I realize that I need to take time to "tend my soul".
We live in a society that reinforces the busy and does not usually recognize the need to "take" time for reflection and thought processing. Too many times I find myself day dreaming and then feel guilty because of the clock on the wall and the demands it places upon me.
Our western work ethic demands so much of us and what does it give? I have my own work ethic, it says give my employer a fair days work for the wages that they give to me. It doesn't always set the traditional time frames for goal accomplishment, but rather looks at the goal and fits it in when appropriate.
I used to take a day away from work for prayer and quiet meditation every 3 - 4 months. I have not done this in several years mainly due to changes at the Monastery where I attended. It has come to my attention that they are returning to a monthly format again and I can't wait to go.
I also have friends who own a beautiful b & b called Applewood Hollow who have offered for me to spend a night or two there if I need to get away for some solitude. What you see in the photo above is the entrance to the third room which is set aside for people who want to get away for some silence, solitude and to "tend their soul".
I need to stop thinking and start planning. While I await, the drudge of grief continues.
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