What is it with people these days anyway?
Maybe, just maybe, Rodney King had it right when he said "why can't we all just get along?".
It's probably because of one thing, selfishness. The burning of someone else's holy book no matter what you think of it and its' contents is just plain wrong. There is nothing good that can come from this behaviour. But, to blame it as an excuse for other behaviour is just idiotic and irrational. That's tantamount to saying "you made me (add your own action here)". No one can make you do anything you choose not to do. So, now thousands in places afar and to most unknown are protesting and burning flags and who knows what else, and not just American flag by the way. I wonder why? This just gives the haters another stage and who is to blame for that? For the so called leader of the free world to get into this "discussion" is also idiotic. The press blew the story about the 50 member church in Florida into the flames that it has become (no pun intended). This is so much more than the 15 minutes that they deserved, if in fact they deserved any. The time to stop reporting this on national news is now. It's time to stop reporting on this selfish man and his flock. Take away the platform.
And another thing is this mosque or centre that they are planning to build. The plan is to name it Cordoba, and not after the car by the way. They hold Cordoba as a bastion of inter religious equality, but a good read of history tells a different tale. The place was taken by force from Christians many years ago. Read the truth and see what it really means. So, why would a "peace loving" group want to put an Islamic Centre near the place of almost 3000 murders? Why is there a church still awaiting permission from the City of New York to repair their building damaged on 911 when this "centre" has been given permission to go ahead? Mr. Trump is offering to purchase the land at a 25% premium in cash so that they would not build their centre there and what has been the answer? They purchased the property for 4.8 million less than a year ago and Trump offered them 6 million. They said no because the property is worth more than 20 million. In an article in "The Atlantic" Trump refers to this as "extortion". Hmm, selfishness, you bet! Just watch carefully and see what they do with this one.
This weekend, tomorrow to be exact is the 9th anniversary of the murders of September 11, 1991. Some people are looking at the beginning of the Jewish High Holy days, the end of ramadan and the anniversary of 911 as some type religious confluence or convergence of great import. This is being used to talk about tolerance, a wonderful word that currently seems to mean "don't disagree with me or I'll add phobe to the end of whoever I am and apply it to you". What I believe is really happening is the opportunity to trick people into accepting what they do not wish to accept under the guise of tolerance and political correctness . Once again, selfishness but to what aim? What's next a one world religion?
Why can't we just get along? Because in a life without peace, forgiveness and some semblance of a "golden rule" there will always be selfishness. How can we change the course of humanity? Try a little tenderness, (I just had to have a musical reference). But seriously folks, when was the last time you worked for peace? When was the last time you forgave someone? When was the last time you did to someone as you wish they would have done to you? Life isn't about burning books, or imposing oneself on others, or extortion but rather on living a life beyond the mirror of self and one of serving others.
Some thoughts as the summer draws to an end and the fall begins and winter awaits.........................
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