I usually write this blog before I start work on Tuesdays, but have changed my work hours somewhat, so I do not have time to write before I start at 7:00. The good thing is that I no longer arrive at work at 6:10 a.m. The demands have slowed somewhat and I have decided that whatever gets done in the allotted time is all that gets done, especially since this is the summer.
I was sitting and thinking (a rare duet for me) on fathers day and took stock of the existence that I try to manage and realized that in the midst of typical life trials, I am doing very well. Sure, there are issues of health for one of my children and lack of ongoing employment for both of my children, but I have never been happier. I am in a great place emotionally and spiritually. I think I may have come to that place of contentment in my existence.
One just needs to have a look at the tv ( a rare occurrence for me these days) to see the lack of respect for people around this globe. I live in the best country in the world. I am so thankful that my parents chose this country and that I have been able to raise my family here. Does this mean that I am lucky (if you believe in luck) or blessed (if you believe in being blessed)? From my perspective, I believe in blessings, I also believe that the difficulties that I experience are blessings waiting to be explored.
It's now Tuesday evening, I am tired and thankful. I have peace and safety as well as freedom. What more can one ask for?
Happy Tuesday everyone!
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