Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday Musings (#27)

Good Tuesday morning and happy St. Patricks day to all who are Irish and the rest of ye who wish you were Irish.

I've been doing some remembering lately. I'm not entirely sure why, but I've had a great deal of wonderful memories brought to the forefront of my mind over the last days and weeks. I have had memories from different part of my life just spring into my head and I have been enjoying them completely.

I was thinking about our family trips to Florida. When the kids were small we used to drive to Florida every other spring for a vacation with Oma and Opa(my wonderful in-laws) and we'd pull the kids out of school for approximately the last week of April and first week of May. We had awesome times, no visits to Mickey or other "attractions" just family fun on the beach or fishing in the inter coastal waterway just behind the tiny one floor motel we used to stay at.

This motel was originally part of a veterans hospital after the 2nd world war and was the coolest place(until the decided to keep snakes in the lobby). We got to know some of the regulars who were all retired and late afternoon they would meet in the "shop" out back and enjoy their pre-dinner drink. They would treat our kids to snacks and enjoy helping them fish and taught them where to buy a dozen shrimp for a buck (for bait).

Other memories have been related to music and the choir I used to sing in. I developed great friendships and had much fun at the expense of the basses. I miss those times and the weekly gatherings that meant so much to my learning and appreciation of chorale music.

They are all gone now, except in my memory. maybe that's the best place for them, the memories are all good and they all bring a smile.

Looking back, I have so much to be thankful for. I would guess that I have been able to do more in my life with my kids than most people have had the privilege to. My kids remember those times with fondness also. Which brings me to today. I remember going to the St. Patricks day Parade with my Dad and enjoying that time alone with him. Oh to have that time back, impossible in the real world, but very alive in my memory.

I think I need to create more memories for my family...........road trip anyone?

Happy Tuesday everyone

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