pieces of the journey. I think I get it, I just hate it when the words I use so glibly to placate the concerns of others come back to bite me in the end. That'll learn me, won't it?

Thanks for reading and listening and more importantly for praying, I need all of them right now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I want to dream again

I like to listen to my ipod often (ok pretty much all the time). It's usually on at my desk and in the car and whenever I am on the computer at home something is playing. I love music and almost all kinds, but don't tell my kids, I have even begun to enjoy some contemporary country music.

I'm currently listening to "Once Chance" by Paul Potts. He won the "Britain's got Talent" competition a year or so ago. His life story was one of being bullied because he liked to sing and for other reasons. He's almost like a Mr. Tanner of sorts, except the critics liked him and he kept singing. What strikes me most is that he doesn't meet the pretty boy image that most people want and yet he won and he's good. Watch the following from one of his performances from "BGT". In the midst of all that is wrong with the world, someone like Paul comes out and blesses and encourages just by being himself.

Every time I watch this, I get tears in my eyes Even the normally caustic Simon Cowell is taken aback by the sheer joy of this man when he is singing.

This is not new, it is however a reminder that we need to dream and go for it. It is also the answer to bullies out there and there are lots: physical, emotional, verbal, spiritual and other kinds. The answer is this, you bullies will never win. Because inside the heart of a bully is a scared person afraid to show their own weaknesses for fear of being observed for your reality. Inside the heart of the one being bullied remains a tiny fire that when given enough oxygen will flame into brightness and expose the wrong for what it is.

Congratulations to Paul Potts for persevering. We are all called to persevere no matter what kind of pressure is placed upon us. Some day we will stand in triumph over the "bullies" of this world.

I will dream again.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday Musings (#10)

It's remembrance day. My Grannie Lee (my Moms, Mom) called it Armistice day and she could recall the first Armistice day.  Thank you to all the veterans who gave so much for our life and liberty.

I'm sitting here this morning (it's now afternoon) at home on remembrance day. I have rewritten this post too many times. Usually I just say what's on my mind without too much evaluation. Something is stopping me from saying what I think I want to say. Maybe that's the point: too many times I am concerned about the things I say and what others will have to say whether or not they dislike my words or even me.

Why should I care what you think of my writing or my thoughts? Why should I care if you like it or not? I don't write for you, I write for me. You may choose to read or not. Why do I give all this power away? 

Hmm, too many questions for a day off that just happens to be my birthday. Did the veterans ask what the "enemy" thought? I think they just went ahead and did the job that was assigned to them. I have mused too much, I'm going to enjoy my day off and be thankful for the blessings of living in a free country, for now. I'm going to enjoy the blessings of the love of my family and look forward to spending a wonderful dinner time with them.

Happy Tuesday everyone. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Nov.10/08

Good Monday morning music fans and Happy Birthday to my sister Margaret, one of my closest friends. Yesterday was my daughters birthday, so to honor her 18th birthday, I have chosen a song that was in the top 100 songs released in 1990. However, the song was originally released in 1972.

I guess I better go
I can save myself a lot of useless tears
pain will double if you leave me now
'cause I don't know where to look for love

I guessing that this one is tough. I have taken the lyrics from two different stanzas, so you really have to think about this one. I'll try to come up with some hints by Wednesday. By the way, when the song was released in 1972 and in 1990 it went to # 1 in the charts. I would like to know the following:

1. who released the song in 1972.
2. who released the song in 1990.
3. the name of the song.
4. the writer of the song.
5. the name of the 1972 album.

Have a great week, enjoy the crisp, cool days.

Tomorrow is Remembrance day. I choose to wear a poppy because it reminds me of the sacrifice by many. I appreciate that many young men and women the age of my children and younger have died for the freedoms that I enjoy. I try to thank a veteran when I see one. Soon, unfortunately, they may all be gone. Lest we Forget.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Birthday weekend

It's been a busy time this weekend. It's my baby's birthday today, she just turned 18. It's also my sister Margaret's birthday tomorrow. She is ten years and one day older than I. I will be one year older on Tuesday. My great nephew turned 2 on the 6th and Jdub had a birthday on the 8th.

It's great to celebrate these milestones. We like to make a big deal about birthdays and Alex had breakfast in bed with her presents. She got cards from my sister Margaret and from Oma and Opa too. Josh called and serenaded her with the traditional big brother happy birthday.

All in all, it's been a great family day.

Embarrassed by Riches

I heard someone (Marie W.) speak in our church today about the work being done with the folks who live in a squatter village in Bastion, Ecuador. I was shocked and embarrassed by the amount of "things" that I have amassed over these almost 51 years. These resilient people depend on "us" for so much and they appear to be so happy with so little. If you would like to see what some people are doing to assist them check out the link at

Seeing scores of people(men, women and children) enjoying a simple craft that was made from things we will regularly throw away completely embarrasses me as I await the things that I will receive on my birthday in a few days. The question is what will I do with the riches I have? Jesus is quoted by Dr. Luke when He tells a parable and I paraphrase what He says: "to whom much is given, much is expected". I am having a very difficult time reconciling my possessions and dreams for a home renovation when I see photos of someone who lives on "nothing".

Even the opportunity to support a child or family seems too little. What in the world am I doing to assist those less fortunate? What are you doing to assist those less fortunate? If you would like more info, please chat with me, I will put you in touch with those people who are assisting the folks in bastion.  

Friday, November 7, 2008

The U.S. election: part 2

The attached clip is from a blog entitled  and details a documentary "from Clinton to Obama" by a Swedish television crew. I do not agree with all that I read on the Tundra Tabloid, but this video appalled me. This video is what I was/am most afraid of with the extreme polarization of some american people and politics with the most recent election. What I find most heinous is the reverse racism that is displayed by this teacher. 

I will pray that people will come together and work as one for the ideals that have been set out in their constitution. I will pray for our own country that we will learn from the foibles of others and never look down on anyone but build them up. I will pray for wisdom for the leaders as they govern.

Our responsibility is to pray for those in positions above us, like our political leaders.

The big reveal for the week of Nov.3/08

It's Friday morning and the rain or snow has yet to fall. I have enjoyed the last few days of warm weather and sunshine. The weekend is almost here which will give us to time to rest between out five day shifts. I can't believe that I stumped most of you this week, either that or you found it too easy that you chose not to reply. Oh well, the trivia will continue weekly as long as I can find songs to write about. The answers:

The name of the song: Hide in your Shell.
The name of the album: Crime of the Century.
The name of the writers: Rick Davies and Roger Hodgson.
Who sang lead vocals: Roger Hodgson.
Who sang back up vocals: Christine Helliwell, Vicki Seibenberg and Scott Gorham.

The winner this week was Steve B. (again) who admitted that the band was a favourite of his when he was younger. For the record, I'm pretty sure that I am older than him and they were a favourite of mine when I was in high school(Lakeport High) so he must have been a fan when he was quite young.

I'll work on something that he might not know on the weekend for next week. Have a great weekend, enjoy family and friends "cause you know who your friends are by looking in their eyes". If you know what song that is from, let me know? I have a memory of a dj playing that at the end of his show back in the 70's. It's birthday weekend in our house, it is my daughters 18th (where did the time go), my sisters and mine too. Might be a bit of fun to be had this weekend.

"Brass bands are all very well in their place -- outdoors and miles away"

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The U.S. election

I am one of those people who prefers not to discuss political stuff. I have my opinions and I, like my father, will "fight to allow you yours". But (there I said it again) you knew I couldn't leave this one alone, didn't you? Fortunately for most of you reading this, you do not reside in the U.S. A further boon is that most of you are not U.S. citizens, at least most of you have not admitted to that. Do not read this as being disparaging remarks against the U.S. or its citizens, it is not. I have many friends who are U.S. citizens and I love them dearly, this is not an anti U.S. tirade either. By the way, I have no interest in discussing the winner or loser, the future will determine the ability of the winner to lead the juggernaut that the U.S. is.

What troubled me most about this election was the polarization of people based on their choices. There appears to be no middle ground, the prevailing attitude in that political arena seems to be "either you are for me or against me". I do not see one iota of co-operation or collaboration. One side wins and they thumb their noses at the "losers". Rodney King said it best, "why can't we all just get along". If you don't know who he is just google him and see what happened to him.

I challenge you all to remember this day and see where the U.S. stands in less than two years and what affect it will have on our Canada. I am so thankful that I live here where differing yet plural opinions are allowed. Anyone caught speaking against this winner will be charged as a racist, or worse as a heretic. There is a new "opiate of the masses" I suggest. Or maybe it's the same, just in different clothing. Once again, be careful what you ask for, my friends.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday musings #9

When people hear that I have started blogging there has usually been an incredulous response something like this, "you're blogging, who wants to read what you have to say?" and those are the kind ones. Some are shocked, some surprised, some have thought that this is a waste of "my" time. Well, it's my time and I like doing it and I have something to say, beyond the puns and music jokes.

I don't write for other people (with the exception to the obscure lyric trivia group). I write for myself. What amazes me about some people is how they think they know me, and to be honest, even those of you who do read this thing regularly don't know me(by the way, thanks to G for calling me after last weeks musing, I appreciated that call more than you know). I can already hear the chorus from "simply red" as I type. If you didn't get that last reference, then go to last weeks trivia answer.

I guess the questions that I need to answer are as follows:

1. Do I want you to know me?
2. Do you really want to know me anyway?
3. Why haven't I allowed myself to be more open?
4. Can I trust you with who I really am?
5. What happens when I become open and my trust is breached(it happens)?

There are few people who know me as well as "my beloved". I have not opened up as much as I should (or should I?)to my children, and certainly not to my few friends. Who made the rules about all this anyway?

We (you, I and everyone else) live in multiple communities and there are rules for each community and they are usually different for each community i.e. current home, home we grew up in, in-laws home, work, church(place of worship), volunteer agencies, vacation spots and the list is likely very long.

The rules dictate what and how we should act and what our level of "intimacy" and transparency should be in each different community. I wonder what would happen if we minimized the rules once in a while and became real with each other just for a moment? I think that we would develop real intimacy in relationships then maybe, just maybe we would eliminate the politics that come with all these relationships. If that could be accomplished we would in no way accomplish Nirvana (the state not the band), what we might arrive at is honesty and trust and be willing to "share" with each other and for each other.

I know some of you are thinking that we would all end up sitting around in a circle singing "kumbya". Go ahead, laugh if you will, your greatest fears may also be your greatest desires as in: to know and be known (to paraphrase Maslow).

Well, I've opened the door just a little bit again this time, I can hear the hinges creaking, just like a cottage screen door, I guess it's time for a little oil.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obscure Musical Lyric for the week of Nov.3/08

Good Monday morning music fans. What a wonderful weekend. It was gorgeous where I was in Niagara on the Lake. Please feel free to check out the blog about the weekend that shows some pictures from the beautiful bed and breakfast that we stayed at called Applewood Hollow. We had a great time with the ref and miss Jenny and had the most amazing breakfasts served by Jane (with a little help from Brian).

This weeks song is a golden oldie (at least for me). It was a favourite of mine and many others in the latter years of high school. The album it's from may have been the band's best, if you ask me. The album was released in 1974 (it was their third). I can see myself driving down Linwell road singing the first "hit" while listening to either CHUM FM or Q107 with Dave Marsden (Marsden on the radio). This one should not be too obscure.

But what you see is just illusion
you're surrounded by confusion
saying life's begun to cheat you

I would like to know the following(and since I think this one is easy, I want some obscure information, you may need to check the liner notes):

The name of the song:
The name of the album:
The name of the writers:
Who sang lead vocals:
Who sang back up vocals:

I'll do my best to get some hints in on Wednesday. Those of you who were around in the 70's should get this one. Have a great week, looks like we may still have some warmer weather before the real ugly stuff comes.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Applewood Hollow

We had an awesome time this weekend. We visited Applewood Hollow and saw Brian and Jane and their beautiful bed and breakfast again. I'll add lots of photos to allow you to see what a beautiful spot they have. After several wine tastings in the Beamsville area, we had dinner at Murphy's in Port. We visited lakeside Park and watched what appeared to be a Goth wedding, or was it just some adults playing on halloween? Oh my what a wonderful world (I love Sachmo).

We arrived late, but Brian and Jane were there waiting to welcome us with hugs all around and we quickly made ourselves feel like we were at home. A long night of "Apples to Apples" along with some fruit of the vine followed before we retired for the evening.
The next day we visited many wineries and discovered the pleasures of Red wine and dark (70%) chocolate. We discovered a lovely Irish Pub in Niagara on the Lake (The Irish Harp) and enjoyed what tasted like some great home cooked meals. Back to Brian and Janes for more "apples" and euchre and then it was time for us to leave.
What a great weekend of talk, visiting and as the Irish say "Craic". Craic is all that is fun, chatting, laughter and good fellowship and we had all of that and more this weekend. Thanks again Brian and Jane., we'll be back and whenever you need a break, feel free to visit us in Elmira.

I'll be sure to tell everyone I see that if they need a beautiful place to visit in a gorgeous home with fabulous food that all they need to do check out Brian and Jane at

You will do well to spend a night or two at this most relaxing bed and Breakfast.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Life on Mars (one more try) Some spoilers in this post.

I couldn't stay away from the show last night. Of course when I wanted to watch it, my cable wouldn't work. I finally got it working(I am getting madder at Rogers by the minute) I watched the show. The music was ok. Kinda cheesy using "mother and child reunion" when Sam (the main character) meets his mom for the first time in 1973.

If you are not watching the show, feel free to move to the next post as this won't make much sense to you. Anyways, I thought the show, dialogue and character development was better in this episode and will watch again next week. I'm interested to see where they go. The acid trip was stupid, if you ask me and the toy in the ear was like watching an old "horror" movie.

The redemption of the lieutenant(Harvey Keitel) was interesting and possibly a way to try and "white wash" his sins of the past. I can't buy (pun intended) that, even though he accepted the bribes/graft and then he burns the money at the end of the show, it doesn't absolve him of the behaviour. I can't wait to see him next week, will they try and make him the "co-saviour" of NY in 1973? 

Sam (the lead) played by Jason O'Mara (a fellow Dubliner) sounds way too much like a compilation of parts played by Mel Gibson. I like him and the integrity that he displays. I like that the lead isn't too smart not to be tricked (the acid trip) and I like that he goes against the grain and declines the bribe. My problem with him is that either he is trying too hard to lose his Irish accent, or in the same vein is trying to sound too American.

All in all, this episode has been the best. The "good guys" win sort of. The "bad guys" lose sort of. Oh yeah they left most of the politics out of this episode. They had to put video of Presidents Bush and Nixon as if to say the two were the same at the start of the show. I couldn't hear what was being said, but can only assume what Kelley and company were using the video for. It is only a few days until they crown the next clown isn't it? Oops I got political, my bad.

Be careful what you ask for my American friends. 

Leningrad Cowboys and Red Army Chorus

After small group last night we were chatting about music, trivia and other obscure things and one of the group members asked if I have ever heard of the "Leningrad Cowboys and Red Army Chorus". Of course, I had not.

Now I have and wanted to share them with you. Please check out the video and let me know what you think and have a few laughs. Thanks Alan F.(you finally made it to the blog) for the info. What a hoot.

Have a great weekend. 

The big reveal for the week of Oct.27/08

Happy Halloween everyone. I hope you all survived "Devil's night". We have several older juvenile delinquents in our neighbourhood and I am overly cautious on October 30th every year. They have egged our house, scratched swastikas in one of my cars(now Josh's) smashed the back window of another car. Yes this is Elmira, not New York City or Montreal after a win. I am confident that I know who they are and the next time they'll be caught on surveillance.

Happy Friday as well. We are leaving this afternoon for a weekend of rest and wine tasting and are looking forward to the time away with friends and visiting old friends. On the way we'll be visiting "Lakeside Park" for you Rush fans. Lakeside Park is in Port Dalhousie and was a serious hangout for a bunch of us in the early 70's. We had many a wonderful nights there "sitting in the sand to watch the fireworks display" and other fun things. If you were there you know what I mean.

Well it's time for the big reveal. There were two of you who e-mailed on Monday with your guesses and while both were partially correct, one person did write in later to give the all the details. Here are the details:

The name of the song: If you don't know me by now.
The first artist: Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes
The second artist: Simply Red
The writers: Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff.

The winner(s) this week in order of reply are: Lori S. Deb M. and Brad F. Brad got all the details, did you google or did you remember all those details? We'll never know.

The one above is from Harold Melvin and the Blue notes. Does anyone still have any 45's? What was the thing in the middle called? The one below is is from Simply Red.

Have an awesome weekend, it looks like the weather will be beautiful, at least for me in winery country. Enjoy your family and friends. Take some time to enjoy the remaining colours of fall, if they exist where you live and remember. November is almost here, the real snow can't be too far behind. Oh we can only hope for spring. My Cuba trip will break the winter in half, kinda like Luke Schenn's hockey stick on Wednesday night.

"Music is the art of thinking with sounds"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Who needs Mats?

I wonder how many Leafs fans I have offended by the title of this post? I've been watching the new, fast, fun and somewhat successful Leafs for the past ten games and haven't enjoyed hockey this much since Josh and Alex played.

This is hockey the way it is (not was)supposed to be. I enjoyed watching the hard work and the incredible tenacity that the new coach demands. I'm quite confident that there will be significant losses for the team this year, however their work ethic (read fear of the press box) is something that at the least demands respect.

So, does the "team" need Mats? I step out and say, no! I think he would upset the apple cart. Can you see the coach sending him to the press box? He certainly doesn't have the speed anymore. leadership needs to be on the ice and in the room. Would be he good for the "team"? I think he might be, but he will also eat up dollars that could be spent somewhere else on either free agents or on more than one younger player. If he returns let him go to another team, let him try for the cup with a team that can do it this year or next and then let him retire and go into the Hall which he deserves.

I say, don't even pursue him but I'm just a fan.

Go Leafs Go.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Musings (# 8)

One of my favourite musicians is a person by the name of Michael W. Smith. This is also the name of one of my favourite chefs, except I don't think he has a "W" in his name. I particularly like the series "Chef at Home" when he cooks "at home" for his little family of three. He is inspirational in his simplicity and using those things that are readily available to make meals. However, this post is not about cooking. I'll post about my latest cooking adventures some other time. Michael W. Smith wrote a song called "Breathe in me" and the chorus goes like this:

"so breathe in me, I need you know, I've never felt so dead within, so breathe in me, maybe somehow you can breathe new life in me again".

One of my favourite things to do is to read, I especially like "The Lord of The Rings". There is a quote from Bilbo to Gandalf that says the following:

"I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter, scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday, a long holiday".

I seem to have gotten to the place where I have been "stretched too thin" and am in need of replacement energy. It seems that the events of the past four months as well as the past five years have slowly been drawing my energy and strength away. Covey talks about the emotional bank account and how regular and constant withdrawals leave one bereft of emotional strength to manage regular activities.

Most people around me just don't understand and I have to constantly explain the truth or lie to minimize it. Then I have been scraped too thin. The problem is, I'm not sure who I can trust with the truth. I know that I can trust "my beloved" with everything. It seems that others don't want to hear or don't know how to deal with emotional exhaustion. It's really easy to deal with a physically "broken" something, but not so easy to deal with that which cannot be seen.

I wasn't sure where this post was going when I started. I do know this, I need new life breathed into me and I need some "time away". Looks like I'll be calling Loyola House real soon, I need that kind of band aid.

Happy Tuesday everyone.