Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Struck by beauty, drowning in tears

Have you ever been struck by beauty that you just couldn't shake it? I am sure that you have, I have recently been struck by the beauty of a piece of music that I cannot let it go. Amazing that an 8 minute or so piece of music can have such a strong hold on me. The song and its lyric content has had me in tears since Fathers day. My kids gave me an itunes card as a gift and I "discovered" the following song. It's a pain filled song of loss and penitence and hopefully redemption.

The one line that keeps coming back to me is "Lord, how long must this go on"? How many times has this been the cry of my own heart? One thing that struck me about the participants in this version of the song (including the incomparable Billy Preston on the organ) is the amount of emotion spent to play their parts, clearly Clapton wrote and sings the part, but his playing shows such raw emotion exuding the pain. The others, including the drummer, play with such abandon the speaks to their complete commitment to the presentation of this piece. Take a few moments and turn this up, watch and listen, maybe shed a tear for whatever has gone on too long for you.

Remember, at the  end we must move forward and not "drown in this river of tears".


Here is another version, I'll let you decide which one you like better, I can't.

Have a great day wherever you are listening to this. How long O lord has been asked by others and He will answer in His perfect timing, not yours or mine. Be patient, wait and persevere. It is this endurance that will have you smile through the tears.

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