Friday, July 31, 2009

The big reveal for the week of July 27/09

Good morning music fans and welcome to a long weekend. For me it's an extra long weekend as I am off today also. Woo Hoo bring on the rain I mean the sun.

I thought that this weeks was a tough one and it was, although two intrepid musicologists, friends and hero's of mine did submit answers (sort of). One chose to write a comment on the original post regarding this weeks song (you might want to read it, it's kinda funny) and the other sent a traditional e-mail with all the correct information and some additional stuff that I didn't ask for.

Congratulations to Perry D. and Don (The Chief) R. for getting all and more of the info correct. Neither attended the big show, but Don says they were planning to, but never made it. Perry and I are of similar vintage and I know that while he was geographically closer to Bethel NY he wasn't there. Too bad Don wasn't there, he too would have had some stories to tell us about the music and he would have remembered all of it.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: I'm going home (or
The writer of the song: Alvin Lee
The name of the band: Ten Years After
What day they played at Woodstock: Sunday evening (day 3) between Country Joe and the Fish and The Band

Here is a version of the song from the Woodstock movie

Some great stuff here. I am looking forward to visiting some of the memorable and not so memorable acts from Woodstock over the next four weeks or so. Have a great long weekend, enjoy the break and maybe just maybe we will have more than one day in a row of sunshine to bask in as we take our rest. I will leave you with this quote from another Woodstock performer can you tell me who it is?

Music is a safe type of high. It's more the way it was supposed to be. That's where my highness came, I guess, from anyway. It's nothing but rhythm and motion.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday Musing (#46)

Happy Tuesday everyone
So much to say and so few words to use. This will be the shortest Tuesday musing yet as I cannot formulate into words what I want to say. Oh well, at least I won't agonize over what I should and should not say and that's a good thing.
Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, July 27, 2009

obscure lyric for the week of July 27/09

Good morning music fans and before I forget congratulations to Donna M. and Scott G. for getting some of the answers from last week's contest correct. I was away and did not have access to my computer so could not update the bog with the correct guessers. Well we are in the last week of July which leads us to the first week in August, funny how that happens. For this week and the month of August I will be using songs that were performed at what was "The Woodstock Music and Art Fair". And as Gandalf says: "and now it begins"

It (Woodstock)was in 1969 and it was held from Aug.15 to 18. I wasn't there but have watched the movie (back when it was a movie) in high school and have read a little about the weekend and am jealous that I was not there. But, I wasn't in the country and I was only 11 at the time. So Happy 40th anniversary to Woodstock. This weeks song was released in August 1968 and was recorded in Klook's Kleek in London which was a live venue. The original LP consisted of only 5 songs with this weeks song being the last. In the 2002 CD re-release there are 9 songs. The song was not written by a chipmunk. The band followed Leslie West/Mountain and was followed by The Band at Woodstock.

Here is this weeks lyric:

gonna see my baby, see my baby fine
Take my baby, take my baby mine
Gonna tell your Momma how good that love of ours

I would like to know the following:

The name of the song:
The writer of the song:
The name of the band:
What day of Woodstock they played:

Have a great week, enjoy the weather, no matter what it is like, it will likely change soon, sounds like a Jimmy Buffet song if you ask me, or was it a country song, which reminds me of part of a conversation that I overheard while on vacation. Two men were talking and one said (no kidding): "I was an assistant produce manager and she was just a cashier" I pretty near fell off my chair laughing and then thought that it would make a great country song. That's another blog someday. Have an awesome week. If I have time, there may be some more hints on Wednesday.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuesday Musings #45 on a Saturday morning after the cottage

I was at the cottage this week. We had outstanding sunny weather from Monday to Wednesday, incredibly rainy weather on Thursday and a mixed bag of mostly sunshine on Friday for our drive home. There you have the weather report for last week from Haliburton, specifically Wenona Lake. Above is a picture from the floating dock where we spent many hours reading and "killing worms" although my beloved caught the only fish (a perch) of the week.

I was thinking about the beauty of our place of residence, the lake, the area, our province, country and our amazingly beautiful earth this week while I sat and rested. The "Planet Earth Series" is nice to watch, and I enjoyed just being here this past week. My beloved suggested that next year we bring the telescope.

I wondered as I sat there how many people do not have the opportunity to do the things I and my family have been able to do. How many people can have the privilege to sit on a deck at night and really see the stars in sky with no light pollution. Yes the mosquito's were annoying, but the sky was amazing. Watching the cars going north yesterday and we travelled south told me that loads of people have the chance to see the sky as we did but many cannot have ever had the pleasure of this.

So I though as the week progressed, how blessed am I? I live in the best country in the world. I have a great job, I am surrounded by family who love me, I have many acquaintances that I occasionally spend time with and I have and do so much more. In addition to that I believe that all of this was created (you knew I was going there didn't you?) and did not arise out of a "big bang", I did not come from primordial slime and neither did I come from a monkey (and no we are not distant cousins). I believe in a Creator who did this "and it was very good".

So, all this was created for me (and you) to have the pleasure of viewing it when we can (and sometimes when we wish). But, what about those who cannot view this beauty because of financial or other reasons, was it not created for them too? I have a responsibility as a member of this "family" to see to it that I do all I can so that others can too sit and wonder at a night sky and enjoy it.

In my musing I have enjoyed what I have the pleasure of seeing and challenged to think of others who may have access to less than I have and to do something about it.
Happy Saturday everyone

Friday, July 24, 2009

The big reveal for the week of July 20/09

Hello out there, it's Friday(not really, but you are reading this on Friday).I trust that you all had a great week. If the weather turned out the way it was predicted then it was a hot week with lots of sunshine.

We (my beloved and I) were at the cottage all week and today as we travel home are celebrating her birthday. I met her when she was fifteen and therefore have known her for ............hmm it's rude to ask a lady's age, so I better not tell. Suffice it to say that we have known each other for some time. As I wrote this before I received any answers, I am unable to give ant "props" to anyone who may or may not have been able to answer the questions, My guess is that more than a few knew this one.

Time for the big reveal:

What is the name of the song: Summer in the City
The relationship between the sweathogs and the song: Both this song and "Welcome back" were sung by John Sebastian, the lead singer of The Lovin' Spoonful"
What band recorded it: The Lovin' Spoonful
Whose Brother wrote it: it was written by John Sebastian's brother (Mark Sebastian)
The car horn: Volkswagen Beetle
Construction tool: A jackhammer

Check out the hair, clothes and "performance by these guys.

Have a great weekend. I will see some of you next week. I sure hope I can remember all my passwords. Getting up in the morning to come into work should be fun. Oh well, only four weeks to my next two weeks of summer vacation.

Reality is just a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs

Monday, July 20, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of July 20/09

Hello music fans, it's Monday already. Actually I wrote this on Friday, so I hope you all had a great weekend and by the time most of you read this, my beloved and I will already be on our way to the cottage. We expect to arrive just after noon and once the unpacking is completed, let the resting and reading and oh yeah the sipping begin.

So I was thinking of some songs for the next to last week of July and I chose this one. I have a few hints, and Gary D. actually helped me with his response to last week's question which went something like this " oo oo o I know this one Mr Kotter". No the song is not by the sweathogs, or any of the cast of Welcome Back Mr. Kotter, but thanks for the memory. The writer of this song has something in common with the Sweathogs and you will have to figure this one out.

This song is really old. I was only 9 when the song was released. If you know how old I am now, that might be a hint, if you don't then if you know when JFK was killed and add three years then you will know when the song was released. I am looking for some fun answers this week, so if you know the song, then let's hear it.

here are some lyrics:

But at night it's a different world
Go out and find a girl
Come on come on and dance all night
Despite the heat it'll be alright

What is the name of the song:
The relationship between the sweathogs and this song:
What band recorded it:
Whose brother wrote the song:
The horn from what automobile is heard:
What construction tool is heard:

Have a great week. I will be away with my beloved for the week and as I noted will be resting, reading and sipping. It looks like it will be a great week and no matter what the weather brings, I am planning on a wonderful time in the country. We don't live in the city, but summer at the lake is much more preferable to me, the sounds are so different and the peace, quiet and the stars at night will be awesome.

The week of July 27/09 will be the last week of summer songs as I will be spending the entire month of August remembering the event that was Woodstock, the one and only that occurred in 1969. By the way, that was the year that I arrived in Canada, so I am also celebrating a 40th anniversary

Friday, July 17, 2009

The big reveal for the week of July 13/09

Wow, the first four days of my vacation have just flown by. It's been a busy week, and even so it has certainly been restful. Friday is here and with it the big reveal. Clearly this was not a tough one as a number of you wrote to me to me with the correct answers, at least most of them.

I guess the combination of recognizable lyrics, the Woodstock reference and the answer in the question made things a little easier this week. I can't do really tough ones all the time now can I? The following people (and in this order) e-mailed me here with some of the correct answers: Chris W.(again), Gary D. and Debbie M. congratulations and let's see what you can do with next weeks quiz.

Here are your answers:

The name of the song: Summertime Blues
The writer of the song: Eddie Cochrane
Who sang it at Woodstock: The Who
What time was it sung at Woodstock: according to multiple sources, the Who started their set at 4:00 a.m. and they sang "See Me Feel Me" just as the sun was rising, so somewhere between 4:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. will do

Below is a video of the Who performing at Woodstock in 1969. The original festival at Max Yasgurs farm.

Have a great weekend. Whether it rains or shines doesn't matter, it's the weekend. We will be busy getting ready for 5 glorious days at the cottage (that's camp for your northerners) and doing more of resting, reading and relaxing. I hope that yours is a fun weekend. I really like the quote below as it expresses what was supposed to happen at Woodstock on a farmer's field.

Love is to the heart what summer is the the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Insomnia kicking in

I can't sleep. When I do get to sleep I then find myself waking up as many as five times a night. Seems that there's something going on and I can't figure it out. The only time I seem to sleep through the night these days is when I ingest something to make me sleep and that just tiring, I know that's a bad pun.

Apparently there's something funny going on in my blood stream. I went to my local phlebotomist the other day and a few days later received the dreaded call from the health centre that the Dr. wants to see you about the tests. Something to do with letters and numbers and levels and who knows what. I am a man and I don't make a habit of seeing the Dr. real often. Actually they are nice people. They are two doctors who share a practice. And why do they have to practice anyway, shouldn't they be good at it by now? When I started my new job, I had to practice (read role play) for two days and I was off and running, but I don't get to prescribe mind altering drugs, although there are some people who could use them if I could prescribe them. Now I'm way off topic, as usual.

There is something bothering me. That situation about those people who adopted all those kids and then were murdered in Florida is bothering me. You know all the fuss about Michael Jackson dying and what did he do to help humanity? OK maybe he gave a few bucks to some telethon sometime (he might have under an assumed name) and then maybe not, I think he was flat broke when he died. But these folks had done so much to help all those kids and where's the big hullabaloo about them. Oh it will die (another bad pun) down soon and then they will be forgotten except for all those kids who lost the Mommy and Daddy.

Where do people get off just killing someone like that? It's almost unforgivable you know. Just about all this stuff is so bad, I think I could never forgive if it happened to me or my family and then I am reminded about a story that Jesus told in the bible about a man owing the King 10, 000 talents. I heard that a talent was equal to 20 years wages, so someone owing 10, 000 times 20 years of their salary would owe a lot. You think about your salary and determine what it might be if you were owing 20 years salary times 10,000. It's is so large it would be impossible to pay back in many lifetimes and that is the point Jesus is making!

We (the individuals in the human race) are represented by the man who owes Him, the King, the debt. It is unpayable (I doubt that it's a word, but I just made it up) and the King forgives the debt. So no matter what I have done, or will do, if my relationship with the King is right, then my debt is paid as in "forgive us our debts as we forgive those who owe us" my paraphrase. So, no matter what is "owed" to me out there, the hurt, the damage, the disrespect, the failed promises and no matter what else, I must forgive and then set myself free and the debtor free as well.

Those men in Florida will deal with the Florida department of justice and in the words of Dr. Mennan, "someday there will be a reckoning" and someone with greater power than the Florida department of justice will determine who has been forgiven and who has not. Either way, they will face the King and He will "reign for ever and ever".

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My reading list

It's summer holidays and I get to do what I like to do (well most of the time). For me that means time alone with my beloved just hanging out, long chats over coffee (or you name the beverage), cooking favourite meals and even trying some new ones, washing the car, resting, reading, sipping, and even time alone. Now that's what I call a vacation. We will also spend 5 days next week sans enfants.

The rest of this week (and the majority of next week) will be comprised of a combination of resting and reading. I have continued to journey through the bible, in fact I am more than half way through the entire book and I plan on continuing my bible reading on a daily basis(can't quit now and don't want to).

In addition to this, I will be reading everything from the Sun (Toronto and Ottawa, to see what's up with the latest Heater saga) to simple reads like: "The Shack" (I have tried reading it at least five times), "tuesdays with Morrie", the latest Cussler (or some older ones), a biography on Churchill and some marriage related books. No we are not in trouble, we are doing well thank you very much and have been given the opportunity to mentor others in their marriages. We will ensure that we are not considered counsellors, because we are not. Our role is to walk beside people as they need someone to chat with as they navigate the roller coaster that marriage invariably is. We will also use the "Love and Respect" material, by Emmerson Eggerichs. We have used this material in a small group setting and will be presenting it to a larger group on Sunday mornings at our church in the fall. I am excited to go through this again, more opportunities to learn to be a better husband.

One marriage book is called: "How we Love" by Milan and Kay Yerkovich (great name eh?). They are a married couple who are trained marriage counsellors. I've been trying to read this book for some time and now have finally been able to crack the pages and have begun to delve deeper into the things that affect our current state. Interestingly, they point to childhood issues that now continue to affect our lives in the present. Those issues are comfort, touch and listening. They suggest that how we were comforted (or not at all), how we were touched (lots of issues for lots of people here) and how we were listened to (or not at all) have a significant affect on our adult to adult (married and other) and adult to child relationships.

I feel like I am back at school and studying and I am enjoying it. I want to take all of it in and then pass it on to as many people as I can. I love this stuff because it makes sense. I realize that I need to be in "the mood" to get this stuff. I need to be away from the daily demands of work and be able to focus my attention on the material at hand. Fortunately, this being vacation time I can take as much time as I want to read, take notes, commit it to memory and then continue to learn from it.

I am sure that there will be many blogs coming from my summer reading material, so be prepared to hear(read) some of my thoughts about the material.

Just thinking and reviewing

I've been thinking about my blog and my musing on this Tuesday.

If you know me, you know how much I treasure family and friends and guests that are new too. I do not want to be misunderstood so to be clear, I like my quietness and privacy, I do not dislike my family and friends and new guests. I actually try to demonstrate love and kindness to them whether they are old friends(family) or new acquaintances. OK now that I've said that, I am at peace.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Musings (#44)

Happy Tuesday everyone

Day two of summer vacation and so far it's gone pretty well. The weather has been good, at least I think so. There has been enough sun, some heat to stay warm on the deck and little rain, so far. We have had house guests for almost the last two weeks. The first half was a guest of Josh's and the second was the sister of my beloved. I like both of them and enjoyed being with them, although Josh's friend may not return, but that"s a story for another post in another time.

I know that in the past I have blogged about house guests. I do not particularly like having overnight guests in my home for prolonged periods of time. Don't get me wrong, I think I am quite hospitable and I love to entertain, I just get tired of people being in my space (another type of social networking) on an ongoing basis. Our little abode is not that big, well to be honest it's not big at all so invariably, I retreat to my bedroom or to my office(where the computer and itunes are) for some peace, quiet and personal time.

Thankfully, the weather has been good and most activities have been outside. Maybe I need to look inside and see why I don't share so much when it comes to my home. I love cooking for guests and enjoy the pleasure that they receive from the meals that I prepare. I usually play nice in the sandbox, so to speak, and I am looking forward to the next few days of just my beloved and I (well Josh is still around too, but Alex is at camp) spending some time together without interruption and ceaseless additional noises.

I love family and friends and just like medicine I take them in small doses and only when prescribed. I guess I just like my own little family and my little bungalow and the simplicity of our existence. I hope I don't sound rude or small minded, but this is who I am and what I experience. I'm not usually rude intentionally so I'm sure they didn't even notice my forays in privacy as they did their thing.
Just so you know, next Tuesday I will be at the cottage, so there may not be any musing online until I get home. I will probably just sit on the dock with pen and pad and write it out, ahhh serenity .....pretty tough to handle eh?
Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, July 13, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of July 13/09

Hello and welcome to the second week of July. I'm beginning to transition to my tribute to the music and the amazing music event that was Woodstock. I wasn't there, I hadn't even entered this country, never mind the good old US of A. I wonder if any of those who read this actually attended the festival.

This is a summer song and was sung at Woodstock, by whom I guess you will have to figure. I am away from work right now enjoying the sunshine and the rest. I am reading as much as I can.  It looks like it's going to be nice for the next two weeks (good for me) and hopefully the uplifting benefit of summer will encourage you as it is me.

here are some lyrics from this weeks song:

I'm gonna raise a fuss, I'm gonna raise a holler
About workin' all summer just to earn a dollar
Every time I call my baby, and try to get a date
my boss says, "no dice son, you gotta work late"

I would like to know:

The name of the song:
The writer of the song:
Who sang it at Woodstock:
Approximately what time this song was sung at Woodstock:

Have a great week. I'll send out the big reveal on Friday. If you would like to guess, feel free to write to me at my home address.  

Friday, July 10, 2009

The big reveal for the week of July 6/09

Yeah it's Friday! Welcome to the weekend. For me, the end of today is the start of two weeks of vacation. I have been waiting for this since January. The last time I had more than three days off was in January, so this break is going to be so sweet. I have very little planned which for me is the best kind of vacation.

Alright now (hmm Argent I think) let's get back to the summer songs. A few of you have identified that you are still reading the blog and the following two people were the first to e-mail with the correct answers: Chris W. (way to go, second week in a row) and Lori S. The rest of you must be on vacation.

Here are this week's answers:

The song: Summer Breeze
The writer (s): Jim Seals and Dash Crofts
The "brothers" who covered the song: The Isley Brothers (not the Jacksons).

As I am on vacation for the next two weeks, I will do my best to get the songs out next Monday and will advise you via my personal e-mail, feel free to reply to that address if you know the answer. The following week I will be away from all computers (yeah) and will just program (speaking of computers) the lyric and answer before I go.
Below you will see a pretty rough video of the song. I prefer to remember the days when this was playing so clearly on my am/fm radio and every time I heard it I would rush to turn it up, especially when we were sitting at the beach in Port.

Have a great weekend. Mine will last more than the usual 2 days, it's gonna be 16 days long. And Oh what a feeling that's gonna be! As Covey says, it's time to "sharpen the saw". Let me just say that this saw needs some sharpening. Over the next two weeks there will be lots of reading and relaxing and then my beloved and I will get 5 days alone just to listen, talk, listen some more and enjoy the quiet and rest of the cottage.

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Struck by beauty, drowning in tears

Have you ever been struck by beauty that you just couldn't shake it? I am sure that you have, I have recently been struck by the beauty of a piece of music that I cannot let it go. Amazing that an 8 minute or so piece of music can have such a strong hold on me. The song and its lyric content has had me in tears since Fathers day. My kids gave me an itunes card as a gift and I "discovered" the following song. It's a pain filled song of loss and penitence and hopefully redemption.

The one line that keeps coming back to me is "Lord, how long must this go on"? How many times has this been the cry of my own heart? One thing that struck me about the participants in this version of the song (including the incomparable Billy Preston on the organ) is the amount of emotion spent to play their parts, clearly Clapton wrote and sings the part, but his playing shows such raw emotion exuding the pain. The others, including the drummer, play with such abandon the speaks to their complete commitment to the presentation of this piece. Take a few moments and turn this up, watch and listen, maybe shed a tear for whatever has gone on too long for you.

Remember, at the  end we must move forward and not "drown in this river of tears".


Here is another version, I'll let you decide which one you like better, I can't.

Have a great day wherever you are listening to this. How long O lord has been asked by others and He will answer in His perfect timing, not yours or mine. Be patient, wait and persevere. It is this endurance that will have you smile through the tears.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Musings # 43

Happy Tuesday everyone
I was driving to Hanover this morning and heard someone on the radio talk about endurance. They were not talking about running a race (or maybe they were) but rather about making a decision in the midst of opposition and then having the internal fortitude to keep going, sometimes against the grain.

How many times have there been when you have made a decision to do something and in the midst of the situation, opposition came and you changed your mind to take the easier road, the road less travelled some say. I have a difference of opinion with someone and I need to express myself (in some ways challenge that person). This is not someone close to me, we have rarely spoken, but "rub shoulders" in a number of arenas and I just can't get the issue off my mind. So to my family, friends work colleagues and others who read this, relax, I won't be calling you anytime soon for a chat. The old "we need to talk" chat.

So, do I have the endurance to call and speak and express my opinion or do I take the easier (or not) road and not say anything and let the issue die. It's all about communication you see. In my less than humble opinion, poor communication and choices lead to a situation where I felt that I could not do my best in a situation where I try to present my best always. Did anyone notice? My wife did and my kids did, they knew that something was up and that I was projecting something less than usual.

The question I need to ask is will my "endurance" in completing this task cause greater harm than if I do nothing. We have been taught to take our issues directly to the one who we have the issue with, so to do an "end around" to the person in charge just doesn't work, although I am sure that this path (end around) is much easier and more often used, or is it? I am not sure that I have the endurance to keep thinking about it (a common practice) so maybe I'll just avoid it and them. Wow, who would have thought that a simple word about something else heard on the radio would cause such consternation? I know this, I will keep thinking, listening and do what is right, sometime soon. I am on holidays for the next two Tuesdays, I may not have anything to muse about and then again, I may.

Happy Tuesday everyone

Monday, July 6, 2009

Obscure lyric for the week of July 6/09

Wow it's July already. We have just come through Canada day and Independence day (yeah Will Smith) and it's Monday. This week, I have intentionally chosen a song by an American and since I have family, and friends who were "Born in the USA" I need to give them equal places on the stage that is the "obscure musical lyric".

This weeks song was written by one of two people or was it written by both? I am not sure so you will have to let me know what is correct. The song was released in 1972 (the year of the original Canada Russia hockey challenge). The song reached number 6 on the U.S. charts. The song was re-issued in 1974 by a set of "brothers" and covered by many others.

Here are some of the lyrics (apropos as we are now in July):

sweet days of summer, the jasmine's in bloom
July is dressed up and playing her tune
when I come home from a hard days work
and you're waiting there, not a care in the world

I would like to know the following:

The name of the song:
The name of the writer (s) and the band:
The name of the "other" band one of the members is/was in:
The name of the "brothers" who covered the song:

Have a great week, I will be on holidays in one week. I am so ready for a few weeks away. No worries though, I will prepare the blog ahead of time so when I am away you will have something to look at on Mondays and Fridays. Oh by the way, for the month of August I am planning on using some of the music from the original Woodstock, seeing that this year is the 40Th anniversary of the little party at Max Yasgur's farm in upstate New York

Friday, July 3, 2009

The big reveal for the week of June 29/09

Welcome to Friday, apparently, the sun is supposed to return for the next few days. I don't know about you but I am ready for some vitamin d big time. I may not have seasonal affective disorder, but I need some sunshine in my life. There you go humming along with Stevie Wonder...... "you are the sunshine of my life................"

I had two correct guesses this week, although neither knew all of the obscure answers and they admitted to it as well. This weeks winners are Chris W. and Paul K. (my bro-in-law). I have some really bad pictures of him (he normally looks nice) from a family gathering but did not have time to get his permission, so maybe the next time. Congrats to the two of you and I assume many more guessed the correct song and band name.

here are your answers:

The name of the song: Sunny Days
The name of the band: Lighthouse
How they got their name: Duke Ellington (yes that Duke Ellington), introduced them for their gig at the Rock Pile (Toronto's Masonic Temple) as follows: " I'm beginning to see the" and the rest as they say is history.
The band's original name: The paupers
Where Howard Shore (Saxophonist for the band and writer of the music for the Lord of the Rings movies and many more) went to work in 1975: Saturday Night Live

I could not find a version on utube that showed the band live, but you know what just listening to this song makes me smile. There is at least one other version on utube that just didn't fit this blog, so I left it there.

Have an awesome weekend, the sun will return. As a friend of mine says, the sun is shining above the clouds. Enjoy some well deserved time away from the grind stone. Wasn't Canada day great in the middle of the week? I loved it. I am planning on finding a song to celebrate our friends from the south for next weeks song, partly because we have American family and we are (actually my son is hosting a "friend" for a few days) having a young lady visit us next week who is from Alabama or somewhere down there. This should be fun!

Love is to the heart what summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul