Friday, April 29, 2011

I hate philly and boston

Well, this will be fun.

I hate Philly and Boston, the hockey teams, that is.

I've been accused of having a strictly minor hockey mentality when it comes to hockey these days. I tend to think it's slightly more than that.

I believe that good physical contact is part of hockey, I also think that the style perpetrated by the Flyers and Bruins has nothing to do with hockey and more to do with punishment. Of course, punishment for their bad or illegal behaviour was not meted out by the leadership of the hockey league.

Where does this leave us? We get to watch them assault and otherwise beat the living &%$* out of each other so much that the "winner" will be destroyed by Washington in the next round.

I guess that's why they say that payback is such a good thing, eh!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Monday and I have a day off and I have a few questions.

In these times where anything related to being Christian is considered unacceptable some of us still have a day off for Easter Monday.

I am sitting in my office at home, light streaming through the blinds, beautiful music playing while the birds about outside and I wonder why?

Why is it that a faith that teaches to "turn the other cheek", to "go the extra mile", that preaches the equality of men and women and so many more positive attributes is denigrated by so many so called wise people?

Why is it that a relationship that teaches us to love our enemies is unacceptable in this society of acceptability. Everything it seems is acceptable, except the faith in one who died for others, not Himself.

Why is it that it a faith that teaches husbands to love their wives to the point of dying for her is put down as being misogynistic?

Why is it that the foolishness of mankind is touted as wisdom?

I wonder, this Easter, is it because of a lack of willingness to bend the knee to someone greater and more powerful that anything ever considered. This someone who loved all of us so much that He came and willingly parted with human life in such a horrible fashion to "prove" His love?

Has this world become so dependent upon itself that it has become blinded to truth?


Never mind the why, what am I doing about it? I have been given marching orders to go and preach the gospel. Gospel means "good news". I have the good news that someone, a person, God, loves all of us so much more than we can imagine and He wants a relationship with me and each and every one of us. He is even willing to forgive us. Yes we all need forgiveness because each and every one of us has sinned. Yes I said sin! No one is exempted from this affliction and no one is exempted from the remedy for this affliction.

This same Jesus who loves me, loves you and wants that same relationship with you. In the words from a new favourite song of mine,

"He is jealous for me, loves like a hurricane I am a tree bending beneath the weight of His wind of his mercy...............and I realize just how beautiful you are and great your affections are for me"

Happy Easter

Am I standing in a hole?

Nice one, wannabeergo!

And to be honest, I am not in a hole, but I happen to be the shortest one in my family.

Thanks for the kind comments, we do not have a lot of family photos and now that we have children in North Carolina and one going to Virginia this fall it might be a little more difficult to get a family photo.

It's great being part of a family. It's a place to belong. When sometimes all seems to be going wrong, there is always my family to come home to. A place where love and respect are always practiced, or at least attempted and being worked on.

It's sad to think of the people who have no family. Like those who may be all alone due to their own decisions or because of the decisions of others. Having just come through the Easter season we should have been reminded to bring hope to all others based on what Christ has done for us.

I have so much to be thankful for, not the least for my family.

So, while I am not standing in a hole, I am with the ones I love. Thanks for noticing us wannabeergo, I appreciate your friendship. I consider you as a brother, so you're family too and you're taller than me too!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thirty years and counting

Just this past Monday, my beloved and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary.

It's hard to believe that we have been married for that long. We actually met in 1975 and began dating about a year and a half later. She has given me great joy for all these years. She has stood beside me to support me through everything we have experienced. There have been many wonderful experiences and there have been some very difficult experiences. We have lost family members and friends to death, we have struggled as every couple struggles. Yet, she has stood there as the song says: "stand by your man".

Back in 1981 we stood before God, our family and friends and committed to love, honour and respect each other. To date, we have worked hard at learning to be loving and respectful and with God's help we have more than survived these 30 years, we have thrived and grown in our love and respect for each other.

I am a very fortunate man to have known, courted, loved, married and lived with this amazing person for these years. I have been blessed to have her stand by me especially when I have failed. She is a Proverbs 31 woman and is the epitome of grace when it comes to how she treats me. She loves, respects and defends me. There is a saying that states" "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" but I prefer to say that there is no fury like the fury my beloved displays when she feels that I or one of our children have been attacked unjustly. Heaven will need to help the one who attacks us. That may be their only recourse.

And yet, she forgives.

My only wish is for as many more years that the Lord will give us.

Some timely changes, it's time to move on

It has been some time again since I have had, made or taken the time to write.

To say that I have been overwhelmed is a gross understatement. I have made some timely decisions that have probably added years to my life. I cannot think of a time in my life when I have felt so oppressed and from so many sides. I have regularly said that I have had too many balls in the air and I am no juggler. So, it is time to let a few drop and to stop trying to do things that I cannot do, at least at the present.

I need to move forward. I often use the phrase in my job that one of my responsibilities is to help people move forward. I need to heed to that for myself. There are numerous issues that have been holding me stuck and in some senses holding me back.

So, in making changes to the blog, I am also making changes in my life. I have decided to return to a job that I loved and left in the anticipation of something new and more exciting. The new job was definitely new and exciting, but given the demands in my life, this is no time to be walking a very steep learning curve, that is more mountain than curve.

I also realized that as much as I miss my friend Ruth, I cannot bring her back. The things that have been added to our lives subsequent to her death have been monumental. No matter what I feel and no matter the depth of my grief, I cannot continue to live in the past. I must lead my family from a position of faith and strength that demonstrates love and respect to them first. In doing so, I will serve my God as He commands.

I have been lax in performing my daily personal devotional activities since Nov.8/10. One change will be to continue to return to those things that will help me grow and presumable become a better person based on the influx of spiritual wisdom that comes from a relationship with the One who loves me more than anyone else.

So, look to this forum for some more regular comments, it's time to move on, I'm getting better.