Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Food I want to cook on my new BBQ

I received a new BBQ for Father's day 2010. It is sitting in my garage completely built and hasn't seen a single flame yet. My beloved has determined that no one but myself is allowed to use it until I have recovered enough from this year's surgery.

It's a Weber, a Genesis, special edition, even. And it is a beautiful piece of furniture. My good friend Ken built it for me so when I am allowed to use it he and his bride will be one of the first guests.

So, on to the foods I want to cook on it.

Steak and lots of different cuts



Prime Rib Roast

Pork Loin Roast


Grilled Veggies

Chicken on the rotisserie

I love cooking and I want to try some new things, so check back soon to see what cooking adventures I have been on. It's been a while since I cooked anything, so when I get the go ahead from the Dr. I will be cooking feverishly to feed my family and my friends. I am getting hungry already, mmmmmmmmmmm, even homemade burgers sound great at this point.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

As sure as eggs is eggs

I had a thought the other day, well actually I had more than one but the purpose of this post is to begin to explore the one that is reflected in the title of this post. I want to build a chicken coop. I then want to put chickens in it and I want to begin to have fresh eggs to eat. I have friends who have one, check out the following link to their amazing B&B


The photo above is from the living quarters of the owners of the B&B. The purpose of this post is to begin the process of thinking about, then designing and building my very own chicken coop. So, if you hear the sounds of clucking and whatever chickens do coming from my back yard in the future, you can be assured that the fresh eggs are being developed. Should be fun, I hope.

First do no harm

That's part of the Hippocratic oath taken by doctors apparently.

There is a difference between hurt and harm, I have been preaching it for more than 24 years in my professional life to the people I am honoured to provide assistance to. Things are certainly different from this perspective. Now I am the one listening to someone drone on about "between 1 and 10 how is your pain?". It's really an idiotic question if you ask me. Asking someone hours after surgery has been conducted to open the entire lumbar section of their spine is akin to asking a pregnant woman how the pain is just before the delivery. The simple answer, "it hurts more than before the surgery should suffice" but is doesn't. I know the purpose is to assess and then review later, but since it is so subjective, what reasonable information can be gained by the ongoing question?

Oh well, the pain is now lower in some ways that pre-surgery and that's great. My ability to walk about is improving, in fact I went for a "walk" yesterday. I walked from my house down my driveway to the driveway of my next door neighbour and then I walked home. A momentous achievement. I hope to "walk" a little more when I can with the goal of walking around the block with my beloved.

This, in spite of all the pain, tells me that I am getting better. For this I am truly thankful. I really need to remember that I am only 10 days post major surgery. I will continue to update this blog with my successes and struggles as well as with some other thoughts that are finally pushing through the fog of drugs.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Surgery 2010 issue 2

I am now more than 5 days post surgery. To quote the amazing James Brown "I feel good". There have been some interesting experiences over the last few days but like the old adage (or was it wag) says: "in a few years we'll be laughing about it", so I look towards the laughter and not the frustration.

So far the work of an amazing surgeon and OR team has me moving with greater mobility and less pain (some of the time). It seems that my strength is improving where I have had some loss of ability. I have been told a nerve takes a millimetre a day to recover. Good thing I have short legs, because now I finally have a reason to be thankful for being the shortest in the house.

Speaking of short, this will be a short post, I cannot sit her for very long periods.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Surgery 2010 issue 1

Well here we go again.

In approximately 36 hours the blade of the knife will once again be drawn along my spine in another attempt to resolve what has become a lingering problem. This time they think they have identified the problem and will attempt to install what I have been referring to as a grown up "meccanno" set.

I am scared, excited, thankful and also feeling a multitude of emotions as I await the next part of this journey. The first one worked but only for a few days and the problems returned again. Now, I have the feeling that they have finally identified the source of the issue and are trying to resolve the root(pun intended) issue to the problem.

In the midst of emotions I have been experiencing is peace. My friends have prayed for me to have peace in this journey. So I trust the "Prince of Peace" to pour it out on me and I will rest in His mighty healing and gentle arms for the next days as I experience this again.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The unknown commenter

For some time now, I have been receiving comments from someone who leaves his/her comments in a language that I do not speak or read. It appears to be in one of the oriental languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean or something else. It looks beautiful but I have not been able to find a website that can translate it yet.

So whoever you are, thanks for the comments (I think), but I can't read it, so try and get it translated for me please.

It's time for a few changes

Clearly, I hope, you can see that I have made some changes to the blog.

Why you may ask? Well, it's like this, the blog has been in existence for quite some time and it really needs some changes. I have been working on personal change for some time now and I thought that the new view looked pretty cool. It actually fits with the title "The Path is Clear".

The path is clear as I look forward through the window that is provided for me and you in the blog. There are other changes also. I have taken my health more seriously in the past 9 months as I have now lost 41 pounds and am planning on losing more. I "want to be well". I am tired of not changing things that I have the power to change and so I am doing it in a very healthy way.

There are other things too, most of which will be in other posts, which will follow this one. Let me know what you think about the changed blog, please feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line via email. I'll leave you with this quote:

"there is nothing wrong with change if it is in the right direction"