The flooding is almost biblical in proportion except I haven't been paying attention for 40 days yet. Without provocation, memories take residence in the front of my mind and people, scenes and voices become more prominent than before. Is there a reason for all this? Should I have a guide in this process? I've been thinking a lot lately about what this might mean, maybe the sub conscious is fighting a winning battle to bring something to my attention. Maybe this experience is happening so I will pay attention to something or someone and maybe just me, you never know. We are so much more than separated faculties, body, mind, soul are intertwined so significantly, yet most of us, treat them as separate and unrelated entities. I have been treating them like that, but now they are starting to merge like a Canadian does on a highway, definitely not the way an American does (sorry personal comment about American driving just had to come out there).
I am guilty of neglect. I have done so much to stop the sounds for so long that I am amazed that I can actually still hear them now. I'll journey lightly, taking baby steps into the watery recesses as vocal memories flash into my life. I'll be careful to listen to the voices not just for the words but also for the intent. I will also listen to my heart as whatever is made aware will likely bring some questions.
That's it for now, I'll let you in on my experiences when I return.
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